After a brief teleportation, everyone quickly arrived at the center of the Industrial and Construction Division and faced the huge Jianmu. However, the length of the Jianmu made San Yueqi drop his jaw, not to mention the rich power of abundance contained in it, which made it impossible to get close to it. Xing: "This is the legendary Jianmu. Legend has it that it was created by the blessing of abundance. I didn't expect that it was so tall that I couldn't even see the end of it when I saw it for the first time. The energy it contains is unprecedented. It's very dangerous!"

March Seven: "Such a big piece of wood was blessed by abundance? How powerful can the star god be? He can create such a shrub that almost pierces the sky with just a random blessing. It's too powerful."

Cocolia: "It's really dangerous! The surroundings are full of rich and dangerous abundance energy. It seems that once you get close, you will suffer a disaster. So the crisis of the fairy boat comes from it?"

Thunder: "Feeling the danger, this Jianmu is definitely not simple. The power of abundance is really not to be underestimated. Just a small blessing can cause the entire fairy boat to suffer a disaster. It's hard to imagine what kind of power we will fight in the future?"

Everyone looked at the revived Jianmu with a serious face. March Seven wanted to watch it up close, but was pulled back by the vigilant Xing. Not long after, the whole Jianmu burst out with powerful abundance again.

As if sensing an invasion, the revived Jianmu began to gather abundant power. Everyone prepared to fight, but Fanchen took Lei Ting away directly. After all, this small-level boss was enough for the three of them.

Xiao Sanyue then realized that Lei Ting and Fan Chen had suddenly disappeared. She stamped her feet in anger and cursed Fan Chen for abandoning the three of them and running away alone, but Kokolia gave a different explanation:

"Don't be angry first. Is there a possibility? Monsters of this level may not be worth their intervention at all. We can solve it alone. After all, Fan Chen is not the kind of heartless and ungrateful person. He will hand over the battles he is sure of to us, and he will let him deal with the uncertain ones himself."

Xing also reminded at this time: "Don't worry about so much now. This big wood is about to condense the power of abundance. It seems that it has sensed our invasion of the main body. Get ready for battle! Being distracted in battle is the most deadly!"

As the power of abundance was infused and condensed, a huge ball of abundance fell from the sky. The powerful shock wave made the three retreat several meters. The ball of abundance burst out with unprecedented light, and the strong light made the three unable to open their eyes.

As the light gradually faded, a mysterious figure slowly walked out of the light ball. The three of them were on high alert, but when they saw the true appearance clearly, they were really shocked. The figure that walked out was just an animal that looked like a deer, but the power of abundance contained in Zhou Shen represented his mystery and power.

Little Sanyue: "What is this? A deer? I thought it was a tall and strong monster. In the end, Jianmu used such a little deer to fight us. Isn't this just looking down on us?"

Xing: "Don't be careless. The power of abundance of this deer is very strong. Compared with our strength, it is probably slightly stronger. After all, you have never seen the power of abundance. The real abundance can make you invincible and exhaust you to death."

Cocolia: "The state of this little deer is not right. Everyone pay attention and prepare to fight!"

Just while talking, the God of Abundance Deer quickly condensed the power of abundance and generated a series of mysterious flowers and plants around it. Sanyueqi didn't care so much. He used a big move when he attacked!

"Come and taste my power! Drink!"

March Seven leaped into the air and drew his bow and arrows. The frost arrows turned into dolls covering the field, and all attacked the God of Plenty. However, the mysterious plants beside him seemed to provide help. He was as fierce as a tiger, and the actual damage was 2.5!

"How could this happen? My ultimate move has no effect on him? Impossible! Could it be that this guy is a hundred times stronger than the Doomsday Beast?"

While March Seven was still confused, Cocolia attacked instantly, and the frost ice turned into many ice cones. All the operators attacked the God of Plenty, but the plants beside him provided assistance again, and the ultimate move had no effect on the God of Plenty.

"That's not right. The power of abundance should be continuous self-healing. Why is this little deer's defense so high? Could it be? Those mysterious plants beside her?"

Without waiting for everyone to react, the Abundant Deer took the lead in attacking. Its two pairs of horns gathered the power of abundance, forming a terrifying ball of light. Xing Zong felt something was wrong and immediately raised his hand to use the fate of fire to condense into a flame shield.

With the energy

After the power accumulation was completed, the center of the two pairs of horns suddenly burst into divine light, and a touch of abundant energy pierced out and hit the flame shield head-on, but the power of abundance continued to increase, and Xing could only increase the power of destiny to strengthen the defense.

But Cocolia had already seen the clues. While Xing was defending, she gathered the power of frost in both hands and swung it violently at the pile of mysterious plants beside her. The power of extreme ice instantly froze all the mysterious plants, and the output of abundance suddenly stopped!

Xing: "So that's it, I understand! The pair of mysterious plants have been assisting him. Once those mysterious things suffer control damage, the power of abundance will not be continuous. Then, let's go together!"

The three of them rushed forward and used their strongest moves one after another. In an instant, lightning and thunder were intertwined, and the violent explosion suddenly spread in the center. Fanchen, who was far away, raised his hand and waved, and the rock element as solid as a rock protected the surroundings to prevent it from suffering the aftermath.

After a sudden attack, the God of Plenty was indeed hurt, and the original power of abundance was also weakened a little, but at this moment, the mysterious plants that were frozen were gradually thawing. Xing would not give it a chance. He waved the Galaxy Stick, condensed the Red Sun Flame, and swung it violently at the plants that were about to freeze!

In an instant, the flames burned, burning all the rich plants. The God of Plenty could no longer obtain power, but still wanted to make a last-ditch effort and prepare to condense power again.

How could those three people give you a chance? Another crazy output, with fancy styles and moves, directly interrupting the condensed power. The God of Plenty still unwillingly raised its deer hoof and stomped on everyone.

But the three people jumped left and right, avoiding all the trampling and kicking. The God of Plenty became more and more anxious, while the three people became more and more stable. Then Xing seized the gap, condensed the Red Sun Flame with his left hand, and swung it violently at the God of Plenty!

"Flame shockwave!" The red sun flames turned into a powerful shockwave, directly pushing the Abundant Deer back several meters, and the Abundant Horns on its head were broken. At this time, the Abundant Deer was already at the end of its strength.


(Warm reminder: Since the author is about to start school, the update progress may be slower in the future, but it will not be interrupted. The author will continue to work hard. Thank you for your support)

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