The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In the Starry Sky Train, Sanyueqi and Xing were playing and joking, Danheng was checking the think tank in his room, Jizi was tasting her newly developed coffee on the table next to her, and Uncle Yang was just standing quietly in the corner, leaning on his crutches, looking up at the vast starry sky outside the window, wondering what he was thinking?

As for Angel and Cocolia! One was still sleeping in the room of the mortal world, and the other was also staying in his room, wondering what he was doing? Probably sleeping in, the whole train! Probably only these two guys were sleeping in, what a lazy bug! I didn't realize before that Cocolia, as a former great guardian! He actually had the habit of staying in bed? ?

Fan Chen also looked up at the starry sky outside the window, but unlike Uncle Yang, he was watching the battle ten light years away! However, looking at the current situation, it was a four-on-two situation! Winning was just a matter of time, unless those few deliberately delayed time, like a turtle crawling slowly in the sky.

At this time, ten light years away in the starry sky, Hurricane and Thunder beat the two great destroyers into a mess, and the clothes of the two beauties were both torn and shattered, revealing a little bright spring light, which made Zhongli and Hurricane unable to bear to look directly. Even if they were beaten into this state, the sexiness of the women did not regress at all, and they were still as tempting as ripe peaches.

Xing Xiao was panting heavily. At this time, her strength had been exhausted. Huanlong beside her was also not very good, with scars all over her body, and golden blood flowing everywhere. The blood slowly drifted to an unknown distance along the vast starry sky, but at this moment, the two were in extremely poor condition! It was a bit reluctant to want to fight.

Xing Xiao: "How could it be? Didn't expect that I would die here today? Humph! How abominable! You four bastards, I was tricked by you, damn it, damn it, damn it! I can't accept it! I have to die here like this!!!"

Huan Long: "Today I was right, you really want to drag me to death together, you guy, I will never let you go even if you go to hell, because your momentary mistake caused both of us to be buried here!"

But the last fury of the two no longer had any effect, but more like a last word, the three strongest main forces just stared at the two envoys of destruction who were already covered with wounds in front of them! The aura on their bodies burst out with a powerful pressure, pressing the two people like a mountain pressing eggs and unable to move!

Hurricane: "It seems that these two beauties can't hold out for too long! It can also be said that they are almost unable to fight. It's a pity that I can't enjoy it! I thought that the elder sister could give me some surprises! I didn't expect it to be the same as before, still weak!"

Thunder: "What are you still talking nonsense here? Eliminate these two destroyers as soon as possible, so that we can go back and explain the task. After all, the boss is probably watching us in the dark. If he sees you being so lazy and slippery, let's see how the boss will deal with you when he goes back?"

Zhongli: "In general theory, the two are in a state that can no longer fight today. It's time to completely eradicate them. It's also time to eradicate the two cancers in the universe so that they can no longer go to destroy other planets and lives in the future!"

Naturally, those in the distance just watched silently, but didn't choose to go forward to do anything or say anything? After all, I am just a pure auxiliary. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is still relatively poor, but the ability to protect myself is ridiculously strong. However, I am not good at fighting, and I don't want to say anything in the past. After all, those two guys are dying.

"I really can't accept this! Damn it! In that case, let's use the last resort! Since we can't destroy them, let's destroy ourselves! We will perish together with the energy of self-destruction! That's it! At this point, we can only fight to the death!"

Huanlong on the side didn't say much! He looked at the three people with vicious eyes, and then, the corners of his mouth covered with scars slightly raised, and the aura of the two people bloomed instantly! The terrifying destructive energy surged wildly from his body! Prepare to self-destruct with his body as the energy point! !

Like two atomic bombs about to explode, emitting a terrifying breath of destruction.

The destructive energy continued to spread around! The powerful force almost tore the void, which made the three main forces feel a little threatened. Lei Ting, who was in the lead, immediately realized something? ?

"I know what they are going to do. Do they want to fight to the death so soon? They are planning to use self-destruction to perish with us. In this case, you two should show your real ability and kill them completely! Don't let them self-destruct!"

The two nodded in agreement, and then the three of them jumped high into the sky, gathering their own elemental power! The rock-solid earth elemental power

, the thunder element power of thunderbolt, the wind element power of hurricane-swallowing!

The three elemental powers flashed and gathered wildly in the starry sky, gathering energy from the palm, and the three lights illuminated the starry sky, like three bright meteors across the sky! Prepare to use the final move!

"Rock Nirvana!"

"Thunder Roar!"

"Hurricane Dragon Roar!"

Energy compression to the extreme! At this time, the two were still continuing to condense destructive energy, and their whole bodies had been completely wrapped in golden power. The terrifying breath that could even destroy everything was slowly accumulating power, and they didn't know that the three had already accumulated power for the moves!

With the condensation of the three lights! The three people attacked at the same time, as if three meteors crossed the sky, with unparalleled momentum, rushing towards the two people!

Throwing the energy in the palm into the air, gathering the two people who were going to self-destruct, in an instant, the power of the rock turned into a Nirvana dragon! Thunder and lightning turned into a purple thunder dragon! The fierce hurricane's wind dragon! The three dragons turned into super strong streamers! Like the raging waves in the sea! Rushing towards the two people who gathered energy, their momentum was unstoppable, like a thousand horses galloping, like a mountain overturning the sea.

Because they were too focused on condensing the destructive energy in their bodies! As a result, the two did not realize that the three people had already made a move in advance. When they reacted, only three dazzling dragon lights flashed before their eyes!

In an instant! The earth-shaking explosion shocked the sky! The sound resounded across the nine heavens and overseas, and the four great envoys also immediately withdrew from the range. The explosion of the three elements continued to spread around! If it were not for the protection of the elemental power of the mortal world! Perhaps the galaxy would have been shattered at this time!

As the flames and smoke gradually dissipated, the two figures of destruction had long disappeared from the original place, leaving only the residual destructive energy in the air and some dust floating towards the starry sky. At this moment, it also indicated that the two destructive envoys were completely eradicated! The four top combat forces watched silently! There was unspeakable joy in their eyes!

Hurricane: "Great! Finally, we succeeded in eliminating two cosmic poisonous insects, but it's a pity for the two big sisters."

Thunder: "This battle went smoothly, but it was a little tricky during the fight, but the gap in strength cannot be made up, and we finally eliminated them!"

Zhongli: "In general theory, this battle is everyone's credit. I sincerely congratulate you on this victory and defeating the two destruction envoys! Perhaps the universe has already exploded at this moment."

Natural: "Everyone fought well. This time, we finally succeeded in eliminating the two destruction generals. It will be much easier to fight against destruction again in the future."


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