"I said, as long as you respect me, I will respect you as well and reward you."

The curved desk could not be used as any barrier. Luo Yu said with a smile and changed his movements. His posture was like God caressing his believers and lowering his hands to give golden slurry, but there was only a bad chuckle in his eyes.

Alas, come and eat!

Why can he say such words without changing his expression and actually do such a thing?!

Constantly trampling on her face and enjoying it.

The person involved, Cocolia's face turned pale and blue, and extreme shame filled her heart, but her body reacted uncontrollably. The power transmitted made every cell in her body make a sound of desire. Her lips kept opening and closing, wanting to refute but her mind was blank. Anyway, if she didn't obey, this guy would think of other ways to humiliate herself...

Cocolia took a deep breath, her face was full of blush due to shame, her white fingers pinched the edge of the table, raised her head and gently opened her mouth


"mother���, I'm back."

Bronya, who had just come back from chatting with Seele, walked into the hall and said, but when she walked in, she found that there was not only one person in the meeting hall at this time, and she immediately showed a look of surprise.

"Hey? Luo Yu, you are here too."

Luo Yu was standing in the center of the hall. He turned his head and looked at her when he heard her voice. It seemed that he had just talked to his mother about something. Bronya looked at her mother again.

Cocolia's cold and arrogant expression was the same as usual, but there was still some blush on her face.

Bronya felt a little confused.

Strange, why did her mother's face feel a little red? Was it an illusion?

Being stared at by Bronya's puzzled eyes, Cocolia subconsciously wiped the corner of her lip, her expression changed slightly, but when she found that nothing was stuck, she put her hand down naturally, and her expression became calm again.

"Well, I just discussed something with Ms. Cocolia. Now that we have finished discussing something, I will leave first.

Luo Yu answered in a relaxed tone. Cocolia's expression suddenly became a little stiff, and she nodded unnaturally, indicating that it was right.

"this……"Bronya wanted to persuade him to stay, but she thought of her many official duties and gave up.

"I send you"


The two of them came to the door of Klipper Castle and chatted for a few minutes before Bronya reluctantly said goodbye to Luo Yu and returned to the meeting hall.

"Now that I have some free time, let's take care of official business."

""Okay, mother."

Cocolia said, Bronya nodded and went up to handle official business with her mother. During the work, she frequently observed her mother's expression.

After a close observation, she found that her mother's cheeks were somewhat flushed.

This is very abnormal...

Bronya thought for a moment and came up with an idea, and her heart sank immediately.

No way...

Could it be that when Luo Yu was here just now, her mother got angry with him again?

It looks like they might have had a big fight!

Thinking of this, Bronya felt a little guilty and sorry, but she couldn't change the status quo. She had persuaded her mother several times before, but her prejudice against Luo Yu had not improved.

The two handled official business in silence, each with their own thoughts.

Bronya looked at her mother during the period Sometimes her mind would wander, then she would quickly lower her head so that her expression could not be seen, and she would rub her forehead with her knuckles, which made her more certain of her thoughts, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Persuasion was useless. It seemed that she could only find an opportunity for her mother and Luo Yu to spend more time together. As long as her mother was familiar with Luo Yu, she would definitely not have any prejudice.

While Cocolia was working, the despicable scene of humiliation just now kept lingering in her mind. From time to time, she felt a sense of shame. She immediately lowered her head to hide her expression and adjust her mentality, forcing herself not to think about those memories that made her want to die, but she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Just like that, she forced herself to adjust her mentality again and not think about that bastard Luo Yu, but suddenly she felt a chill in her heart and her back went cold.


""Hey! Invite me to be the spokesperson for the 'Metaverse'?"

At the Black Tower Space Station, Esta was a little bit unbelieving, and then she was surprised.

It was because just now, she received an invitation from Liyue Technology, and she never thought that she would receive a call from the other party.

Before, she decided to fund the reconstruction of Yalilo, but she didn't know which big mouth spread it, and finally the whole universe was in an uproar. After many senior executives of the company knew about this, the fleets originally sent by her were all taken away by the company's senior executives.

All the original ideas were ruined.

But she never expected that she would receive a call from Liyue Technology today, and she was reconnected and expressed her gratitude for the assistance.

And to be a game spokesperson! 'Metaverse'!

It's interesting to think about it! It's her first time to participate in such a novel thing!

Esta suppressed her excitement and immediately went to find the Black Tower Laboratory.


Inside the Black Tower Laboratory


Heita looked at Esta in surprise, who was looking for him with joy and nervousness to ask for a vacation. His expression was a little strange.

"Luo Yu invited you to endorse Metaverse?"

Esther was the co-founder of Simulated Universe, and she was invited to endorse Metaverse. It felt a bit strange.

And why did she invite Esther? It's not difficult for Luo Yu to invite someone more famous and more suitable than her.

What a good luck.

"Go ahead, as long as it doesn't delay the arrangement of the space station."Heita said casually, waving his hand.

"Great! Thank you, Ms. Heita."

Estelle immediately made a happy sound, took a leave, and prepared to arrange a trip to Beloberg. Not only could she meet Mr. Luo Yu, but it would also be a novel experience that made people look forward to it.

""Wait a minute."

Heita suddenly called out to Esta, who was about to leave. She stopped and asked in confusion.

"Is there anything else you can do for me, Ms. Black Tower?"

"Do you have Luo Yu's contact information? Send it to me."Heita said bluntly

"This... okay."

Esta hesitated. This was the private contact information that Xing gave her. It was very impolite to pass it to others casually. After all, no one likes to be constantly harassed about their private contact information.

But... if it was Ms. Heita who contacted her, it shouldn't count. After all, she was also a very powerful person in the universe. She must have something powerful to talk about, and the word"harassment" had nothing to do with it.

In the end, Esta gave Luo Yu's contact information to Heita.


Klippeburg at night

"What? Already left?" Bronya blinked blankly as she listened to the voice on the phone, her voice full of confusion.

What was going on?

She had already verified the authenticity of Beloberg's cooperation with the company and confirmed that it was true. She was about to invite Topa to make an appointment to discuss the compensation amount in detail, but after calling to inquire, she found that the other party had already left.

Why? Didn't he want the credit points anymore?

How strange.

Bronya put down the phone and frowned with a weird look on her face.

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