
The boss has just paid you.

Lorde looked at Silver Wolf with a strange look, but she remained silent in the end. She never laughed at others.

However, Silver Wolf was immediately furious when she was seen by such a strange look, and she tried to defend her behavior.

"Of course, the money should be spent on the most meaningful things. It would be a waste to spend it on food! Important materials must be properly planned and used!"

It's just as wasteful as using Xingqiong to buy credit points.

Lorde didn't agree with Silver Wolf. Food is a source of nutrition and an important part of improving physical strength, so it should be paid attention to. The food in the mall is amazing. Not only is it delicious, but it is also healthy and nutritious, and the price is also very cheap.

In her opinion, it is a good deal.

"I'll buy you something to eat first, and then I'll help you find a room to stay in." But Lorde finally shook her head and said nothing.

She would not impose her ideas on others. In fact, she was very considerate of others. It was just that her overly serious personality made her seem a little slow and she was not very good at expressing herself.

""Oh... OK."

Silver Wolf nodded. Although this woman was a little too serious and he couldn't get along with her, she was actually quite nice.

But what happened next was beyond Silver Wolf's expectations. She thought Lord would take her to eat delicious food in Beloberg, but he invited her to his house and exchanged a lot of exquisite dishes from the mall for her to eat together.

It can be seen that Lord really wanted to recommend these things to Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf was actually a little embarrassed. To be honest, this was her first time to eat with others. She herself was a high-level gamer who had escaped from vulgar interests. Generally speaking, people would call such people... game nerds.

When she was in Punk Lord, her genius-like growth speed turned the entire Punk Lord into her back garden for casual play. Punk Lord's invisible emperor looked down on everyone and was surrounded by only electronic friends he made.

Although she later joined the Star Core Hunter, she She still spends most of her time in her own games. There is no need to refute that she and the guys like Kafka and Blade are companions, but they are definitely not friends.

The personalities of those two people are not the type to make friends, let alone Elio. In fact, the only person in the organization who has a good relationship with her is Sam.

But it is just the kind of chat that can be considered semi-normal.

Not to mention eating together, and she, Silver Wolf, has long been away from low-level interests and will not spend time pursuing physical and material satisfaction. She has always eaten convenient and easy fast food while playing games.

Lorde is not a person who can chat and adjust the atmosphere. If she is away from work, you will find that she is quite dull and wooden. So after inviting Silver Wolf, she put the food on the table and explained a few of her favorite points in a serious voice as if she was handling a task.

Then the room fell into an awkward atmosphere.

‘If it wasn't for the lack of money, who would accept such an embarrassing invitation? '

And is this woman a wooden person who lacks common sense?

Silver Wolf looked at Lord opposite him expressionlessly, complaining in his heart, and picked up the food on his plate with a fork and put it into his mouth.

"!!!"When the food entered his mouth, Silver Wolf's eyes widened, and his expression changed from expressionless to dull to shocked. He chewed a few times and swallowed it, looking at the food in front of him with shining eyes.

What is this! So delicious! It turns out that normal food can be so delicious!!

Silver Wolf's hands moved rapidly, and the fork swung out an afterimage, and he forgot to stuff it in his mouth, revealing an intoxicated look.

Lord on the opposite side looked at her eyes shining and her somewhat rude behavior, but he did not feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, a faint smile appeared on his face. It seemed that the other party was very happy. Then she no longer paid attention to herself and ate seriously.

Eating is an important part of exercising and improving yourself, and you must take it seriously.


"So full……"In a spacious and nice room, Silver Wolf lazily lay on the bed, his hands on his fair belly.

But soon Silver Wolf turned over, his face lying on the soft pillow, his expression gradually became extremely depressed.

"What should I do? After experiencing such delicious food, I feel that I can no longer accept dry fast food."

Lord's recommendation was very successful. After tasting the food, she immediately became addicted to it.

But she has no reputation points!

She can't continue to shamelessly go to Lord's place for free meals.


Thinking of not having food to eat in the next month, she feels like she is going to die.

She regrets it so much.

If she had known earlier, she would have left a few hundred reputation points.

A few hundred is only a tiny amount compared to the total number, but the price of food in the mall is not expensive.

As long as these are enough, she can squander her reputation points without restraint to buy the food she wants to eat.

Silver Wolf really regrets her behavior at the time.

She couldn't resist the temptation of the mall's goods, and she couldn't control her hands and used all her reputation points to improve her actual strength. power.

But it is also really good to improve strength. With an investment of 150,000 and the improvement of guild construction, Silver Wolf feels that he can now beat several of his previous selves.

This kind of improvement is just too cool.

This is not in the game, but in life.

Silver Wolf flipped through the products in the mall, her eyes were jealous, but she could only look but not touch.

No! She had to find a way to get reputation.

Flipping through the guild interface, Silver Wolf found the BOSS menu that she had not noticed before, and then clicked in. After browsing and understanding it, her eyes suddenly lit up.

I didn’t expect there was this function. There are only three opportunities to challenge a day, and you can consume reputation points to purchase the number of times. Death and injury in the copy will not affect the display.���

This is a fixed monthly source of reputation, the eternal god of the Guild Abyss! And the boss is actually Luo Yu, not only can I earn reputation, but I can also slap that hateful face to vent my anger. Great!

But it's not enough! Of course, the more reputation the better, she still has to think of a way to increase the reputation daily.

There are only two ways, to make Liyue Technology more famous by myself, or to make the identity of Liyue Technology Silver Wolf more famous. Of course, a fake name is also fine.

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