The Internet is in an uproar because of this video of Silver Wolf!

Fans of both sides started a war in the comment area!

As for how many people pretended to be fans, there is no way to know!

In reality.

Silver Wolf's actions in the video are undoubtedly the biggest provocation to Black Tower!

Black Tower's anger began to soar, and even lost connection with the doll for a while, which made Estelle tremble. She had never seen Ms. Black Tower like this!

In the end, Black Tower sneered.

"You dare to post a video to challenge me openly, Silver Wolf. This time, I will make you lose clearly, and then block your Star Iron account!"

At this point, Heita looked at Esta and said.

"Esta, come and help me!"

"Oh, okay!"

While the netizens were still sighing at how fresh this melon was.

A response video featuring Heita once again ignited the battlefield!

In the video, Ms. Heita's puppet was facing the camera and outputing crazily!

"Silver Wolf, right!

I'll tell you now!

You are a... a guy from a rookie club!

With your luck, don't even think about meeting Ruan Mei in the simulated universe in this life!

Didn't you say you would wait for me in the simulated universe world six?

I will broadcast the simulated universe live on this account. Do you dare to enter the live broadcast room!

Let everyone see the difference in strength between you and me!"

As soon as Heita's response video came out, the melon-eating crowd felt that the melon was sweeter!

"Wow, Ms. Black Tower, you're really here!"

"Interesting, this is so much fun!"

"Dare to anger Ms. Black Tower, now the doomsday of the Star Core Hunter has come!"

"Do you have the strength to go against our Ms. Black Tower!"

"Surrender is also an option!"

"Show your belly when you apologize!"

"Oh my god, I have to sit up and watch this!"

"Roar, you are so arrogant, don't drop the little pearl if you don't meet Ruan Mei on the road!"

"The dolls are all over the floor for you, I must slap you in the face!"

And Silver Wolf, of course, saw Black Tower's response video the first time!

"Humph, you didn't choose to run away coldly, but took the initiative to close the distance? Then come on!"

As Silver Wolf manipulated the account to apply to join the live broadcast room, and Black Tower immediately approved the application, and the two appeared in the live broadcast room at the same time!

The two popular characters in the game met at this point, and the audience exclaimed: Oh my God, this is my favorite episode!

"You are quite confident. You don't really think you are lucky enough to encounter the Ruan Mei incident again! So many people will see your failure later, don't cry secretly!"

Silver Wolf took the lead and started to taunt with trash talk.

"Hmph, this sentence is for yourself. It's easy to deal with you, a little guy!"

After the Black Tower replied, both sides began to enter the simulated universe world six.

Unexpectedly, both of them chose the hunting destiny in their destiny. Maybe because they wanted to strive for the first pass, both sides chose the more efficient output destiny!

After entering the battle, the two of them calmed down and stopped taunting each other.

But don't think that everything is as calm as the live broadcast screen. A virtual war is happening in a place that the audience can't see!

While operating the game, Silver Wolf tapped the ether code at high speed, constantly locking the specific location of the Black Tower's operating equipment!

The challenge with the Black Tower is just a simple game?

What a joke!

The meaning of Black Tower giving this live broadcast room is very clear. This time, the challenge is a prop competition!

Endless computing power began to obtain useful information from the live broadcast room and calculate it. Because he knew that Black Tower was in the space station, Silver Wolf was the first to arrive outside the firewall set up by Black Tower for him!

The data torrent traveled through infinite distances along the network, constantly attacking the firewall in an attempt to break it!

Looking at the reinforced protection in front of him, Silver Wolf smiled contemptuously.

"Is this what you rely on? Black Tower, you don't think you can stop me by this means, right? I just gave you face before!"

With Silver Wolf's editing, the computing power began to turn into a sharp thorn and successfully broke through the security line set up by Black Tower!

However, the next moment, another stream of data rushed towards him. After mixing with the invading data stream, Silver Wolf found that he had lost his control.

Its control!

The security line behind him that was breached was also repaired immediately!

"I knew you, a little devil, would come over. How about this [disordered garbled code] specially made for you? I believe you should be unable to move now!"

The shadow of the black tower slowly appeared on the side and said to the silver wolf on the side.

The silver wolf frowned slightly. Although he could mobilize computing power to support him now, it would take a lot of time to break through the defense line again. After all, the same means would not have much effect on the security system of the black tower.

If the simulated universe goes smoothly, the battle will probably end in more than ten minutes.

It seems that this attack on the black tower has failed.

"So what? It's enough to have a fair duel with you. I don't believe you can meet Ruan Mei again!"

"Fair duel, hahaha!"

The black tower smiled and continued to say.

"You've taken action now, but I haven't!"


The silver wolf was startled, and then received the news that the security protection he set for his private account had been invaded.

"How is this possible? You probably don't know... the live broadcast room!"

Silver Wolf was about to say something, but suddenly remembered that he was also in the live broadcast room, and the other party could use this to find him!

"Humph, do you think the genius Ms. Black Tower would be mad at a little brat like you?"

Black Tower wanted to teach Silver Wolf a lesson from the beginning, step by step to lure Silver Wolf into the live broadcast room, let him attack himself, use the local advantages of the space station and the long-established program to reduce the opponent's computing power, and finally point the target directly at the opponent!

"Little ghost, it's not too late to admit defeat now! I am a beautiful and kind-hearted person in Black Tower. If you send a video calling me Sister Black Tower a few times, I can consider letting you go!"

Just when Black Tower was proud, he found that Silver Wolf beside him had disappeared. When he was thinking that the other party was really stubborn, something happened in the space station!

The entire Black Tower space station was dark, leaving only a small part of the residual light!

"If I can't handle Black Tower's private account, I can't handle the space station!"

That's right, seeing that the situation was not good, Silver Wolf simply chose to change his target to the space station and chose the simplest attack method of hackers - power off!

In this way, the live broadcast room will be closed, and the weaknesses exposed by himself will disappear. Although some people will guess that he has played some tricks outside the game, it is better than being controlled by Black Tower.

The cooked duck flew away, and the energy supply of the space station immediately returned to normal. Black Tower sighed lightly, it seems that it can only return to normal from the prop game.

What everyone who was paying attention to this duel did not expect was that in just a short while, the first pass had been taken by others!

"Ah? Clara doesn't know!"


As time goes by, Xi'er's card pool is about to end, which also means the arrival of Jingyuan's card pool!

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