On the sofa in the train compartment, Fan Chen slowly opened his eyes. Sure enough, he still couldn't escape the constraints of the plot. Tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of his eyes, but Fan Chen was very happy at this time. After all, he achieved his goal, even in a dream.

"Fan Chen, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare during the transition? But it's no wonder when you think about it. After all, you may suffer from memory damage and loss during the transition, but it will recover after a while."

"Thanks for the reminder, Pam! I'm fine, but I did have a nightmare, but it's an anti-nightmare!"

Pam tilted her head, not knowing what the anti-nightmare Fan Chen was talking about was? There's a new thing in the world?

"Anti-nightmare simply means that someone is having a nightmare. In the dream, he experiences things that scare him, but at the critical moment, the two poles are reversed, and those things that scare him scare him in turn. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I have heard of this saying for the first time, but it can be regarded as a new thing. Anti-nightmare? The conductor will remember it. I hope I will have such an anti-nightmare at that time."

Unconsciously, the train has completed the jump and stopped steadily near Pinocchio. Fanchen looked out through the train window. Among the vast stars, a gorgeous planet stood in the depths of the universe, and that was the star of the event: Pinocchio!

Pam looked at the prosperous planet with expectation and excitement in his eyes, but because of his identity, he was not allowed to enter any planet. After all, there must be someone to guard the train, and he, the conductor, could not escape.

"Fan Chen! Please feel this gorgeous planet for me. I, the conductor, can't go anywhere. Please go and see for me. If you come back, don't forget to share what's new."

"Of course! Wait, and you're not alone in your practice. Hurricane can also accompany you. If you two can't handle it, there will be more interesting stories."

Hurricane on the side slowly approached Pam and said complacently: "Of course! I will definitely serve our conductor well and won't let him suffer. Anyway, I don't feel lonely anymore. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to go. I can only let Sister Lei Ting go instead of me."

Pam didn't He glanced at him with disdain and said leisurely, "Don't be so proud here! You still serve me well, I don't believe you! Let's see who serves whom in the end? If you dare, let's compete to see who is better? Whoever loses is a pig!"

"I will be afraid of you, a little train conductor! Let's compete, I, the dignified Wind Commander, have never been afraid of anyone, and you, a little rabbit, dare to compete with me, you are asking for your life! Forget it, this is you who insisted on proposing it, so I will accompany you to the end!"

For a while, the atmosphere between the two was tense again. Fan Chen looked at the noisy two helplessly. The two people never kept quiet for a minute when they met, as if they were born with hatred. The interface was always bickering with each other, and the bickering was awesome!

"These two guys! Maybe they had some deep hatred in their previous lives. They quarrel and bicker whenever they meet. They are more awesome than enemies! I always feel that they just don't get along. Alas! There is really nothing we can do!"

After a while, the train group gathered again. Ji Zi told everyone to pack their luggage first. She and Uncle Yang had to go to Pinoconi to deal with some things first, but Fan Chen understood that they probably had to deal with the hotel check-in.

After the two left, everyone started to pack their luggage in their respective rooms. Fan Chen and Lei Ting didn't need to bring anything. After all, one was a command envoy and the other was a star god. They didn't need to be afraid of anything and didn't need to bring anything. On the contrary, San Yueqi just brought a big suitcase, and our star did the same. This was really a vacation!

March Seven: "I've packed it! It's just a little heavy, but I can still carry it. Have you packed it?"

Xing: "I've packed it! But aren't you carrying too much? We're not really going there for a vacation. Don't forget the purpose of our development."

Cocolia: "That's right. We're not going there just for a vacation. Besides, the family inexplicably sent invitations to all the major forces. This is obviously not a good intention. We should be careful and don't be fooled by the surface of this planet!"

Fanchen: "Anyway, I don't need to bring anything? After all, I don't have anything to bring. I can just conjure up whatever I want! This is how a star god should be.

It is convenient."

Lei Ting: "I don't need to bring anything either. After all, I am just like the boss. I have everything I want. Unlike you, you have to pack this and that. You'd better learn the art of transformation. "

After a discussion, several people took their luggage and set off for Pinoconi, leaving Pam and Hurricane to guard the train. As for how they set off? Of course, they used Fanchen's instant movement to arrive, but Fanchen was also wondering how the vast sea and the flames in Beloberg were doing?

Everyone arrived at Pinoconi safely, but during this period, of course, there were many inspections, big and small. Basically, everyone had to be checked upside down, at least dozens of times, and they almost took out the star's core directly.

After a search, several people entered the hotel front desk, but they were amazed at the first sight. The circular floors of various sizes and the prosperous design of each street. The hotel front desk alone was so luxurious, let alone the situation inside Pinoconi.

March 7: "Finally came in, and the inspections of various sizes were given dozens of times, almost every one of us was searched upside down. I was still wondering if he would take out your star core directly? ”

Xing: “That’s not the case, but the star core is very stable now, and I can control it perfectly, so no accidents will happen. However, we did bring too much luggage, otherwise we wouldn’t need to check it dozens of times.”

Lei Ting: “I told you not to bring so much, now it’s all right. It took at least half an hour to check it completely. Next time, remember not to bring too much when you go out, so as not to waste unnecessary time.”

But Fan Chen on the side was always looking around, as if he was looking for something? But it seemed that he didn’t find it, but Fan Chen was obviously letting him go. After all, in front of the Star God, no one can hide perfectly.

Sure enough, on one of the many floors of the hotel, a familiar figure appeared here, and this person was Huang Quan! But Fan Chen didn’t expect that Huang Quan would appear here. After all, Huang Quan didn’t appear here in the plot. It seems that the plot has changed again, but it is also more interesting.


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