The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

With the end of the war, Luofu gradually returned to its original appearance, and the train crew naturally received a lot of treatment, but the reputation seemed to spread a little, causing everyone to be greeted by cheers and enthusiasm from the people every time they walked in the streets and alleys.

Why does this scene feel exactly the same as in Beloberg? Almost every time they save a place, they will become the heroes of the rescue and be worshipped and admired by people from all sides. How can I say it? As pioneers, this kind of thing seems to be reasonable.

After that, it was the usual shopping, especially on March 7th. This little fool would go directly to Jinren Lane for no reason and buy all kinds of brand-name snacks there. Moreover, every time he asked Fanchen to pay, it was obvious that he wanted to empty his pockets, which was uncomfortable.

But Fanchen didn't take it to heart. After all, he had more important things in mind, which was about what would happen next with Luofu.

"The main line has been deduced. The next is probably some side quests or companion tasks. However, I haven't seen Jingliu much during this period, and Luosha is also missing. Maybe these two people have already started to form an alliance, and I don't know where they are hiding to plot a plan to kill Fengrao."

Today is another ordinary day, but Fanchen changed his usual behavior this time and stood directly on the eaves, looking into the distance at the incomparably blue sky and the clouds floating in the sky. If it weren't for the plot, he would never have thought that every fairy boat was a huge battleship!

But the big thing is over, and it seems that there is nothing to do next. I want to find something to do but I don’t know where to start. This makes Fanchen feel quite distressed. What should I do?

"It’s really a headache. Those guys are idle all day long and never think about the future. The stupidest one is Xiao Sanyue. Every day she is either enjoying herself or on the way to enjoy herself."

"So with her personality, she can make more friends, but this type of mindless running around is really a bit unacceptable. By the way, it seems that I have been paying attention to the story of the train group and the plot. Has my system been offline for a long time?"

Just when Fanchen was confused, he wanted to call it, but the system that had been offline for a long time seemed to sense it again, and it came up and gave a surprise directly!

"Ding ding ding ding, connecting, connecting, ding ding, connected successfully, the system is back!

Because the system has been offline for too long, it has not been able to provide the best help to the host. In order to compensate for such a long period of offline status, a surprise gift package will be issued to the host! The rewards are as follows:

Reward new ability: shuttle! (With this ability, the host can shuttle between various parallel time and space at will, even any timeline of each time and space can be shuttled at will) Reward a bottle of sensitivity increase potion (this potion is unlimited)

Reward the host with a full body massage method (this massage method will be automatically injected into the system's mind) Reward the host: Transformation (with this ability, the host can transform into any kind of physical object, and the transformation duration is determined by the host)

Reward the host with a brand new artifact: Red Fire Armor! Divine Flame Sword!"

The sudden mechanical sound directly caused the mortal world to explode on the spot! He never expected that the system would not return earlier or later, but at this time. You said it would return, and he was quite happy. But when Fan Chen looked at the reward given by the system, he fell into a long-lost silence.......

"System, you gave me a rich reward, but it was also very strange. First of all, what's the meaning of giving me these two artifacts? I can obviously make them myself, isn't it redundant? System, you really did something unnecessary."

"And this transformation, system, you look down on me so much, I can transform into whatever I want, and you give me extra, you look down on Star God. Are you a god or do you look down on me? I don't understand what you mean?"

"Finally, I can accept your ability to travel through time and space. After all, if you want to travel through parallel time and space or the universe, there are probably not many star gods who can do it, but your potion to increase sensitivity? What do you mean? Are you asking me to be a pervert? System, you old bitch!"

Fan Chen stood on the roof and complained about the system crazily. The rewards were rich and strange, but the system once again chose to turn a deaf ear and continued to enter the offline state, completely ignoring Fan Chen's crazy complaints.

This made Fan Chen so angry that he stomped on the eaves, and it was so loud that he almost broke the entire eaves. Fortunately, he stood high enough. If he was in a low building,

I must be treated as a lunatic by the Xianzhou people!

After the crazy complaints, Fan Chen was both happy and angry. He was happy because the long-forgotten system finally returned, and he was angry because the rewards of this system were too weird! Massage method? Increase sensitivity potion? This is obviously asking me to open a massage shop, but I don’t have that mind. The system is just making trouble!

"I shouldn’t have let the system return if I had known. This return is terrible. The rewards are so weird that it feels like there is something wrong with the system. You can give some useful rewards!"

"In the end, the only useful thing is this ability to travel through time and space. The others are really nothing. It’s obvious that they are here to trick me! System, you little cutie, I really love you to death!"

Fan Chen, who was so angry that he couldn’t get anywhere, complained again. After nearly ten minutes, Fan Chen stopped complaining. If you want to say how outrageous the complaints just now were, it’s probably only Fan Chen who knows that they are all ugly map cannons!

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to bother with this system. I've given it to you, so I can't let it be useless. Let me think about what I can do with this ability to travel through time and space?"

Fan Chen then sat on the roof again and began to think about what he should do next? After all, being idle all the time really makes you panic. Suddenly, Fan Chen had a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly thought of what this ability could allow him to do.

"I know, the ability to travel through time and space, doesn't it mean that I can travel to any parallel time and space, which means that I can travel through the fairy boat in every time and space!

The companion mission of Jingliu is still vivid in my mind! Bai Xian, such a good fox girl, is gone? It's a pity to think about it. Now that I have this ability, I can finally go to see her. Although she can't enter the card pool, it's a pity not to meet such a smart, cute, clever and eccentric girl!"

"That's it! Let's go now! Those guys can do whatever they want. Anyway, with their current strength, it's impossible for them to get into trouble in the fairy boat. The power I gave is not in vain."

A brand new plan emerged from Fanchen's mind, and the time that seemed boring seemed to become more and more interesting..............

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