Although the daily life of Beloberg is a bit boring, the addition of a new person seems to add some fun to the boredom. In the process of getting along, Fan Chen also discovered the uniqueness of Lieyan.

That kind of enthusiasm and generosity like burning, basically to the extent that he can chat with anyone wherever he goes, a typical social bully, this is the first time Fan Chen has seen this, this unique personality seems to be closely related to the fate of fire.

"I didn't expect this girl to have such a unique personality, enthusiastic and generous, she is a complete social bull! If this guess continues, the nine major destinies correspond to nine unique personalities.

Fire represents enthusiasm and liveliness, so does water also represent thoughtfulness and gentleness? Or can we create a second commander first?"

With the addition of this social bullishness, this day was quite interesting. The most important thing is that March Seven's position was pulled down. The previous train four-member group, that is, March Seven was the most lively and open.

But now with the addition of Lieyan, March Seven seems to have begun to surpass it, and was slowly pulled down. As a result, little Sanyue was still unaware. In the past, the most lively and lovely was little Sanyue, and now, Lieyan is probably going to replace March.

A day passed in a flash, and soon it was once again a quiet night. It was still the familiar moonlight and the familiar twinkling stars. The train trio also returned to their respective rooms to rest one after another, with only Fanchen and Lieyan.

Lieyan: "Boss! It's midnight and you're not sleeping? Why are you still wandering outside? And you came to this snowy mountain area far away from the city. It's really strange. You didn't have this habit before."

Fan Chen just smiled and said, "Lieyan! You don't understand this, right? This can be regarded as my small secret base. I usually do things here that ordinary people can't do. Can you understand?"

Lieyan scratched her head awkwardly. Listening to Fan Chen's inexplicable language, she couldn't understand what it meant for a while. What do you mean by things that ordinary people can't do? Does Fan Chen have any special hobbies?

Fan Chen didn't explain to her, but continued to walk in the snowy mountains in the moonlight until he came to the most hidden corner to ensure that no one would appear around.

Even if it was foolproof, Fan Chen still had to pay attention to Lao Sangbo. After all, this kid's movements were unpredictable, and no one knew where he would come from? Besides, his identity was not ordinary, so it was better to be careful.

Looking at the deserted scene, Lieyan was even more confused. She didn't understand what the boss meant. Why did he have to come to such a secluded place? Even if he wanted to do something mysterious, it wouldn't be that serious.

Lieyan: "Boss, what are you doing? The place you chose is too secluded, isn't it? What are you doing? You are so afraid of being seen. I don't understand, I don't understand."

Fanchen: "Speak softly, don't let others hear you. You will know what I am going to do later. Take a good look."

Lieyan was still confused. She just looked at Fanchen stupidly. She didn't understand what the boss meant at all. But the next operation really shocked her.

Fanchen waved his hands regularly, and the raging river water slowly gathered in his palms, just like the power of the water element. With the experience of the last time, Fanchen was obviously more skilled this time.

First, the character model was shaped, and one after another was shaped using the water element. This time, Fan Chen was going to change his routine. Last time, it was a girl type, and this time, let's make a queen type.

"Boss, what are you doing? Are you creating a life form? So magical! Could it be that? Boss, you created me this way?"

"Is that even necessary? Otherwise, how do you think you came from? Of course, I created you. Today, you are the second person to be created. You represent fire, and the one I created represents water."

As Fan Chen continued to shape the human body model, he was still ecstatic while shaping it. In his previous life, he could only watch from afar on his mobile phone or on the street, but now he can create the type he likes himself. It's so cool!

Soon, a perfect queen-type body was shaped, and even Lie Yan couldn't help but praise the boss's art again and again. This is simply ice and jade, a fairy descended to the earth! Perfect without any flaws.

Fan Chen continued to finish the work, restoring each organ one by one, eyes, nose, ears, mouth...

"It's done! How is it? Lieyan, the boss's art

Isn't the art very strong? You created such a perfect beauty. "

"It really shocked me. I didn't expect that you have such a strong artistic ability. I feel that you have taken a big advantage, because this body is still naked now."

Lieyan said it, and Fanchen could only scratch his head awkwardly. Lieyan suddenly thought, was he also seen naked by the boss when he was finished? Thinking of this, his delicate cheeks blushed instantly, and he didn't dare to look up at Fanchen again.

Fanchen was helpless. He really didn't want to take advantage of anyone, but he had no choice. He didn't want to take advantage, but he had to take advantage, which was very embarrassing.

It must be said that the body of the queen type is wow. Fanchen almost fell 3,000 feet when he saw it, and Lieyan turned his head away. Dare to look at your boss again to prevent yourself from being addicted to it.

After that, it was the normal indoctrination of the fate of water, as well as human thinking ability and seven emotions and six desires. In order to prevent yourself from taking advantage again, Fan Chen casually put on clothes, covering the body with a blue long skirt, the round long legs were wrapped in white silk, and the delicate jade feet were matched with light blue high heels.

With a long blue hair and blue pupils, this shape is not only perfect, but also like a mermaid, born from the sea, nourishing all things in the world.

"OK! It's done! Little Lieyan, come and appreciate my complete work, what do you think?"

"Wow, although the boss is a little perverted, I have to say that such a perfect figure is even more genius than a genius! It's awesome."

"Lieyan, what do you mean? What do you mean I'm a little perverted? Is that what I call perverted? That was obviously forced, you girl, just let me imagine it. "

"Boss, you are still quibbling. If you didn't want to take advantage, you would have put on the clothes after shaping the human model. Why did you have to do it now? Do you really think I don't know your little tricks? After all, which man doesn't like beautiful women? And they are ready-made."


Fan Chen was speechless. He never thought that Lieyan, who was only born one day ago, could speak so vividly and eloquently. It seems that Xiao Sanyue and Xing must have taught her a lot of bad things. They are too bad!


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