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Fan Chen: "It seems that Miss Tingyun already knows our purpose. Even if she only holds a small position, can she guess the purpose of our visit? I admire you. You are indeed an elite of the fox people." Tingyun smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise, sir. I know a little bit about the Star Train. I heard that you pioneers seal the star cores in every place you travel to, so as to achieve salvation."

"And our star core incident has just Not long after it happened, the benefactors who were far away on the train had already arrived here. Judging from your duties, it is not difficult to judge the purpose of your trip. "

Fan Chen smiled slightly, expressing his affirmation of Tingyun. Although this girl Although he doesn't seem to have much fighting ability, he is quite smart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to work as a merchant ship envoy, which requires communicating with various people for trade.

"If you are here to help our Luofu Xianzhou solve the problem, I will definitely welcome you. However, your sudden visit during this special period will probably arouse Luofu's suspicion."

"So, I invite you to come. Go to Sichen Palace to meet Lord Yukong, and you two can discuss the matter together. After all, the Immortal Ship is not very welcoming to outsiders during this period, so you'd better go and discuss it, otherwise I think your journey on the Immortal Ship will be very difficult. "

Since even Tingyun invited him like this, Fanchen would naturally not refuse. After all, meeting Lord Yukong was also part of the plot. He readily agreed and asked Tingyun to lead the way. He also told Tingyun not to play tricks.

Face Facing these monsters among monsters, the little fox man who had no fighting ability dared not resist. He could only pretend to be calm and lead the four-member train team to Sichen Palace... There was no other way. The pressure from the four of them is too strong!

Soon, the four-member train team arrived at the gate of Sichen Palace under the leadership of Tingyun. This was no different from what was shown in the plot, but it was full of technology. Xianzhou was really a world of high-end technology. Ah!

"I can only take you here. You may need to deal with it on your own. I have other important things to do, so I will leave first. If Master Yukong finds out that I am lazy and not working, he will Being criticized. "

Fan Chen didn't care too much, and waved his hand, letting Tingyun leave. Tingyun, feeling relieved, immediately trotted away. The four people on the train couldn't help but cover their mouths and chuckle. They didn't expect this little girl to be so The way he walks is quite cute.

Then everyone slowly stepped into the Sichen Palace. Inside, it was still full of technology and hard work, and there were all kinds of staff. In the center, the dark green tail And ears, and that slender and tender figure, matched with bright white long legs.

If Fan Chen hadn't read the plot in advance and knew that Yukong was an old fox who had lived for hundreds of years, he would have thought she was a graceful older sister when they first met.

Yukong seemed to have been waiting for the four people for a long time. When he saw the four people on the train arrive, She was not surprised, but crossed her arms, with cold eyes, showing her unique majesty and momentum, which made Fan Chen sigh that she was indeed Lord Yukong, not only a great man, but also a mother.

Yukong: "Stop the cloud You have told me about your affairs. To be precise, I am not suitable to entertain you outsiders, but I want to make one thing clear. We can do things on our own, and we don't need you outsiders to interfere!"

As soon as Yukong came up He directly stated his position and was merciless in his words. He wanted to send the guests away as soon as they met. The three of them were very confused about this matter, and only Fan Chen remained calm as before.

After all, if the Immortal Boat had the current technology and strength, it could indeed solve the star core problem very well, but they overlooked a problem: Jianmu was about to revive, the extinction army was about to land on the Immortal Boat, and the medicine Wang Mi Chuan's organization will be in disaster.

If the Lord of Extinction does not land on the Luofu Immortal Boat, he may really need the help of the Starry Sky Train, but once he chooses to approach Luofu, it will only bring devastating consequences. disaster, not to mention that the one coming is one of the strongest among the seven great extinction lords: Huanlong!

As a result, the current Xianzhou is really a little arrogant, thinking that it can rely on its own technology and strength They could solve it, but they didn't expect that Destruction would actually intervene. Then they would have to face more than one enemy.

"Miss Yukong, don't be so decisive. You don't seem to know the current situation of the Immortal Boat. I thought I could solve it with Luofu alone.

Is it too arrogant to solve the star core problem? "

But Yukong shook his face and said mercilessly:

"I said that we Luofu don't need the help of you outsiders. Do you mean to look down on the ability of our fairy boat?"

"That's not the case. I just hope you can think about it again. Are you sure that Luofu can really solve it? How sure are you? What's the plan? And there are various factors involved. If you don't consider all these, Luofu will inevitably be in trouble!"

"Forget it, there is no point in saying more. If you don't want to, we can't do anything. Just remind you that since we have nothing to do here, we can only leave first. Goodbye!"

As he said this, Fanchen wanted to leave with everyone, but before he took a few steps, he was surrounded by the suddenly appeared Cloud Riders. The three of them couldn't figure out the situation for a while. Fanchen snorted disdainfully, turned his head and stared at Yukong, and said coldly:

"Yukong, what do you mean? Set up an ambush in advance? You guys on the Xianzhou really don't follow the ethics of martial arts. Tell me, why did you choose to arrest us? We don't seem to have anything to do with you. "

Yukong still said coldly: "You can't leave. After all, our Xianzhou is in this special period. We have already set up protective measures inside and outside. Basically, no one can get in."

"But you suddenly appeared at this time. It's hard not to make people wonder what you want to do? Come to help us? Who would trust you if you just came to visit in a hurry during this special period? You are just outsiders. Who knows whether you are here to help us or to destroy us?"

"So let me say that you can't leave now. Wait until everything is over before making a decision. What? Are you trying to challenge the authority of Luofu Xianzhou?

Upon hearing such threatening words, Fanchen couldn't help but sneer. It was really ridiculous! Not to mention challenging Luofu, even if he directly faced the patrol star god! He had nothing to fear. After all, Destruction was not his opponent. What kind of waves could the patrol star god, which was weaker than Destruction, make?

Xianzhou is indeed arrogant, and he rashly implemented it without even checking our identities! It's a bit too much of a disdain for our Star Sky Train, and even more so for the Star God!!


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