The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"This, this, this! What kind of combat power is this? Doomsday Beast! How could it be burned to death for no reason?"

Sanyueqi, who collapsed on the ground, was amazed at this! Her pink eyes looked at the tall and upright Fanchen in disbelief! Facing the energy bombardment of Doomsday Beast! Not only was she unscathed! She could also kill it instantly!

Danheng on the side! Jizi! Xing! They also widened their eyes! They looked at the unscathed Fanchen in disbelief! They never thought that Fanchen was so powerful! He could withstand the energy spray of Doomsday Beast without any injury! He could even kill it instantly!

This combat power is incredible just to think about it! After all, Doomsday Beast is a big guy! But it is many times stronger than those virtual soldiers! It is a terrifying existence that can destroy the space station at will!

He can be killed instantly by Fan Chen for no apparent reason! It is enough to show! The strength of the boy in front of him! Has surpassed everyone's imagination! Even more abnormal than a monster!

"This kid! I didn't observe him much before! I didn't expect that the fighting power he burst out was so terrible! It's really hard to imagine! What is his identity?"

Ji Zi and Dan Heng on the side were secretly shocked! The dripping cold sweat flowed unconsciously! They were all afraid of Fan Chen's terrifying trembling! But Ji Zi's eyes were even more expectant and admiring!

"This child is indeed a very powerful fighting force, even beyond my expectations. It would be great if he is willing to join our Star Dome Train!"

Seeing that the Doomsday Beast has been destroyed! Fan Chen breathed a sigh of relief! Everyone was able to take a breath! However! If nothing unexpected happens, there will be an accident! They are both star gods who control the universe!

Fan Chen suddenly realized! A familiar destructive force! Is gradually pouring into Xing's body! Everything was caught off guard! The destructive energy was too sudden! Fan Chen had no way of noticing it!

The destructive energy was poured into Xing's body! The star core in the body could no longer be suppressed! Infinite energy gushed out! Instantly covering Xing's body! Xing, who was already suffering from infinite pain! It was really adding insult to injury!

The body had just absorbed the star core! There was no ability to control it at all! He could only let the energy in his body continue to gush out! Xing's body was also on the verge of collapse! He looked painful! But he was powerless!

"Nanook! You guy! Stop for me!"

Fan Chen was furious! The runaway of the star core in his body! It was also Nanook's masterpiece! Seeing that the energy was out of control! Everyone was at a loss! Not knowing how to help Xing!

Seeing his companions in crisis! Fan Chen wanted to use elemental power! But suddenly! A savior came quickly! The ordinary cane was endowed with blood-red power! Crossing the infinite galaxy! Instantly hitting the forehead of the already out-of-control star!

The gushing energy also stopped! The star gradually returned to normal! But because of the extreme loss just now! He fainted uncontrollably on the ground! Fortunately, March Seven caught it in time! Pink eyes were full of worry! He turned his head and looked at the uncle who suddenly attacked!

As for the reputation of our Uncle Yang! It has spread in Honkai! The most famous one is: "Yang" sit-ups! As for his true identity! I guess there is no need to reveal it to everyone, the big man who came from Honkai: Walter Yang!

Belongs to the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance! And in the three major organizations of Honkai: World Serpent! Destiny! Anti-Entropy! Belong to the three top organizations of Honkai! It is enough to explain! The status of this leader Uncle Yang is high! And his strength is strong!

"He's fine! Take her back to rest first, the matter has been resolved! Let's go back to the space station first."

Uncle Yang is still as steady as an old dog! His expression is as steady as a mountain! He is worthy of being the leader! His IQ is so superb! Seeing Uncle Yang coming! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief! Fan Chen on the side stared at Uncle Yang!

As a fan of Honkai, he naturally knew this big man who came from Honkai! The leader of the three top organizations! So damn handsome! It's a pity! If he was younger! It is estimated that he would be far beyond the level of school idol!

With the demise of Doommon! The invasion of the space station! It came to an end! Everyone was able to return to the space station to rest! Everything is proceeding according to the plot routine.........

I don't know how much time has passed! In Xing's dream! His body vaguely floated into the air! All around him, except for the bottomless darkness! It was the familiar destructive energy! Xing floated in the air! There was a voice echoing in my mind!

"Use your own will! Go to that ending........"

Then! In the dark sky not far ahead! A body as huge as Mount Tai suddenly appeared! With the touch of the chest

Shocking golden scars! You can immediately identify this person: the Star God of Destruction! Nanook!

Fan Chen, who is also a Star God! Naturally, he also entered Xing's dream! He looked at each other with the high and mighty Nanook! Seeing the arrival of a familiar person! Nanook frowned slightly! Obviously, he did not expect Fan Chen to invade it!

"You guy! You secretly attacked it, right? It caused its star core to go out of control! It was you who did it, right? Nanook!"

"Humph! So what? What? Do you think you can stop me? I'm just a newly promoted Star God! I advise you not to be too arrogant!"

A figure like a mountain! The golden eyes that had been closed all the time suddenly opened! A dazzling light shone in them! The power of destruction poured into Xing's body again!

"Give her the fate of destruction? Nanook! We will meet again!"

"Then! See you later! Elemental Star God! Fan Chen!"

As the two people's voices fell! The original dream was shattered! Xing, who had returned to normal, slowly opened her eyes! What came into view! Was Fanchen's tall and strong body!

"Are you okay? It seems that you have woken up! Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Fanchen asked with concern! He noticed that in addition to the sealed star core in Xing's body (as for who sealed it? I don't need to say more, right?) and the destructive power just given by Nanook! It's hard to imagine! If it were a mortal! It would be impossible to withstand the load of two energies!

But Xing is different! Her body has been transformed by the Star God himself! It is enough to withstand the load of two huge energies! Fanchen couldn't help but sigh secretly! Looking at Xing who was already awake! The thoughts in his heart had already drifted away.........

After a while! Everyone had rested! At this moment! Ji Zi's mobile phone suddenly rang! Messages were sent to the inside! Ji Zi opened her mobile phone to watch! When she saw the person who sent the message! She couldn't help but frowned! The corners of her mouth twitched slightly! Then he slowly turned his head and looked at Xing!

"Heita sent me a message just now! Xing! She is very interested in you! And invites you to meet her! I wonder if you can agree?"

Xing didn't know what was going on! Naturally, she didn't know what Heita was! She was innocent and kind! She also gladly accepted the promise! Fan Chen on the side secretly felt sorry! Why is this girl still so naive! Her exclusive "scrap" attribute has not awakened yet! But it's only a matter of time!

Once she awakens that attribute, it is estimated that from now on, rummaging through garbage all day long! It will become her favorite habit! Pioneer rummaging through garbage! It is also one of her few humors.

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