The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"Do you still want to struggle to death? Since you are determined to die, I will fulfill your wish, and you will fall forever on the stage of the old world!"

Cocolia waved her hand, and the imaginary energy expanded rapidly, condensing out of thin air a spiked ice cone with power far exceeding the previous one. The terrifying pressure swept over, and Xing could only barely resist it. With another hand command, countless ice cones stabbed at Xing again!

"Her energy has increased several times more than before! Is the power of the star core so strong? I can't use the energy of the star core completely now, it's getting more and more difficult! There's no way, I can only bite the bullet."

Xing took another meteor step and jumped into the sky, but before she could gather her strength, Cocolia reacted quickly, and the ice cone pierced Xing with lightning speed. Xing had no time to dodge and defend, so she could only twist her body to avoid it, but her arms and legs were still scratched.

Xing had no choice but to land on the ground again, and the torn wound was dripping with blood, but Cocolia would not give her a chance to breathe. She condensed a huge ice ball out of thin air, containing super imaginary energy and smashed it again.

"Long-range attacks are really troublesome. I can't attack from the front, so I can only defend!"

Xing raised her hand to summon a hot fire shield, wrapped around her body, and the ice ball smashed straight down. The whole ground was shaky again, and the ice and the flames kept colliding. Cocolia was still increasing the energy transmission.

"Crack!" The flame shield couldn't bear it and cracks began to appear frequently. Xing gritted his teeth and tried his best to inject the power of destiny to maintain the shield energy, but it was obvious that Cocolia was better. With another fierce force, the shield shattered with a sound, leaving no room for escape.

"Boom!" There was another shocking explosion, and layers of smoke rose up, covering Xing's body. Bronya, who was fighting in the distance, heard the explosion and was about to return to help, but was stopped by Fanchen.

Bronya: "Why are you stopping me? Mother is so strong that Xing has no way to fight her. Do you want to watch her die there? You can't ignore the danger of your companions. Why don't you save her?"

Fan Chen: "I believe her. She will defeat Cocolia. It just takes time. We are only responsible for clearing these raiding monsters and providing enough fighting ground for the two of them. There is no need to disturb them."

Yongdong Ridge, at this moment, is already riddled with holes, with broken land and rocks everywhere. Xing half-knelt on the ground, with a touch of scarlet on the corner of her mouth, and her momentum also greatly reduced. Xiangfan Cocolia was suspended in the air, looking down on the ants below with the posture of the creator.

"You are powerless! Do you want to continue fighting? If you choose to surrender to me now and create a new world with me, I can consider giving you a way out."

Faced with Cocolia's pity, Xing felt insulted and was so angry that he directly confronted Cocolia without giving her any face.

"You dead woman, it's time, and you still want to conquer me? I think you should just give up this idea. I will never surrender to you. You are just a destroyer who wants to destroy Beloberg!"

When Cocolia heard that Xing actually called her a dead woman, she was furious!

"You are looking for death! Okay, I will fulfill your wish today. Since you are unwilling to surrender to me, then you will fall into hell!"

Even though he was seriously injured, Xing still refused to give up. He dragged his scarred body, grabbed the Galaxy Stick again, and barely jumped into the air to prepare to swing again. However, his speed was much slower than before, and Cocolia instantly caught the flaw.

The fatal ice cone pierced directly, and Xing, who was unable to dodge, was hit directly in the chest. The sharp spikes pierced through him directly. Xing felt that the stick in his hand fell off in an instant, and his body could no longer move. He gradually fell into the abyss of the canyon in a fuzzy consciousness...

But when Xing opened his eyes again, what came into his eyes was not the deep and dark abyss, but a vast and distant starry sky. The injuries on his body were also strangely recovered, and in the center of the starry sky, it seemed that something was always surrounding it, which looked magical and deep.

"Where is this? Wasn't my chest pierced? The injury healed so quickly? Who is helping me? What is in front of me? The starry sky? Go up and take a look."

Xing Biantu stepped into the void and walked towards the center of the void step by step. In the process, he kept seeing the shadows of the residents of Beloberg talking to each other, and even Cocolia was the same. She was very surprised and walked step by step in a daze.

Towards the center.

Suddenly, a girl who looked like a child appeared in front of Xing, looking up at Xing, with a little expectation in her shadowy eyes.

Unknown figure: "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, successor."

Xing: "Who are you? What do you mean by waiting for me for a long time? What does successor mean? Where is this place?"

"You don't need to know where this is? But, I represent the will of the former guardian of Beloberg, and have been waiting here, looking for the successor who can inherit our will. Now it seems that I have finally found it."

"Are you the former great guardian? Is this the space you created? You are not dead yet. By the way, since you are the former great guardian, you should know the current great guardian. "The little girl looked at Xing slowly, then at the Shengshi Flame Spear in the center of the starry sky, and said slowly: "We can naturally sense that Beloberg is in danger now, and this Flame Spear represents the will of all our former guardians. Are you willing to inherit our will and become the fortress that protects Beloberg!" After thinking for a moment, Xing agreed to the Flame Spear burning with the red sun flames. The shadow nodded slowly, and then slowly disappeared. Xing slowly walked to the Flame Spear and tried to touch it with his hand. "Bang!" The powerful reaction force shook Xing back. Xing was not willing to be outdone. He instantly grasped the handle of the gun with both hands, and the powerful power of fire gushed out. The space that bound the tip of the gun gradually broke apart. Under Xing's continuous force, the Flame Spear was pulled out of thin air, and a pillar of fire shot up into the sky! In a trance, Xing seemed to see a mysterious figure, which was a strange shape made of countless stones, but Xing didn't know that it was the guardian star god: Klipper!

Klipper suddenly emitted light, and it was obvious that Xing had also been recognized by him and was given a new destiny. The new power was instantly infused into his body, and Xing felt refreshed!

Returning to reality, the Galaxy Stick in his hand also turned into a flaming gun. Xing opened his eyes again, and in an instant, he stepped like a meteor again, rushed out of the abyss-like canyon, and returned to the ground to look at Cocolia again.

At this moment, she inherited the will of all guardians, was watched by Klipper, and gained a new destiny: protection!


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