The more you move, the more you will be in trouble.

Fan Chen did not give Feicui time to react at all, and used his telekinesis to control her mouth directly. Although Feicui noticed it immediately, she could not get rid of the control. Her own breath was completely suppressed, and she could not move. Even her destiny was locked! She could not play it at all.

"What is the origin of this guy? Why can he control me so easily? But I can't break free. What kind of control method is this? Is it telekinesis? Damn it! Why should I accept his bizarre little surprise!"

Fan Chen shook his fingers lightly, and the colorful little bullet was like a meteor, whooshing! It flew directly into Feicui's lips, and went directly into her throat, without even a chance to vomit! The power that bound Feicui gradually loosened.

Feicui looked at the boy in front of her in panic and shock, holding the big white rabbit that looked like the northern hemisphere, and was still shocked at what she had eaten. She immediately asked angrily:

"You kid! What did you give me to eat? Why is there a constant abnormality in my body? What did you do? Who are you? The unknown guests of the Starry Sky Train don't have such ability. Who are you?"

Looking at Feicui's angry eyes, her sharp eyes seemed to tear her apart! However, because she had swallowed the mysterious pill made by Fanchen, Feicui didn't dare to act easily. This pill was full of mystery. She knew the consequences of angering the other party, and she would not have a good ending.

Fan Chen just bowed slightly, then continued with a smile:

"What I give you is the little surprise I want to give you! This pill will not have any effect in your body normally? Once I choose to start controlling it, this pill will emit different degrees of effect, and then you will be powerless to resist!"

Although Feicui was angry, she was helpless. Now she has become the other party's handle. If she acts rashly, the consequences will be unimaginable. Moreover, she has been forced to eat the other party's mysterious pill. At this time, she can't act rashly, for fear of what Fan Chen will do?

"I don't know you at all! Why do you do this? We have never met, and you want to kill me right away! What's your intention? This is not the usual style of the Starry Sky Train. You choose to slander like this, aren't you afraid of being talked about by others?"

However, this kind of threat is not worth mentioning to Fan Chen. He is a star god who controls the universe. Joining Wumingke is just wandering in the world as a mortal. Whatever he does will not go against his destiny, which also provides him with great convenience.

But facing this kind of charming, dangerous, and vicious woman, Fan Chen is even less likely to reason with you. After all, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is! Fan Chen just added a layer of insurance to it. If it were March 7, he would probably be so stupid that he wouldn't know how to face it!

"Don't panic, I won't do anything to you. Besides, you have to attend the meeting and negotiation with the family now. I just put a layer of insurance on you. This is also a warning. Don't have any ideas about the Starry Sky Train? Don't go against it, otherwise, you will never forget the effect of the pill!"

After saying this, Fan Chen disappeared from the spot, leaving Feicui alone in this deserted living room. Feeling the existence of the unknown pill in her body, Feicui slowly calmed down. She still had to attend the negotiation with the family. She didn't think about the rest for the time being. After all, as long as Fan Chen didn't do it, nothing would happen to her.

"Fan Chen? I remember you. You are a very powerful opponent. It's worth my all to face it! Looking forward to the next meeting. A layer of insurance? You are really a threat to the Interstellar Peace Company!"

After that, Feicui slowly stepped onto the stairs and went to another place to participate in the negotiation with the family. In the first confrontation, Fan Chen won and Feicui was defeated! Of course, the story of Pinoconi is still going on, but it is almost coming to an end...

Outside Pinoconi, in a dark corner that no one cares about, Fan Chen slowly raised his head and looked up at the huge spaceship above the sky, flying slowly in this vast galaxy. It is really worthy of being called the Hibiscus. The family must have spent a lot of effort to build such a spaceship!

"At this time, the family has already started negotiating with the company, and the others are also doing their own things. I can finally spare some time to do my own things. What should I do? Go find fun like Hanabi? Or? Got it!"

"It's time to complete the remaining orders! There should be three elements left in the end, rock, light, and darkness! Where should we start with the remaining three elements? Well, then, let's do it in order! The rock element can just imitate Morax next door and make a parallel time and space isotope!"

He did it right away, slowly gathering the rock power in his hands, and began to shape the model based on his imagination. After all, he had recently visited the next door Genshin Impact to see Zhongli's appearance, and the production process was much simpler.

Then there was the daily manufacturing process. Within a few minutes, a isotope that was basically the same as Zhongli next door was built. The slightly thin and sturdy body, the angular cheeks, the classic dark brown flat head, and the expression that was always as steady as a mountain, were too similar! Too similar! "

"This is exactly the same as Zhongli next door! This doesn't even feel like an isotope! This is exactly the same person, and it's good that way. After all, people with the rock element usually have a stable and solid character, and Zhongli now also fits this temperament, so it's settled! "

The classic model is built, and the next step is to start constructing the clothes. Of course, it is also very simple, the classic amber windbreaker. Fan Chen also added a long braid on the back of the model's head, which can better highlight Zhongli's temperament! Of course, the name has been thought of: Zhongli! Absolutely suitable.

Soon after, the new commander was finally built, the Rock Commander: Zhongli! Stable as a mountain, solid as a rock, always calm and composed, never showing panic, this is the character of a person with a heart as solid as a rock!

"It's done! After that, there are only the last two elements left, and they are also the two most special elements: light and darkness! I always feel that these two are born enemies. I feel that once they are built, they will inevitably quarrel and fight. After all, there is an insurmountable gap in their natural concepts! "

After Zhongli finished building it, Fanchen also placed it in the alternate dimension of reading and rock elements. When he slowly woke up, the seventh envoy would be created. After that, it would be time to participate in the Harmonious Music Ceremony held by the Robin............

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