The whole story is about the events.

Bernard tells the story of the incident, and now, Bernard chooses to let the audience make a choice.

Bernard has two signal transcriptions copied from the repeater, one red and one blue.

The red transcription contains Leslie's real reply, but it also contains the truth about the starquake!

Once Rocky is informed of the matter, with his personality, even Bernard doesn't know what impulsive thing he will do.

The blue transcription is a record forged by Bernard, in which Leslie will reject Rocky's confession, so Rocky doesn't have to wait for Leslie anymore.

And now, the red truth and the blue lie, which record to give to Rocky, this choice is left to the audience.

Bernard: [Take it and think about it carefully. Rocky is still waiting for your news. ]

"Damn, how should I choose? I don't want to give any of them to Rocky!"

Looking at the development of such a heart-wrenching plot, Lao Mu couldn't bear to tell Rocky the cruel truth, nor did he want to choose to deceive him, so he simply looked at the barrage.

"Red! It has to be red! Leslie agreed!"

"Not good, these two people are no longer from the same time and space, let's give up as soon as possible, blue is better!"

"Otherwise, put it in the box and let Rocky draw lots, see his fate, this must be very interesting!"

"Drawing lots, the fun is dead!"

"This is too entangled, which big brother has chosen it and can you tell me what the ending is?"

"Choose red, then Rocky will shout [Leslie, I want to create a world with you], and then upgrade to a pure love star god!"

"It's outrageous!"

"It's really a fabrication!"

"It must be blue, I have thought about the development of the plot later, it must be Rocky getting married and becoming a father, and then I didn't expect Leslie to come back! Seeing that the lover who just confessed to me a few days ago has become someone else's husband and father, thinking of this scene, I am so excited!"

"Fuck, this is too bloody, my stomach hurts just thinking about it!"

"This smell is too strong, what a twisted soap opera at 8 o'clock in the evening!"

"Let's go with the red truth. It feels like Rocky will become a self-destructor while waiting for a glimmer of hope. He will only be supported by the belief of waiting for Leslie in his heart. When Leslie, who is still a young girl, comes back, he will just see Rocky, who is in his seventies, fulfill his wish and understand himself!"

"Fuck, what a bad taste, my stomach hurts already!"

"Shut up, you are not allowed to say it anymore (crying)!"

"You bunch of devils! Are you human!"

"Compared to these endings, I still prefer to believe that the previous one is upgraded to a pure love star god!"

"You have no heart, production team!"

"It's okay, this story is just so-so (put on sunglasses)!"

"Hand over your sunglasses!"

Seeing that the barrage was also in a mess, Lao Mu had to make his own choice.

Looking at the two choices in front of him, Lao Mu remembered what Bernard had said before.

Compared to being rejected, it is more cruel to not be able to be with someone who shares the same mind as you.

Although I am reluctant to face this reality, compared to life, love is just a seasoning.

When Lao Mu's choice leaned towards the blue lie, the scene of choosing to get on the train or stay in the space station appeared in front of him.

Lao Mu still remembers the feeling of regret when he was forced to stay in the space station by the barrage and saw the star train leaving.

But now, I actually want others to make choices according to my own ideas!

"His fate should be decided by himself. I have made up my mind to choose the red truth!"

Lao Mu decided to find Rocky. When he chose the red truth, all the audience's hearts were lifted!

What will Rocky do when he knows the truth?

The picture flashed, and Rocky took the record and read it carefully. The content in it shocked him a lot.

Rocky: [How could this happen... Leslie agreed to my confession, but the part about Xingzhen... I, I can't wrap my mind around it...]

It took a long time for Rocky to recover from the shock and carefully analyze the current situation.

Rocky: [It seems that... because of the gravitational effect of Xingzhen, every month of her time will pass, and decades of my time will pass. Doesn't that mean that when she comes back, I will be as old as my master?]

After saying this, he still couldn't believe it and asked Xing to confirm, and got a definite answer.

Rocky: [She,

She went to the future. And I stayed in the present... Is that so? Then the long time I missed her, to her, wasn't it just an insignificant moment? I didn't expect that even time would be unfair to people. 】

Some viewers who saw this had tears in their eyes. Yes, I didn't expect that even time would be unfair to people!

Rocky in the plot seemed to have come to his senses, and his tone was much more relaxed.

Rocky: [So, it's unrealistic to expect her to come back. Even if she travels for several months and crosses light years, I'm already an old man in my time coordinates. 】

[Spending a lifetime waiting for someone, enduring endless longing and loneliness... To be honest, buddy, you don't really think I'm that naive, do you? 】

Seeing this, Lao Mu and the audience felt very uncomfortable.

"Looks like Rocky is giving up?"

"That's normal. Who can bear this kind of waiting that may not bear fruit for decades!"

"Woo, woo, woo, I will never believe in love again!"

"Crying? Crying also counts as time!"

"It's the world's fault!"

"World: What's wrong with me?"

However, just when everyone thought that this relationship that hadn't even started was about to end, Rocky's words began to firm up.

Rocky: [Haha! Of course I won't wait for her! I won't wait! ]

[I won't wait....]

[But I'm going to chase her. I'm going to chase time! ]

[Since her space-time curve has become a canyon, instead of waiting for her to come out, can't I just cross this canyon? ]

[Maybe I'll spend ten years to find her who just spent a month, but our time flow rate will be the same from now on, which is better than sitting here and waiting to die! ]

No one expected that Rocky actually chose to chase time!

"Fuck, awesome!"

"So cool! I'm going to catch up with time!"

"Such a dazzling light, the path of pure love is being opened, welcome to the pure love star god Rocky!"

"This is like love!"

"Wow, this story is so tearful! The production team is so good!"

"I wonder if there are Rocky and Leslie in reality, I really want to know what their ending is!"

"May all lovers in the world get married!"

"Please, the last two people must be together, I will be their bridesmaid!"

"You must be happy!.jpg"

In the subsequent plot, Rocky made up his mind to leave the Black Tower Space Station and go to the universe, and left the last poem.

[Darkness is lined up in the distance. ]

[Dissecting time in an almost cruel way. ]

[The petals of the questioning love have fallen, like the ticking of clocks in infinite time and space. ]

[We have no choice but to slide into the ominous trembling of the universe, like sliding down a slope of dusk. 】

【Just like that, the stars are still enjoying the music above, and along the way will be their elegant tired faces. 】

To: Dim Star - End

All the audience did not expect Rocky's choice to be like this, and they all prayed and blessed the couple in their hearts.

And there was another blogger who saw this scene. His online ID is A Leng QAQ. He usually likes to make some secondary creation videos of game plots, but because most people are not very interested in game plots, the videos don't have much playback volume.

Originally, I just came to the live broadcast room to take a look, but I didn't expect to see such a romantic game branch!

Recalling the sentence "I want to catch up with time", A Leng, who was lying on the bed, couldn't fall asleep after thinking about it. The feeling of excitement after watching the plot kept wandering in his heart.

An idea came to A Leng's mind.

I want to write a song for this story!

I want more people to see this romantic branch!

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