The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Shajin's face finally couldn't hold it anymore, his brows gradually knitted, and his face gradually became gloomy. The unknown boy in front of him actually knew his former name! You know, only the company and insiders in the whole galaxy knew it, how did this boy with unknown origin know it?

"You!! Who are you? Why do you know my name? This is impossible. We have never met. How could you know? Aren't you a destiny traveler? Are you a envoy?"

Faced with Shajin's doubts, Fanchen didn't care. After all, his reaction was exactly what he expected. He didn't expect that after so many years, he still remembered his former name, the time when he was a slave.........

"What a miserable man! If he hadn't been favored by the jade elder sister of the ten people of Shixin, who promoted him all the way to the current supervisor, perhaps he would still be a slave at the mercy of others, but fortunately he met the noble man in his life, otherwise I can't imagine what his fate would be?"

Fanchen said: "I will answer you this question later. It's not time yet. Your guess is only half right. I can be a envoy or not. Anyway, it's not time to give you an answer. When I get to Pinoconi, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Shajin stared at Fanchen in front of him silently. He really couldn't tell what the boy had. Wasn't he a envoy? But? That kind of existence? That's impossible! How could he be a star god?

"Why would I have such wild thoughts? This kid can't be a star god! So I heard about the birth of a new star god before, but it can't be him! How can a little boy be such a vast and powerful existence?"

But no matter how I think about it, it's just self-consolation. Sha Jin calmed down and restored his usual smile, but this time it was a little heavy.

"Okay, friend, I'll wait for you. I hope you will give me a satisfactory answer by then. Oh, by the way, friend, do you want to play a game? It won't take you too long."

"Game? It's interesting! Then let me hear what kind of game it is first? If it's the kind that makes me guess cards and dice, get out. I don't like that kind of guessing game. You'd better give me something substantial."

Without waiting for Sha Jin to respond, a familiar figure suddenly appeared outside the empty door. Fan Chen subconsciously looked up, and Sha Jin also turned his head with a premonition.

Huang Quan: "You! What are you doing in my room?"

Sha Jin: "Your room? It seems I made a mistake. So my friend, this game may have to end. Oh, I forgot to remind you, be more careful. There are many people with bad intentions in Pinocchio. Goodbye."

Sha Jin slowly left the room under Fan Chen's gaze, still playing with the dazzling gold coins in his hand. Seeing Sha Jin leave, Huang Quan retracted his gaze and cast his eyes on Fan Chen, but he still had no emotion at all.

"Why don't you leave?"

"Why don't you leave? This is my room, don't play dumb! I won't listen to what you say is my room, hurry up and get down to business, leave if there is nothing else, don't disturb my dream!"

This series of dirty talk directly confused Huang Quan, who didn't say a word for a long time. After a while, he finally said: "Okay, you look safe, I'll leave first, we'll meet again if we are lucky."

Huang Quan got up and left, but Fan Chen knew that she would definitely come back after a few steps, after all, she couldn't get rid of her directionality, and she had to let him help her find the way before she could leave.

As Fan Chen guessed, Huang Quan returned the same way not long after.

"Um, can you tell me how to get to the lobby? The corridors around here are so similar, I keep going back and can't get out."

Fan Chen smiled and showed her the way. After she thanked him repeatedly, she chose to leave again. Looking at Huang Quan's figure leaving, Fan Chen couldn't help but sigh that it was really uncomfortable to be directionally challenged, even more uncomfortable than being illiterate. After all, it's easy to not know the way and get yourself dizzy after going around several times. I guess no one wants to have this attribute.

"It's almost time, it's time to dream, the bath in the center is it? It's exactly the same as in the plot, but I don't know how it feels?"

Fan Chen slowly lay down in this fantastic bathtub, the cool feeling infused into the whole body, the strange blue water didn't even soak the clothes, Fan Chen slowly sat down, and some bubbles slowly rose inside the bathtub

, when he closed his eyes, he was ready to fall asleep.........

"Mikhail! Come back, come back soon! Don't leave!"

"Mikhail! Mikhail! Come back!"

The tedious voice continued to echo in Fanchen's mind, but he didn't take it seriously and continued the process of falling asleep. After a black and white reversal and a fantasy transformation, Fanchen came to a place that looked like a staircase entrance.

And here, he met Misha again.

"Hello, passenger, welcome to the golden hour! Sorry, the entrance to Pinocchio needs to be repaired temporarily, so you may not be able to enter directly, but don't worry, you only need to pass through this intermediate station to enter Pinocchio's dream."

Fan Chen: "Thank you! Misha!"

Misha: "So you still know me, I'm so happy, then I wish you a happy trip, and I hope you will have an unforgettable experience in your dream."

After saying goodbye, Fan Chen slowly entered the unknown tunnel with blue light along the passage, and then with a black and white reversal, it felt like traveling through time and space. Fan Chen only felt that everything in front of him was pitch black, but his body couldn't help falling down.

"Good fellow, I'm in now! But how does this look like a plot? It's still a classic falling method! Really, if it was Xing, he would probably fall flat on his face, but luckily it's me this time! This height is not a problem for me."

The body continued to fall downwards, and the dark fog was pushed aside. The real Pinocchio appeared in front of Fanchen, gorgeous and prosperous, with fantastic and beautiful scenes everywhere, but at the same time, the speed of falling was getting faster and faster.

But this was not a problem for Fanchen. A beautiful roundabout landing allowed Fanchen to stop steadily in the center of Pinocchio, but it stirred up a lot of smoke and dust, which made Fanchen cough a little. Then he wiped the dust off his body and turned his head to see Robin and Sunday.

"How did these two get here so quickly? I remember that they were not there when I just fell. Could it be that they can also teleport? Funny, right? It's just big wings. They can't fly and teleport."

. . . . . . . . .

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