The story of the old man is about to be told.

In a city with simple folk customs on the vast earth, there lives a high school student who looks ordinary. His name is: Fan Chen!

As a mortal, he is just a tiny ant on the earth! But as a high school student, he is keen on a brand new game that has just been launched not long ago: Collapse: Star Railway!

As for the origin or introduction of the game, I believe that everyone who has played Collapse is familiar with it, so I won’t introduce it to you too much here.

For this game, Fan Chen can be said to be a fan party! Once you come into contact with it, you can no longer extricate yourself. The plot in the game, the carefully planned characters, and all kinds of cool skills! And the vast universe, the star god galloping (fate)!

It is no exaggeration to say that this game has been very popular since it was launched! It is not in vain! The various plans in the game are enough to attract everyone's attention.

Of course, since he came into contact with this game, he has experienced many plots! He has cultivated various characters and witnessed damage like a nuclear explosion, but Fan Chen is not satisfied with this.

He once had a great fantasy! That is to be able to travel through time in the game! Become the star god of destiny who controls the universe! Almost invincible! In that way! He can do whatever he wants! Do whatever he wants!

Of course! For modern society, such words are just empty talk! Where is the world of travel? All are illusory and illusory! Although he has read countless articles about travel through time, they are ultimately false and cannot become reality. Since then! This fantasy has come to nothing.........

But he never expected! The fantasy that he had given up! It was successfully fulfilled on this day! Even though he started a new journey in the world of Bengtie............

It was still a sunny and catchy day, and a day of schoolwork ended! Fan Chen returned to his residence tiredly! He was the only one left in the empty room! Every time he experienced this! Fan Chen couldn't help but feel sad for a moment.

His parents died in an accident! In addition, his relatives were few and far between! So now he is always alone! Living alone! The previous Bengtie! It is also the only pillar that can support him!

After a moment of silence! Fan Chen slowly put down his schoolbag and walked into the bedroom with a staggering step! He jumped up! Instantly lying on the soft and comfortable big bed! As for the first thing to do when he got home! That is: Bengtie! Start!

As usual, Fan Chen opened the Bengtie he had been thinking about! It was still the familiar Starry Sky Train! Familiar scene! Familiar characters! And! Familiar commissions and tasks.........

"I heard that Sister Jingliu will be on stage soon! We have to prepare materials for her quickly! It's already a big guarantee now, and once she comes on stage! We must take her down! Hehehe!"

It's still the usual class to brush supplies! Accumulate Xingqiong! Get materials! Everything is in order! There is no change from usual, but what he doesn't know is! Next! His fate! Is about to change.........

Fan Chen brushes materials aimlessly! Gets physical strength! The originally sad mood! Under the impetus of the game, it gradually calms down! Begins to transform into joy and excitement! Perhaps, only the game! Can bring him: the comfort he needs.

However! Everything is so calm! Obviously not normal! A violent storm! It will come in the next second!

At this time, Fan Chen cheered! When he was cheering for brushing the explosive damage holy relic, the original game screen turned black in an instant! Fan Chen did not react for a while, looking at the screen that had turned black, his face was full of surprise! His dark pupils were full of shock, and he had no idea what had happened?

At first, he thought it was just a screen failure, and he just had to wait for a while! But who knew! Just because of waiting for a moment! The originally dark screen of the abyss! In an instant, it turned into an abyss vortex that swept everything! The unprepared Fan Chen was sucked into it!

Fan Chen was shocked! But he could not escape, his body was still out of control, and he had to follow the abyss vortex and drift to the unknown and strange distance...

"Hiss! My head hurts so much! Ah! Hey! Here!!! Where is it? Is this? The universe?"

When Fan Chen regained consciousness, he slowly opened his closed eyes, but the scene in front of him completely shocked him! He showed unprecedented astonishment.

The scenery in front of him was an endless, vast starry sky. Apart from the dark black of the abyss, it was surrounded by a huge, huge body.

There are a few planets that are tens of thousands of times larger than the Fanchen, and a group of meteorites floating in the universe. Everything is so novel and strange!

Fanchen suddenly widened his eyes and looked around in panic. Only then did he realize that he was floating in the universe! Moreover, the cosmic scene here? Why is it so familiar? I always feel like I have seen it somewhere before?

However, this problem has not been solved! A new problem has come again! I am floating in the universe without any injury! I don’t even feel any discomfort in my body! I am just floating aimlessly! Fanchen was shocked again! I have no idea how I survived?

(Ding! Detected that the host has traveled to the Collapse Iron World! Binding in the system...binding...

Ding! Binding successful! The host has successfully traveled to the Collapse Iron World! Reward: Deluxe Novice Gift Pack! Rewards are as follows:

Reward: The host will be in charge of a new destiny (element), and the strength can reach the level of a star god. The host can control nine elements at the same time: wind! Fire! Thunder! Grass! Ice! Water! Rock! Light! Silence! The host can also bless the mortals in the world with the elements in the way of a star god!

At the same time! Because the host's destiny is too special, no matter what the host does, it will not violate his destiny, and the host has a new talent: self-reduction of strength, perfect control.

The host can suppress his strength to various levels through his own will! As for what level to suppress? It all depends on the host's decision, and perfect control means that the host can accurately control his own strength, so that the host will not destroy the tragedy of the galaxy by raising his hand at will.

Thus! The host will start a new journey!)

After a mechanical and ethereal machine sound, Fan Chen's brain was dizzy for a while, and the huge amount of information made him unable to absorb it in time! I felt that my body was suddenly dominated by some kind of power, and then, nine elements from unknown sources poured into my body.

Mysterious power flowed through my limbs and bones! The seven meridians and eight channels have been upgraded to the peak of the Star God! The incomparable super power made Fan Chen feel happy and sour, and the universe around him even trembled and shook violently! It seemed to be welcoming the arrival of a new Star God.........

"So that's it, I really traveled to the Collapse Iron World! I also obtained the golden finger that travelers must have, and was promoted to a Star God by exception. Since I am in charge of (element) destiny! From now on! I am the elemental Star God: Fan Chen!

Fan Chen was extremely excited and could not hide the joy in his heart. The huge power beyond imagination! The nine elemental forces flowing through his body! Such a hearty, strong and sour feeling, it feels like life has reached the peak! The power of the Star God spread throughout the universe, and other Star Gods in various parts of the universe sensed the birth of a new Star God!

"Since I have obtained the power to control the universe! Then I am invincible, right? Oh, by the way, according to the previous plot, the protagonist: Xing! has probably not been summoned by Kafka and Silver Wolf, which means the plot has not started yet.

Just in time! I haven't seen Ka Mama for a long time. I could only see her in the game before! Now that I'm in reality, I can finally see Ka Mama, whom I miss day and night! Yeah! Now I have to go to the space station first, and try out the displacement skills of the Star God. "

Fan Chen was delighted, and he was finally going to see Ka Mama and Silver Wolf stepmother! This was also the first time that Fan Chen used the power of the Star God, but what he didn't know was that the birth of a new Star God! It had already caused a sensation among other Star Gods from the vast universe.........

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