The battle was over, and the enemy was in a hurry.

Jing Yuan looked at the Jianmu in the center in the distance, and an unprecedented sense of oppression came over him. He knew that the Great Lord of Extinction was there and was waiting for them. A fierce battle was already unfolding silently...

Jing Yuan looked back at the train crew again, showing a meaningful smile, and then said: "Are you all ready? Then let's go together. The next enemy will definitely be very powerful!"

Everyone nodded and was ready for the battle. Fu Xuan looked at everyone in a complicated way. She had mixed feelings in her heart, but she couldn't say it. After all, she couldn't disobey the general's order, so she could only pray silently for their success.

Afterwards, Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan said their final goodbyes, and the train owner and the others slowly stepped into the Scale Abyss Realm...........

As soon as they stepped into this place, they felt the fairy air here, and the sacred and majestic atmosphere was everywhere, which caused San Yueqi to exclaim:

"This place is so spectacular! I didn't expect that after being submerged in the sea for so many years, it can still be preserved intact, the Scale Abyss Mirror! It is really a unique place, but at the same time, it seems to be full of dangers."

Sure enough, in various areas, rich monsters soon appeared! And, monsters of the antimatter army! I didn't expect that the Lord of Extinction would take action so quickly, wanting to use these shrimp soldiers and crab generals to consume their physical strength.

Fan Chen just smiled, this little trick is useless at all, it is completely a paper war, no matter how many shrimp soldiers and crab generals there are, it is just a matter of Fan Chen waving his hands and blowing more!

Soon, everyone killed all the monsters along the way, and opened several mechanisms under the guidance of Fan Chen, and finally the road to the center of Jianmu was fully revealed!

Following the central road to the deepest part, this place is very different from before, filled with the breath of abundance and destruction, and this area is also wrapped in thick fog, making it impossible to see the true appearance.

March 7: "Why does it feel like there is a fairy air here? There is strange smoke everywhere, which makes me unable to see. This is the specific position of Jianmu, why does it feel like there is no danger?"

Xing: "Don't let your guard down! Maybe these mists are just illusions. The real danger is in the deepest part. Don't forget that the Lord of Extinction is also waiting for us. I can sense that we are getting closer and closer to her."

Dan Heng: "It's really a mirage! It looks like a fairy air, but it is dangerous. It is indeed a very dangerous area. I finally understand why you, General? You didn't choose to fight alone."

Jing Yuan: "Yes! It is extremely dangerous here. Even if I, as a general, fight against the Lord of Extinction alone, I am not sure of winning. After all, it is the hand of the God of Destruction. One of the seven great envoys under the command of the Star God! Never underestimate the enemy! "

Cocolia: "The deeper you go, the more you can feel its tyrannical pressure. Is this the envoy? It's really beyond my cognition. I didn't expect that just the subordinates of the Star God could be so strong. I'm a little worried about Beloberg!"

Fanchen: "Don't worry, I will escort you. The winning rate of this battle is absolutely 100%! After all, except for the general, you all know what I am. You attack in the front, and the support in the rear is left to me!"

Several people slowly stepped into the deepest place. There was a vague void under their feet, and there was a strange smoke around them. In the center, there was a lotus that looked like it was blooming in the prosperous age. In the center of the lotus, the familiar soul flame reappeared!

Huanlong: "Oh? I didn't expect that the benefactors would follow here. General Luofu? Are you coming with us? Hahaha, it's really interesting. Looking at your battle, do you want to defeat me completely? Do you think that you have such a possibility?"

Faced with the threat of a powerful enemy, Jing Yuan was not panicked at all. He always maintained a calm smile, looking up at the soul flame in the lotus, and the waves in his heart gradually surged. The last time he faced the Envoy of Abundance, this time it was the Envoy of Destruction.

March Seven started to shout again: "Little Flame! I advise you not to get carried away. Do you know what it means to have strength in numbers? Don't think that just because you are the Envoy, we can't beat you. We have a trump card in hand, and you will lose!"

March Seven's wave of chicken blood is okay, but it feels that the timing is not right. It shouldn't be at this time! There is no way. March Seven is so stupid. He doesn't consider the occasion or the timing. When he sees

When I got to Huanlong, I started shouting!

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect you, a pink girl, to be so arrogant. Oh, I remember you seemed to shout like that last time, but I didn't expect you to do it again! You're really too arrogant! Later, you may be the first one to be destroyed!"

Dan Heng looked at the flame expressionlessly, but his expressionless face was also mixed with a little anger and surprise. Did Jing Yuan fight with enemies of this level? Now it seems really thrilling in retrospect!

Huanlong: "Do you want to defeat me? Your courage is commendable! I accept your challenge, but before that, let me get a body first. It seems unfair to fight with a soul body. Don't worry, I will treat you well!"

The soul flame suddenly burst into flames, and Zhou Shen's abundance and destructive power were converging here at a very fast speed. I didn't expect that destruction would also absorb abundance! The two major forces of destiny merged with each other, and the flame was also wrapped and covered by it!

Xing Da felt bad, but he was powerless to stop it. The powerful shock wave prevented everyone from moving forward! In just a moment, abundance and destruction completely merged, and a new body was revealed! This can be regarded as Huanlong's strongest form!

Fan Chen stared at this huge but beautiful body, and sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect it! This body is indeed perfect, and it can be regarded as the strongest form at present. Abundance and destruction are combined into one, which is exactly the same as in the plot!"

The smoke that was enough to cover gradually dissipated, and Huanlong's latest body was also revealed in front of everyone. Looking at a small soul flame that suddenly became a tall mountain beauty, everyone was a little stunned for a while!

Huanlong: "Have you seen this body? The miracle of abundance is indeed worthy of its reputation. This body is simply too perfect! It is best to use it to teach you to get rid of them one by one. Then, it is time to destroy you all together!"

Jing Yuan was still calm and immediately reminded: "Everyone, pay attention! Prepare to fight, show your true abilities and defeat this guy together!"

Jing Yuan took out the magic sword, Dan Heng held the black and white Bagua ball, Xing held the Galaxy stick tightly, Cocolia took out the ice double swords, Sanyueqi took out the bow and arrow, and although Fan Chen had nothing in his hands, the elemental power in his hands was also ready to go! The final decisive battle: officially kicked off! ! !

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