Bronya has been feeling warm in her heart recently.

Half a month ago, Luo Yu asked her about the current difficulties in the development of Beloberg. They had a good discussion and finally he proposed to provide financial assistance.

The amount of money was huge and covered countless aspects of material assistance, just like what he had done before, without asking for anything in return.

It was always like this, Luo Yu was always ahead of everyone, but he always paid attention to everyone behind him and turned around to help.

When facing Luo Yu, Bronya always didn't know what kind of mentality to respond, warmth, touching, shame, admiration, he was always so outstanding and tall.

And... it was still the same as before, it was clear that all of that was just Luo Yu's personal help to her. Whenever she thought of the other party's gentle eyes, Bronya felt a throbbing and panic in her heart, and she didn't dare to raise her eyes and look directly.

If the other party suddenly said something else next time, she didn't know what she should do.

Should she agree, or should she hesitate before agreeing.

After going out of the door, Bronya found an empty corner, patted her hot cheeks and took deep breaths for a long time, finally suppressing the throbbing and numb heart.

Then she informed her mother about this matter, but it was a little hard for Bronya to accept. After listening to Luo Yu's idea, her mother reacted very calmly.

Cocolia: How can he not be generous to his own city? And you don't know, in addition to caring for and helping you, he also helped Seele in the Earth Fire, Natasha in the Rock Town, Clara in the Mechanical Settlement, Hook in the Mole Party, and Krippenburg.……


"If Luo Yu really said something like that, what should I do?……"

After returning from the new city, Bronya walked on the streets of Beloberg and couldn't help wondering if she would be too unconservative if she agreed directly. Or should she hesitate a little before agreeing?

What if Luo Yu forced her to do it...

A picture appeared in Bronya's mind, and her heartbeat accelerated and her cheeks became hot.

When she hesitated, Luo Yu held her waist, and the two of them were close together. He looked at her gently, then slowly lowered his head, and then...……

"Ms. Bronya"


The fantasy was shattered like a bubble. The sudden voice shocked Bronya back to reality. She saw that the voice came from a beautiful and confident woman with white hair.


Looking at Toppa who was talking to her, Bronya took a deep breath to suppress her manic heart.

Disturbing others when they are concentrating, has no one taught you the most basic manners?

""I'm sorry to bother you when you're thinking, Miss Bronya. Let me introduce myself. I'm Topa, the project director of the strategic investment department of Interstellar Peace Company." Topa smiled and extended her hand.

She didn't really want to, because speaking out when others are thinking can easily leave a bad impression.

But Topa had no choice. She had been observing Bronya for a long time, and she had been distracted all the way and hadn't stopped at all. They were almost at Klipperburg.

"Interstellar Peace Company?" Bronya's dissatisfaction receded a little, and she extended her hand to shake hands with the other party in a businesslike manner:"I am the commander of Beloberg's Silver Mane Iron Guard, Bronya Rand, hello."

She had also heard of the Strategic Investment Department, which is one of the departments of the Interstellar Peace Company, mainly responsible for long-term investment profits. What was the matter that he suddenly came to her for?

"I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

"Miss Bronya is busy with official duties, so I certainly don't dare to disturb her rashly."Topa smiled and told her the purpose of his visit.

"I wonder if Ms. Bronya knows about the cooperation agreement signed between the company and Yalilo before the cold wave."

"Cooperation... Treaty?"

Bronya frowned. It was not the recent cooperation, but a cooperation treaty dating back to before the Cold Wave Era.

"Yes." Seeing her frown, Topa explained:

"The company had reached a number of investment plans with the City Builders, covering multiple fields, including a weapons research project with huge investment in mechanical weapons. However, due to the star core crisis, Beloberg was completely cut off from the universe."

Bronya frowned and said nothing.

Is there such a relationship between the company and Beloberg?

Beloberg had just been unsealed, and the company jumped out to say that there had been an investment plan. It was such a long time ago and it was a little difficult to verify. It was hard not to arouse suspicion.

"Haha, you don't have to be too suspicious." Topa showed convincing evidence in a good manner:"Whether it is from the company's cooperation data or from the investigation of Beloberg's past clues, we can find records of cooperation."

"What's more, Beloberg has a memory keeper. Even if it happened hundreds of years ago, it's as clear as it is in front of him. We won't lie about this matter."

Topa said at last. Although this reason is a passive constraint, it is convincing.

Hearing Luo Yu, Bronya thought about it. She has been connected to the universe for such a long time, and she also knows some information about the universe. She really doesn't want to lie about this matter, so she said to Topa

"Can you show me the original contract first?"

"Of course."

Topa smiled and handed over the contract he had prepared long ago with great sincerity.

"Thank you." Bronya nodded, took the contract and looked through it carefully. Time passed by minute by minute. Finally, she let out a long breath and closed the document in her hand. She looked at Topa again.

"The content of the contract is very reasonable. As for the authenticity, I will verify it. You can leave your contact information first."

"If there is really no problem with this contract, then Beloberg should bear the company's previous investment and losses. You can take the research factory in the lower area, but it cannot affect the normal life of the residents. After formal negotiations, Beloberg will also compensate the company for the loss amount."

Bronya took the document in her hand and said in a businesslike manner, her voice somewhat calm.

No, such a big decided it by yourself?

Topa was stunned. This answer was completely beyond her expectations.

The other party's personality was too different from the personality in the information.

She saw that Bronya was responsible, stubborn, and a little hesitant.

According to the expected plan, Bronya would be in a difficult situation after learning the news.

She would use this opportunity to pull the other party to her side, so that there would be someone in the opponent's internal camp to speak for her.

Only through this convenience can she have the opportunity to talk to Luo Yu and have more chips for success.

As a result, the other party actually agreed to repay the debt directly, as if he was not short of money.

The other party is not short of money, and the key is that the company is not short of money.

The purpose of her coming to Beloberg this time is no longer as simple as recovering the debt.

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