After dealing with her and her daughter, Cocolia turned her attention to the four-person train group! I have to say, they are indeed mother and daughter! The slime on her chest is indeed full! They look somewhat similar! But Cocolia looks more mature and stable!

"Jepard has explained the situation to me. Welcome to your arrival, outsiders! You are willing to come here in the wind and snow. I guess it must be something important?"

She is indeed the leader of Beloberg! She is really smart! She said it in one word when they first met! No dragging of the feet! I have to say that Cocolia's leadership ability is really unmatched! Even Bronya, who came later! In comparison, there is still a big gap!

Fan Chen smiled slightly! Since he had already opened the topic, there was naturally nothing to hide:

"Nice to meet you, Great Guardian of Beloberg! You are right, the reason why we came here! There is indeed something very important to tell you."

Fan Chen then stepped back a few steps and winked at Dan Heng who was silent on the side! Dan Heng frowned when he understood! But he had no choice but to point forward and tell the situation.

"This important thing! Actually, it comes from you, Beloberg, Great Guardian! Have you heard of this strange thing (star core)?"

Cocolia's expression froze! But then it returned to normal, but she could not escape Fan Chen's eyes that saw through everything. Obviously, when it comes to star core, Cocolia is obviously a little panicked! After all, star core! The source of all disasters! It's around her!

"Star core? What kind of material is this? I have never heard of it. Does it have anything to do with our Beloberg?"

Dan Heng still had no expression on his face, but his tone unconsciously became serious:

"We came here this time to seal this star core! You may not know that the reason why your planet is covered with ice and snow! It is because the star core descended on your planet! That led to the current situation of your planet!"

Hearing this, Kokolia's eyes condensed! His expression was strange! It seemed that he was brewing the truth of Dan Heng's words, but this insignificant little action! All of it was seen by the sharp Fan Chen on the side. It must be said that this great guardian! Hiding is really deep!

After pondering for a while, Kokolia slowly spoke:

"Is that so? But how can I believe that what you said is correct? After all, you are just visitors from outer space, and your words are not enough! If you don't have evidence, no one will believe your speculation."

Sanyueqi and Xing were obviously a little anxious. They were about to speak but were stopped by Fanchen. Then, he came out again to help Danheng out:

"Great Guardian! You can not believe us, but this blizzard! It has troubled you for hundreds of years, and there is no way to break it! Don't you think? Is there something fishy about it? Or, what exactly caused the blizzard to come?"

Sonderous and powerful words! Ying Kokolia was powerless to refute, and his sacred and solemn expression gradually became less calm, looking at the young man in front of him who had an unknown origin but a good momentum! Cocolia was inevitably a little timid, but she still spoke slowly:

"What you said makes sense, but it is a statement without any basis! It will not convince anyone. This blizzard has lasted for hundreds of years! Everyone knows it. Moreover, even if the star core you mentioned really exists! But what does it have to do with everyone here?"

Fan Chen was not surprised by this! After all, it was a conversation within the plot, and he knew it well! He still said with a relaxed look: "Because, this is our mission! Seal the star core, eliminate disasters, and save countries from water and fire! This is also the true meaning of our pioneering journey!"

"Really? So that's it, is this your duty? I understand, everyone, it's getting late! Please retreat and rest first. As for the matter of the star core, I need time to consider it. Tomorrow morning, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Seeing that Cocolia had issued an order to expel them! The four did not stay for too long, and left Klipperburg under the gaze of Cocolia, and after the four left! Behind Cocolia, a strange and mysterious voice emerged!

"Great Guardian! I advise you to pay more attention to Fan Chen among the four of them! That guy is definitely not simple! He may be a fatal threat to Beloberg in the future!"

"Is that so? I will definitely do it, but can you really help us save Beloberg?"

"Of course! We

Will lead Beloberg! Towards a new era of prosperity............."

On the other side, the four people have already left Klipperburg, and the most lively March Seven instantly opened the topic! Talking with several people, talking is so happy! Only Fanchen, since he came out! He has been thinking with his head down, and no one knows what he is thinking?

Fanchen's heart: "It's really interesting! The Great Guardian actually chose to trade with the star core! What a fool! He caused the advent of this disaster and he didn't even know it. I feel sorry for you! Cocolia!"

"The next plot development! I guess Cocolia is going to start arresting us! The conspiracy is gradually beginning to reveal itself...but the good show has just begun..."

Everyone was in too much of a hurry along the way! They didn't have time to appreciate the wonders of Beloberg, and then at Fanchen's suggestion! The four of them temporarily parted ways to appreciate the various wonders and beautiful scenery! Of course, this was also in Fanchen's plan...

"Next! What should we do? Tomorrow morning, Bronya will definitely come out to stop us! According to the plot, we will take advantage of the chaos to enter the rift, and then! It's the story of the lower area, forget it, let's not think too much! It's also good to appreciate the wonders of Beloberg. "

Fan Chen wandered around! Admiring the technology, scenery, and people of Beloberg! It was really unique. As the last bastion of mankind! They could still live so well. Of course, this was only limited to the upper area! The lower area was really a mess!

However, as he walked, he unknowingly came to a familiar place. Fan Chen looked up! It was Beloberg's mechanical house! What made him even more familiar was the figure standing at the door!

The long golden hair fluttered in the wind! The heavily made-up face, the enchanting and charming figure, and the strange clothes that looked like a rocker! Then, it was the familiar happy black silk! The whole person was dressed strangely! But the pair of light blue eyes made Fan Chen recognize her identity immediately!

The owner of Beloberg's mechanical house! At the same time, she was also a fanatic who loved rock music! At the same time, she was also Jeppard's biological sister, a traveler with an intellectual destiny: Xiluwa-Landau!

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