The two of them were born to be at odds, but it was a strange thing.

I always feel that Hurricane and Pam seem to be born to be at odds with each other. They always quarrel whenever they meet, but this is not right! The personalities of the two should be similar, but the actual situation is that they don't seem to get along well when they meet.

"It's really strange! They should be very similar in personality! What's going on? They quarreled after just a few minutes of meeting? So awesome? These two are really awesome! Their personalities are supposed to be compatible, but they don't get along. It's outrageous!"

The two quarreled again, and in the end Pam was too lazy to argue with him anymore, and Hurricane didn't want to quarrel with him anymore. They turned their heads and glared at each other, and then returned to their seats. Of course, our Pam must be in the center of the car.

Fan Chen was just watching the fun, and was a little surprised when he saw the two suddenly stop arguing. He thought they would quarrel till the end of the world, but it was over just like that? They stopped the war so quickly!

"Don't look at me like that. Pam just likes this simple and lively guy too much. Why do you look at me like that? It's as if I have a deep hatred with him. Don't think too much! It's not as serious as you think."

Fan Chen then retracted his attitude of watching the fun: "Okay, okay! I hope you two won't quarrel after we leave. I always have a hunch that after we go to Pinocchio, I feel that you two will quarrel directly until we return from Kaituo."

Pam tilted her head in confusion, and then slowly said: "Don't worry! Pam won't quarrel with him. Why should Pam get angry with that kind of guy? I won't go. Anyone who quarrels with him is a fool!"

But the reality is that Pam and Hurricane stared at each other from time to time, and their eyes seemed to want to eat each other alive. In such a scene, Fan Chen could only hold his forehead and sigh. He said he wouldn't quarrel, but he would definitely quarrel after they left! And he would definitely chatter!

"Okay! Let's not talk about this anymore. The train is about to start jumping. Please be prepared, passengers. You may encounter bumps and memory disorder during the period. Everyone sit tight and calm down. There are still ten seconds before the train jumps!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two!"

Fan Chen sat steadily on the sofa next to him. As the countdown was about to end, the Starry Sky Train began to shake violently, breaking through the obstacles of the dimension again, and a blue light tunnel burst out in front of him again!

"One! Start jumping! Destination: Pinoconi!"

As the countdown ended, the train gradually rushed towards the blue light tunnel. The surrounding scene was instantly reset, as if falling into a dark and deep abyss. Fan Chen slowly closed his eyes, waiting for that moment to come............

Everything seemed to be restored to its original state, but it seemed a little different. Fan Chen slowly opened his eyes, and what came into view was no longer the Starry Sky Train, but? Daydream Hotel?

"It seems that we have successfully arrived here, the intersection of memory and reality, a dream! It is indeed no different from the plot. Then, our Void Commander: Huang Quan! Is he going to appear as well?"

Sure enough, Fan Chen turned his head and took a glance. The long-awaited Huang Quan was indeed here. To be honest, except for the inconsistency of clothes, he looked exactly like Mei. It can even be said that he was Mei from the Collapse Iron World! It's a pity that between cooking and not being able to cook, she chose to be directionally challenged.

Seeing Fanchen coming, Huangquan still had no expression on his face. He sighed slightly and said without emotion: "Another one, come with me, I will take you away."

Fanchen asked the classic question again: "Who are you? Why are you here? And why should I believe you?"

Huangquan responded slowly: "I'm afraid I can't give you the right answer. This is the junction of memory and reality, a dream, and you happen to share the same dream with me, so we met. Come with me, I will take you away from here."

Fanchen didn't speak, but just quietly sensed Huangquan's often changing breath. This woman seemed to be deliberately suppressing her breath every time, or to be more precise, hiding it, but every conversation would reveal a little bit, but it would soon return to normal.

"She is truly Huang Quan! The Envoy of the Void! A super strong person with two forms, the first person under the true Star God, and she set foot on the void alone without the attention of Marshal Hei, thus achieving her current achievements!"

"I have to say, she is indeed a woman who amazes even me! Everything is meaningless, and even completely meaningless

Don't care, Huang Quan, you are such a big sister that surprised me! You are worthy of being the first main c of Bengtie now! "

The two of them shuttled through the dreamland, and their steps were mixed with some noisy sounds.

"Patrol Ranger, Huang Quan! This is my name, just call me whatever you want! After all, they have always treated me with this name. "

Fan Chen nodded, and the two continued to move forward until they reached the hall. There were several phantoms of dreams scattered in the hall, but Fan Chen, who was familiar with the plot, of course knew who they were: Sand Gold and Godfather! Black Swan and Fireworks! Sam and Silver Wolf! Robin on Sunday!

"They are all familiar figures! It's a pity that these are just illusions in dreams! But there is no doubt that the words are so real, as if this is both a dream and not. "

"What are you looking at? "

Huang Quan tilted his head slightly, still looking at Fan Chen expressionlessly. Fan Chen shook his head, indicating that it was nothing. Then, the two continued to move towards the end........

The road in the dream was unpredictable, but fortunately, the two arrived at a gate safely. As soon as they opened the door, Misha's shadow suddenly appeared in front of them!

"Welcome to the Daydream Hotel! You will have an unforgettable experience here. If you need to check in, please come............."

"Don't pay attention to these shadows. Their existence itself is meaningless. This is a dream."

"Of course I know, but Huang Quan, why do I look so familiar to you? Have we met before?"

Huang Quan was slightly stunned, and the aura on his body was changing silently. Of course, even the most subtle changes could not escape Fan Chen's eyes.

"No! Maybe you remembered it wrong. Maybe my face is indeed very similar to the person you said you had seen, but that was not me. Keep going. "

The two walked along the long and narrow corridor until they came to the end. At this time, Huang Quan suddenly turned around and looked at the boy in front of him with a look of understanding.

"Leave here! Leave this encounter! I think it's time to send you back to the sober reality, but before that, I want to ask you a few questions........."


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