The train crew waited for the train to arrive, but the train crew was still waiting.

Until all the train crew members left, Fan Chen stood at the railing not far away, slowly looking up at the bottomless mysterious vortex in the distance, feeling a little emotional, but also a little reluctant. Every journey will leave indelible traces on the way.

Every journey, the train crew will meet all kinds of friends and expand all kinds of forces. Although this is also a preparation for the subsequent decisive battle, now that the plot has ended, where to go? It makes Fan Chen a little worried.

"Where will the next destination be? It's really hard to think about it. The story of Pinocchio has ended. The train probably won't choose to move immediately. It will need to stay for a while. Where should it go during this time?"

Fan Chen was leaning on the railing and thinking hard, until a familiar figure appeared beside him inexplicably. Fan Chen turned his head slowly as if he had a premonition. Huang Quan also came here without anyone noticing. Fan Chen understood that it was time to say goodbye to her now.

Fan Chen: "I didn't expect you to really come? I thought you would disappear without a trace after the story ended this time. After all, no one can predict the direction of nothingness. It's really unexpected that you can come back."

Huang Quan nodded slightly, the coldness on his face continued, but it was not as cold as before. There seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was reminiscing with an old friend who had been reunited for a long time.

Huang Quan: "I came here to say goodbye to you. Do you remember? When we first met, we were almost mortal enemies. I didn't understand your intention at that time. Now, I seem to understand."

Fan Chen didn't say anything, just looked at Huang Quan quietly. The more he looked, the more he felt that Huang Quan was like an old friend from Collapse III. No, they are exactly the same! It's just that they are in different worlds and take different paths.

Huang Quan: "And now, after experiencing all kinds of things, we seem to have become comrades who depend on each other. I really didn't expect this trip. I thought that this trip would still be an irresistible nothingness, but, until I met you."

Fan Chen: "Yes! People who set foot on nothingness will indirectly forget the past, even themselves, smell, hearing, taste, touch, these senses will gradually dissipate with the direction of nothingness, but you are a very special one."

Huang Quan: "Since my hometown was destroyed, I also embarked on this road because of nothingness, although I already know what the end will be when I take this road? Becoming endless nothingness, no one will remember, and no one will think of it. Nothingness is always so terrible."

Huang Quan: "But you are different. You have a journey that has not yet been opened up, and you have the belief and will that can support you to the end. Compared with nothingness, Nothingness is incomparable. You are also the most special generation of nameless guests I have ever met. "

Fan Chen: "Maybe, but maybe not. We may not be the most outstanding nameless guests, but we will continue to inherit the will of our predecessors and continue to move forward along the path they have walked, to explore the journey they have never reached, to discover everything they have never observed. "

Fan Chen: "This is also the meaning of pioneering! No matter how vast the galaxy is, the stars and the universe, the will to pioneer will never disappear. Even if it is nothingness, it cannot stop the road of pioneering. Keep extending this road and keep going until we reach the common destination with our own will! "

Huang Quan smiled. This was the first time that Fan Chen felt the real change in her aura. She was no longer cold, indifferent, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. Instead, she was replaced by a gentleness that she had never felt before. Even if she stepped into nothingness, the gentleness in her heart never dissipated, but she was not good at expressing it.

Huang Quan: "Go and continue along your path. I will continue to follow the void. Perhaps, we cannot change the destined ending, but please remember that even if we cannot change the final result, we can still change many things in the process before the result comes."

"Continuously change the destined things in the journey, and continue to save the tragic story. Even if the final ending is already destined, the experience of the process will never dissipate. This is pioneering! It is also the true meaning of the journey!"

Fan Chen stared at Huang Quan blankly. The long-lost smile made Fan Chen miss it a little. It was so familiar, a familiar smile, just like that

It's exactly the same as Meiyi! At this moment, he seemed to see Huang Quan's past, still with that familiar smile!

"Familiar smile! Really the same as Meiyi! I miss such a smile so much, it can be shown by a person of nothingness, it's really rare! I wonder what kind of appearance she will be rendered by nothingness when we meet again in the future?"

Fan Chen: "Thank you, Huang Quan, no, I think you can also be called: Meiyi."

Huang Quan was obviously stunned for a few seconds, then smiled again, and said slowly: "Really? This name seems to have appeared in my memory! The me of the past? Thank you, then, we will meet again if we are lucky, I hope that next time we meet, you and I will be different."

Fan Chen: "Thank you very much, goodbye! Miss Meiyi, I hope we will meet again if we are lucky."

In just a moment of turning his head, Huang Quan's figure disappeared without a trace, Fan Chen smiled, and then thought of something? He took out his phone and started to send messages to the train crew:

Fan Chen: "Family, I have some things to deal with in Xianzhou, so I won't return to the train for the time being. If there is any news in the future, I will notify you immediately. Don't worry about me, just do your thing."

After sending this message, Fan Chen left here instantly and headed towards Xianzhou. After all, he also missed Xianzhou a little. He didn't know if Jingliu's legendary mission had been opened. He would go there in person if he had the chance. To be honest, the five heroes on the cloud are really miserable!

Now the three have gone to different destinations. Only Jingyuan is still guarding the original place. Bai Xian from other time and space also chose to return here. Is his fate also quietly changing? However, the estrangement of hundreds of years will eventually come to an end.

"I can't help but feel sad when I think about this! Jing Yuan clearly meets all the characteristics of a demonic body, but he has not relapsed yet. He is forcing himself to manage Luofu. After all, his descendants have not grown up yet. If he just gives up, the whole Luofu will be ruined!"

All the way, Fan Chen was sighing in his heart about how strong Jing Yuan's willpower was? He was about to reach the end of a thousand years old, but he always relied on his willpower to cultivate his descendants until they were fully mature and took over his position. Only then did he dare to leave with peace of mind! But this process is a torment and pain that no one can imagine...

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