The boat was full of cargo, but the boat was full of cargo.

Several people looked around. It was full of large and small cargoes. It looked like the entrance and exit for transporting cargoes. However, Fan Chen was not surprised. After all, it was the same in the plot. He came directly to the cargo port.

Fan Chen: "This looks like the entrance and exit for transporting cargoes. There are all kinds of cargoes piled up in all directions. The construction of the fairy boat is really peculiar. Let's go. Let's go deeper along these roads."

Several people nodded one after another, and then continued to move forward under the leadership of Fan Chen. Although the road here was winding and complicated, and sometimes blocked by cargo, Fan Chen was too familiar with it, and it was almost unimpeded.

However, as they were walking, the perceptive Cocolia suddenly noticed something unusual and immediately signaled everyone not to move forward. Xiao Sanyue and Xing were confused, but only Fanchen smiled knowingly.

Fanchen: "It seems that you have also noticed that there seems to be a wave of fighting nearby. You are worthy of being a great guardian, even your perception is so sharp."

Cocolia: "Thank you for the compliment, but this is just a place to store or transport goods. Generally, there are almost no people in such places. There are traces of fighting. It's really strange. Let's go and explore it."

March Seven, the naive and innocent, responded first. Seeing that March Seven was so excited that she broke through the sky, Xing couldn't help but pray for her silently, praying that Xiao Sanyue would not be so overly excited again. After all, this is Luofu, and excessive excitement and liveliness are not a good thing.

Cocolia and Fanchen looked at each other, both with helpless faces. Every time they arrived at a new place, Sanyueqi would be excited and lively for a while. Although it could lift the atmosphere, this simple and lively personality would be very disadvantageous in the future.

Fanchen: "Little Sanyue, don't be so lively and jump around. It's better to be quiet. If you attract monsters, we won't care about you then!"

Sanyueqi: "Hey, what do you mean? What do you mean by attracting monsters? Where can monsters come from in a place like this where goods are stored? Do you really think I'm stupid? Monsters will appear in such a place? Fanchen, you actually have a day when your brain is watt."

Looking at the silly look of little Sanyue, Fanchen could only be speechless. This girl didn't understand the dangers of the world and didn't understand anything. After all, the Luofu Immortal Boat is imminent, Jianmu is about to revive, and the Lord of Extinction is about to arrive. The whole Luofu just looks very peaceful.

It's not easy to persuade such a person. According to the energy fluctuations of the fight, Fan Chen quickly found the origin of the traces of the fight. Several people looked up and saw the fighting scene not far away.

Two demon soldiers were staring at her, and a fox girl was being protected by two cloud cavalry soldiers, but looking at the injuries of the two cavalry soldiers, it was obvious that the fighting situation was not optimistic.

Xiao Sanyue: "There are really people fighting there, so strange! It seems that the guy in yellow armor is fighting with two guys in blue armor?? It seems that there is also a... girl in the middle? But she doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Xing: "Indeed, after all, you can see that the girl's ears and the tail behind her are particularly like foxes. Could it be that she is from the fox tribe? When did Luofu have such a race? Strange?"

Cocolia: "The fighting situation seems to be very pessimistic. The strange girl seems to be protected by the two guys in blue armor. Fan Chen, should we help? Besides, which side should we help?"

Fan Chen didn't say anything, but just signaled everyone to wait and see the situation.

At this time, the two Cloud Cavalry soldiers were wounded and the Demon Yin soldiers were too powerful. They would soon be unable to resist, but they were still protecting the lonely girl. Tingyun was also in a state of panic and didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, the fox ears moved. Tingyun slowly turned his head and looked. It seemed that it came from the fox's keen perception. A group of spectators were standing not far away, but they didn't seem to want to intervene.

Seeing that the battle was about to fall to one side, Tingyun seemed to see hope and immediately shouted to the crowd over there: "Hey! Gentlemen and ladies over there, come and help us, we can't stand it anymore!"

Xiao Sanyue and Xing were about to take action after hearing this, but Bi Fanchen raised his hand to stop them, and then gave them a look. The two could only be spectators. Then Fanchen slowly said:

"Help you? We don't know you at all. Why should we help you? What's the benefit of helping you? Who knows if this is a trap you set?"

Tingyun was stunned when he heard it. Seeing that the other party didn't know how to deal with it, he was shocked.

She had no intention of helping and even wanted to get up and leave. She panicked instantly. Seeing that the two Cloud Cavalry soldiers were about to collapse, she could only beg again:

"Hey, hey, hey, please don't leave, I beg you, please help me, I have no choice, I still have a good youth, I don't want to die yet! Please."

Fan Chen sighed slowly. After all, he really couldn't stand by and watch. Tingyun was an important character in the later plot. It would be bad if she died.

Fan Chen slowly exhaled there. It seemed to be just a simple exhalation, but it contained a flame that was enough to destroy the world. The two demon Yin soldiers didn't react at all, and they were burned to ashes by the sudden flames. It was tragic.

The two Cloud Cavalry soldiers who were fighting were stunned. The monster in front of them was inexplicably burned to ashes. In just a moment, they didn't react at all. The crisis was finally resolved, and Tingyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Everyone slowly came to the three people, but after all, they were strangers. The two Cloud Riders still maintained due vigilance, and never put down their long swords and spears. Tingyun said with a smile:

"Thank you all for your help. I will definitely repay you. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tingyun. I work as a ship receiving envoy for the Tianbosi Merchant Group in Luofu. May I know your names?"

"Fanchen, Sanyueqi, Xing, Cocolia."

Several people introduced their names to each other, and gradually became familiar with each other, but Tingyun suddenly changed his face, Squinting his eyes, he slowly stared at the four people of unknown origin, and said slowly:

"I don't seem to have seen you benefactors before. If I guess correctly, you are not from Xianzhou, right? But our Xianzhou is already in a state of defense. How did you get in?"

While speaking, two wounded Yunqi soldiers holding long spears and long swords slowly approached the four people, with more and more vigilance and alertness in their eyes. After all, Xianzhou is now in a special period. It is hard not to doubt the identity and purpose of four people of unknown origin who appeared inexplicably.


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