The four shadows kept moving forward, but they didn't stop.

I kept following them along the busy streets, but I never saw them stop. I always felt that they were aimless and kept moving forward. They were almost half a system away and they were still moving forward! ! What kind of script are these four guys doing? Do they have to walk?

Looking at the four shadows that were still moving, Fan Chen followed them quietly from behind helplessly, thinking helplessly:

"Isn't it some stupid script that Elio assigned to them? Half an hour has passed and they are still moving forward without any destination. What's going on? Isn't that old guy playing tricks on them? And this prosperous and thriving technology city is just for walking?"

But this is just a basic guess. After all, Elio is an old fox! He is called a slave of fate! The existence that can see through fate can't be a good person!

Otherwise, why did the Interstellar Peace Company only capture Elio alive when it wanted the Star Core Hunter, and didn't care about the lives of the other four! The role of the leader is still very high.

But to be honest, based on the total bounty of the four people of Ka Ma! It's almost 30 billion. If anyone can catch or kill them directly! They probably won't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of their lives. That's 30 billion! It's estimated that an ordinary person can't spend it all in his lifetime!

However, based on the crisis level of the Star Core Hunter, ordinary people who want to get the bounty of nearly 30 billion should get out. Even the company can't cope with it. Unless they send out the ten people of Shixin, or the guardian envoy goes out in person, it's really difficult to catch them all!

After following for a while, it was almost another hour, but these four guys still didn't move! Apart from walking, Fan Chen even suspected that he was exposed? Did they do it on purpose? But he had hidden his breath! It shouldn't be.

The more he chased, the more annoyed he became. The more he walked, the less he wanted to walk. Looking at the four bastards still moving forward! Fan Chen was annoyed and simply stopped following them. He let them go first. Anyway, he could sense their aura! They couldn't escape from his palms anywhere, so he simply planned to explore the surroundings first.

Sure enough, as Fan Chen walked, he accidentally heard two sexy beauties dressed up in fancy clothes talking? In order to prevent being discovered peeping or eavesdropping? Fan Chen immediately used invisibility in a corner where no one was, and then swaggered to the side to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two, hoping to get some useful information.

"Hey! Have you heard about it? Xiaomei, it seems that our Asasco is going to hold a grand auction recently! And this is an auction all over the world, it is absolutely super spectacular! It's a pity that only rich people can enter this auction! Ordinary citizens like us can forget about it."

"Indeed, I heard from an insider that the super grand auction is auctioning a super diamond that is known as the most expensive and most gorgeous in history! It is said that the diamond is the dream of all the rich! I really don't know what it looks like? It's so eye-catching."

Fan Chen, who was invisible, eavesdropped on the conversation. He knew that the two beauties chose to leave hand in hand after the conversation. Fan Chen did not forget to feast his eyes on the plump and sexy big breasts of the two beauties. I started to think about the information they mentioned...

"Auction? They said they were going to auction the most expensive and gorgeous super diamond in history? Interesting. Just now, I heard that beautiful woman say Asasco! Is she referring to the name of this city or this planet? Anyway, I'll go and find out. I always feel that this auction is not simple!!"

After making up his mind, Fan Chen did not choose to remove his invisibility, but continued to wander the streets of the luxurious city, trying to steal some information about the auction from passers-by. Anyway, he was invisible and no one noticed. This really improved the efficiency of stealing information a lot...

Soon after, Fan Chen finally overheard the location of the auction from passers-by. It was in the center of Asasco! Not only did it cover the world, but it was even broadcast live on the spot by the world! It seems that the auction is very prestigious! It can even be broadcast live by the world! It's even more interesting.

Afterwards, Fan Chen summoned Hei Yuan by the way, so as to better hide his identity. However, Hei Yuan was too clingy. As soon as he was summoned, he hugged Fan Chen's arm tightly like a koala, and stuck to Fan Chen's shoulder and acted cute! His sexy figure gradually faded away.

A charming fragrance came out, and the dark eyes flashed with crazy and joyful light, like two mysterious gems!

"Boss! You finally summoned me out. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Why did you summon me out? Remember! From now on, you are mine, and no one can force you! Who dares to snatch you? I will let him taste the taste of hell! You can only be with me!"

Looking at Hei Yuan who was holding his arm and acting coquettishly and speaking harshly, his delicate face showed madness and joy, like a blooming poppy, charming and dangerous! Damn! She took me as her own and directly declared her sovereignty. She is really a yandere style! If Hei Yuan was not created by me, I could completely control her.

What if Hei Yuan was a normal human being and no one could control her? With her possessive personality, I guess no boy could stand it! I guess she would have to be locked up in the basement for boys at any time! Her possessiveness was like a flood and a beast, leaving the boys with nowhere to escape. It was so terrifying!

Fan Chen was too lazy to pay attention to her and let her lean on him. Anyway, he was not afraid of anything. It was more important to go to the so-called auction!

After a while, relying on the invisible state, Fan Chen quietly avoided all the checkpoints set by the security guards, and came to the inside of the auction. It was a bit surprising that such a grand auction was open-air, and it was really broadcast live around the world!

Or it was really spectacular. At this time, the auction was already full of countless people, wearing expensive clothes, smoking big cigarettes, and wearing countless expensive diamond rings or jewelry on their hands. At first glance, they were all rich and powerful guys. The scene was already crowded! If you are not careful, you will be squeezed into a meat pie! The security personnel are also trying their best to evacuate...

In order not to be squeezed into a meat bun! Fan Chen can only take Hei Yuan into the sky and come to the nearest high-rise rooftop! Huanhuan looked down at the gorgeously decorated super-large auction below!

"Let me see! What kind of good things will be auctioned off in this so-called grandest auction? As for the so-called super diamond, it is likely to be the finale. Maybe the four-man team may also sneak in. Let's wait and see what happens."


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