The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

March 7 (joy): "Great, great! I'm going to explore a new world again! Hehehe, I'll take pictures of the scenery in the new world one by one as a souvenir."

Danheng (calm): This time I'm going to jump to a new world! The risks ahead are unknown! Everyone should be more cautious. If you want to successfully explore the world! It's not as easy as you think.

Fanchen (slightly happy): OK, OK! I'm going to a new world again! I can't wait, although I have traveled to countless worlds before! But traveling with my companions! It's also a wonderful thing.

Xing: (yearning) Are you going to a new world? That's good, the meaning of exploration! That's exactly it! Besides, being with my friends, I won't feel lonely anymore.

Seeing the young people eager to try and rubbing their hands in excitement! Ji Zi and Uncle Yang also felt a little relieved! After all, as the veterans of the train, protecting the train seems to be the top priority!

However, these four young people are all gifted! Maybe they can all become the super fighting force of the universe in the future! Before that, the only way is to constantly explore new worlds! Constantly experience hardships in it! Broaden your horizons! Challenge strong enemies! These are the necessary courses for them to constantly explore the world!

"Since everyone is here! The train is about to start jumping, please hold on to the things around you! Prevent falling due to bumps! The jump time has entered the countdown!"

After a while of Pam's mumbling! Everyone came to a position where they could rely on support, and the four people on the train! They sat side by side on the sofa! Waiting for the train to jump...

"Jump countdown! Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Start jumping!!"

In just a moment! The whole train began to shake violently, but Fanchen was prepared! Secretly spread its rock element! Provided a rock-solid barrier for everyone! Enough to withstand the shaking of the train!

As the train continued to shake! The end of the train was gradually wrapped by a vast starry sky! And at the end of the vast starry sky, a touch of azure vortex! Suddenly appeared in front of the train! And the train accelerated forward! Facing the cover of the azure light, it rushed into the vortex of the new world of jump.........

After a while! As the train slowly drove out of the vortex! They successfully arrived at another vast universe! And also arrived at the real destination of this trip: Yalilo No. 6! Beloberg!

As the shaking of the train ended! Anyway, the rock element was quietly recovered! With the appearance of the train conductor Pam, everyone understood! The train has already jumped to a new area! Looking through the window! Endless vastness, endless starry sky! It is still so spectacular and beautiful!

Ji Zi: "It looks like we have arrived at a new destination for this trip! The planet called Yalilo VI! It is also called: Beloberg!"

March 7: "Wow! Success! That planet is so big, is that the planet called Yalilo VI? It looks huge and spectacular, but why is the surface of this planet covered with thick snow?

Dan Heng: It seems that this exploration is not easy. Just by looking at the surface of this planet, we can probably guess what the internal environment of this planet is like? The surface is covered with frost all year round! It seems that this planet is frozen all year round.

Fan Chen: That's right! It's the first time I've seen a planet covered with ice and snow on the surface, but why is it like this? What happened to this planet?

Xing: (Silent, just silently staring at this planet covered with snow all year round.)

And the knowledgeable and experienced Uncle Yang also appeared to answer everyone's questions:

"The reason why this planet is covered with ice and snow all year round is because of the continuous erosion of its core! This is what caused the planet to become what it is today. The previous Beloberg was a prosperous planet. But now, the long-term erosion of the star core has changed the planet's appearance!"

Ji Zi on the side also began to answer the doubts, not giving the train four people a chance to ask questions!

"Maybe you are all curious? What is a star core? To be honest, we don't know until now. It is said that it is a destructive creation! It is scattered all over the universe. Every planet that a star core falls on seems to have been eroded and damaged to varying degrees! In short, the star core is the cause of major disasters.

's origin!"

Listening to the repeated explanations of the two, the four of them were thoughtful and lowered their heads to think. Only Fanchen was staring at the planet that seemed to have entered the ice age. There was a melancholy and regret in his eyes.

"What a beautiful and prosperous planet it was! But because of the appearance of the star core, it has become what it is now? It seems that our pioneering journey may be full of difficulties. "

March Seven on the side was excited and excited again, and was full of energy in an instant. Then he cheered and encouraged:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Since it is to open up a new world, risks and opportunities are equal! This little difficulty can't stop us? The purpose of our trip is to find the star cores of various worlds! Seal them and save the world!"

Dan Heng on the side was still as calm as water, and his paralyzed face never showed any expression! His plain words also revealed some caution:

"This pioneering journey! It's better to be careful! It can be seen that this planet! Has been eroded by the star core for hundreds of years, and the number of rift monsters that appear naturally is increasing. Everyone should remain vigilant and not relax at all! "

Xing: I have no opinion, no matter what difficulties! What obstacles! Just rush forward and it's done!!!

Looking at the four people who were instantly full of energy! Ji Zi and Uncle Yang just smiled helplessly. After all, young people are full of blood and spirit! It's normal to have such energy.

"Then the task of this pioneering journey! It will be handed over to you four, and Uncle Yang and I will be responsible for guarding the train! After all, someone has to protect the train! Besides, if there is no one on the train, Pam will feel very lonely. "

Yang Shu wanted to say something, but Ji Zi interrupted him directly, then pulled him aside and whispered:

"I know you want to go with them, but after all, they have just met not long ago! Give young people some space to communicate and coexist with each other, and let's not join in the fun. "

Uncle Yang didn't say anything more about this. He adjusted his glasses in a classic way and nodded silently to express his agreement.

A brand new pioneering journey! Target: Beloberg! The train quartet! Set off..................

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