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Potio: "Hi! But I do have something important that needs your help right now, so I want to enter Pinocchio as your train crew. After all, you are also guests of Pinocchio. I will borrow your help. The identity is the most suitable. "

"What's more, I am a sea patrol ranger, and a wanted criminal by the company! If I break in rashly, I'm afraid I'll cause trouble, and then it will inevitably implicate you, which is also what I have carefully considered. So, brother, what do you think?"

Dan Heng didn't say anything, still staring at Botio with a cold face. Pam beside him was panicking, fearing that the two would do something directly in this train. Half unexpectedly, Portio also put down the revolver in his hand, which also made Pam, who was still in shock, breathe a sigh of relief.

And Nature and Hurricane on the side whispered to each other.

Hurricane: "Naturally, you said this guy is the Sea Ranger? But didn't the Sea Ranger disappear a long time ago? Could it be that the boss's information is inaccurate? Or are they making a comeback?"

Naturally: "I was born not long ago Well, there is not much information available, but the boss said that once, the Sea Patrol Rangers gathered together to kill the Destroyer, but since that battle, the Sea Patrol Rangers have been disintegrated and basically no longer have any contact with each other. . "

Naturally: "But I didn't expect that they seem to be gathering together again now. Potio is the best example. Its appearance here also means that the Sea Ranger has not disappeared. Maybe it is just hiding in the dark. That's all. "

But the two people's whispering was a little loud, and it happened to be heard by Potio. He slightly side-eyed and stared at the two men and women wearing strange clothes next to him, one was a school idol, and the other was a little loli. This strange The combination made Portio stunned for a few seconds.

"What are the two brothers next to you talking about? They seem to be discussing our Sea Patrol Rangers. But what you two said is indeed correct. Although we Sea Patrol Rangers rarely contact each other, they will always come to our rescue at the critical moment. Gather together, when you can see the gathering of the sea of ​​stars, that is the shining light of the Sea Patrol Ranger! "

Potiou seemed to be getting more and more confident as he spoke, causing Pam and Danheng to be a little confused, until Potiou Theo realized his real business and continued to tell Danheng, but Danheng remained silent and didn't seem to be willing to give an answer...

At the same time, the second Re-dreamland: Liumeng Reef! The train group regrouped, and of course this time, Fanchen and the long-lost Cocolia also gathered here. Seeing Cocolia, who had not been seen for a long time, everyone seemed a little surprised.

Xiao Sanyue: "No way? You disappeared for so long? What were you doing? No wonder I couldn't see you along the way. It turns out you went to investigate alone! I was shocked. I thought you What happened?"

Xing: "Next time, don't act alone rashly. After all, this dreamland is full of mysteries. Something strange might happen. It's better to gather together when necessary. This way, There is someone to look after you. It is indeed risky to investigate alone. ”

Uncle Yang/Ji Zi: “No matter what, it is best to return safely, but don’t take risks alone next time.”

Later, Fan Chen also Everyone explained in detail the real purpose of Sunday, and everyone showed incredible expressions, betraying their companions and choosing to move towards order! This was obviously an unexpected result. Sunday's conspiracy was really hidden so deeply.

"Everyone should know that guy's purpose. He wants the entire dream to abandon its former companions and completely embrace the embrace of order. Obviously, the entire dream is trapped in the rules of order, but that guy seems to be very ambitious. He doesn't seem to be afraid of us coming to stop him."

Jizi: "His purpose is indeed surprising. The Order has already perished many years ago. Or, he has always been a remnant of the Order, using the name of the same party as the 's surface, has been secretly planning his own abacus. "

Uncle Yang: "No matter what, we can't let his plan succeed. Once the entire dream falls under the control of order, it will completely violate the essence of Pinocchio. Those who have not yet awakened from their dreams will certainly be implicated. We may have to fight this battle."

Fan Chen kept staring at the shiny hat in Xing's hand. He knew in his heart that it was Mi's hat. The last relic left by Haier also represents the end of its pioneering journey. The journey ahead will be handed over to

Let the younger generation inherit the pioneering road until the sea dries up and the rocks crumble...

"Did Mikhail give you that hat?"

"You can see that a lot of things happened during your absence. It turns out that Misha is the incarnation of Mikhail's will, and his life is coming to an end. Before the incarnation of his will dissipates, he entrusted this only relic to me. We will also inherit his will and continue to explore!"

Fan Chen nodded, and everyone was ready to go to the final battlefield at any time. Looking at the companions with surging fighting spirit, Fan Chen was very relieved. After all, in the previous world, he had never met a partner who was like a family! This can be regarded as indirectly fulfilling his little dream.

Everything is ready, and it's time to welcome the final theater performance! Pinocchio Theater! Before everyone set off, Fan Chen suddenly thought of someone? He immediately said that he had something important to do, so he immediately left everyone behind and disappeared alone...

Everyone didn't care. After all, with Fan Chen's speed, he could arrive quickly. Everyone started to go to the last theater first...

In the central area of ​​this dream, Fan Chen looked around, as if he was looking for a figure? Until the familiar and gentle voice came from behind:

"It seems that you have been looking for me for a long time! I am behind you, why have you been observing in front? Choose to look back."

Fan Chen turned his head and found the firefly that I hadn't seen for a long time. A smile appeared on his face, but it immediately became depressed, because he knew that in her script, the firefly would go to her second death when the protagonist went to the theater!

"Are you going to finish the script? I heard that you need to experience three deaths. This is just the first time, right? And the second time, is it going to start here?"

Firefly did not deny it, and said lightly: "You found it. Yes, this is also in my script. I have experienced one death, and the next one is the second one. Don't worry, I will be fine. I wish you good luck. I hope we can meet again in reality."


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