After the incident, Sanyueqi felt that his reasoning was displayed in the game.

After Sanyueqi finished the shocking reasoning, everyone decided to go back to the scene to see the situation.

Then they saw two people appear at the door of the Land and Horizontal Division, and they sounded like they were looking for Luosha.

After the conversation, the truth of Luosha's disappearance came to light.

It turned out that the two storytellers accidentally fell into the water, and Luosha rescued them.

The so-called black-clothed men were just caused by the mud they fell into the water.

And Luosha also wrote a prescription for them to get medicine to prevent physical problems.

The paper used for the prescription was the title page that was torn off in the bookstore.

Luosha even folded the title page into a paper flower. When the paper flower was opened, the reason why Luosha tore it off also appeared.

It turned out that someone had spoiled the story on the title page.

Luosha tore it off out of kindness to prevent others from being spoiled.

The overly explosive Luosha companion mission ended here.

Luosha himself did not even appear during the whole process.

This made many viewers who were waiting for the companion mission to solve the confusion of Luosha even more confused.

Especially Walter, who saw that the companion mission had no results.

So he made a decision that went against his ancestors!

He was going to draw Luosha's character and carefully study whether he had any tricks!

But because Walter did not play often, the Xingqiong in his account seemed to be a little insufficient. He had drawn 40 times but still did not get Luosha.

Looking at the number of Xingqiong less than three digits, Walter fell into deep thought with his mobile phone.

Do I have to recharge to draw Luosha in the end?

An extremely awkward feeling came over me, but I went for it in order to study Luosha!

I opened the recharge, and after spending 6480, Luosha was finally in my hands.

Walter also included it in the team, ready to try out the voice of Luosha's character.

There was no reaction when he put his game character and Luosha into the same team.

But when he put it into Suchang's team, Luosha reacted.

[Miss Suchang, I am not familiar with swords and weapons, and I have to trouble you. ]

Jingyuan, who was also observing Luosha on the Luofu Immortal Boat, couldn't help but sneer when he saw this.

Oh, oh, oh, I am not familiar with swords and weapons, and I have to trouble you. The whole tone is clamped.

And when Luosha was included in Jingyuan's team.

[General, do you want me to show some skills or hide some skills? ]

This tone is very different, just like a hidden conspirator!

Sure enough, there is nothing good about a person with this face!

Let him die dozens of times to see if there is any hidden content!


With the opening of the Rakshasa card pool, players also understand the value of the Rakshasa character after actual combat experience.

The strong combat skills of queue-breaking recovery and clearing negative effects, plus the attack recovery of the talent to unfold the barrier, and the dispelling big move that is specifically for the evil spirit.

This perfect mechanism makes it almost unnecessary for Rakshasa to actively release combat skills in battle, and only ordinary attacks are needed to produce points!

Even Jing Yuan, who hates Rakshasa very much, gave a very high evaluation to the game character Rakshasa.

The current extraction recommendation is 10 points, the character strength score is 9 points, and the exclusive light cone strength is 6 points!

It is precisely because of the low strength of the exclusive light cone that the cost-effectiveness of the single Rakshasa character has reached the current peak, even surpassing the previous main C!

When some bloggers in the community who collected chaos memory data announced the chaos character usage list, some players were still arguing about whether Jing Yuan or Xier had a higher usage rate in this period of chaos.

However, after the data came out, what was unexpected was that Luosha directly topped the list with an astonishing usage rate of 95-99%!

Luo Tiandi is the king of the universe!

When the Luosha card pool appeared, version 1.1 began to enter its final stage.

While discussing the current version, players were also speculating on the content of the next version.

"I don't know what the content of the next version will be, I'm already looking forward to it!"

"When will the main line come? I'm getting a little anxious waiting!"

"Jingliu, a Jingliu character appeared in the Yanqing companion mission. It must be Jingliu!"

"My mother card hasn't come out yet!"

"Let's have another Star Tour Ceremony in the next version. Everyone can do everything!"

"Come back my Shiling! My proudest event! Xingqiong is vivid in my mind!"

Lin Guang was looking at the prepared 1.2 version activity content script. It was time to start recording the preview program of 1.2 version.

"Let me see, this time it's... Kafka, the home of Blade, two star core hunters, I wonder if Mr. Jimi can handle it?"

Interstellar Peace Film and Television Company.

At this moment, Jimi's expression was no longer as miserable as before.

Since participating in the preview recording of the Star Dome Railway, not only did he receive a large amount of program appearance fees from the other party, but the leader of the headquarters, Sha Jin, also called him personally to care about him.

With this care from the leader, Jimi was relieved and went directly to do a full set of feather essential oil care.

Now the whole bird is radiant and the feathers are shiny.

The bird's life from now on can be said to be bright!

After getting home from get off work, when Jimi lay on the bed and fell asleep again.

And the familiar feeling came again. When Jimi opened his eyes again, the familiar studio appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Jimi, long time no see."

Lin Guang's changed voice sounded again, but Jimi felt so kind at this moment.

"Oh, it's been a long time no see, Mr. Beng. I see that the 1.1 version of Star Dome Railway has entered the final stage. I have been waiting for you these days. I wonder which guests you will invite this time. It's really exciting!"

"Haha, Mr. Jimi, you will know later. Maybe you will be surprised and speechless this time!"

Hearing Lin Guang's words, Jimi was immediately curious and began to guess the identity of the guest who would appear later. Could he be so surprised that he could not speak?

And when the mysterious guest appeared, Jimi finally understood what Lin Guang meant.

"Star...Star Core Hunter, Kafka!"

Kafka opened her eyes and found herself in a strange space.

After seeing the Q version of Mr. Jimi, Kafka instantly understood where she was now.

"Is this what Star Dome Railway does?"

I had long heard Silver Wolf talking about how amazing the preview program was. Now that she had experienced this strange dream for the first time, Kafka looked around curiously.

When her eyes turned to the trembling Jimi on the podium again, Kafka chuckled.

"Hello, Mr. Jimi, I'm glad to work with you this time."

Jimi, who was about to shrink his whole body into the podium, kept crying in his heart.

No, no, no, no, I'm not happy at all!

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