"The train is about to depart. Please get ready."

The two had just sat down. Sanyueqi half-rose and leaned against the sofa backrest, taking a photo of the space station outside in front of the train window, happily sharing it with Xing. Pam's voice sounded again in the carriage broadcast, followed by a countdown. Sanyueqi quickly sat down.


At the moment of the countdown, a vague sense of weightlessness came over the train, just like an elevator.

Buzz - blue-purple energy covered the Starry Sky Train from beginning to end, and the original train shell turned into a translucent blue-purple energy, as if it had broken through the barrier of space and drove away from the space station at an unpredictable speed.

In the Black Tower Space Station, Black Tower stood in front of the space window, his gorgeous purple eyes watching the Starry Sky Train passing a track, and soon disappeared and drove away from this universe, muttering

"The voyage has already begun."

Pioneers of the universe, may your journey eventually reach the stars.


The train shuttled through the universe, its outer shell wrapped in energy and sailing towards the next destination in the universe at an unimaginable speed, but it felt very stable inside the train, only feeling a little uncomfortable at the beginning. Sailing in the universe, everyone in the carriage lived as usual, and the train conductor Pam even prepared cakes for everyone.

Ji Zi was planning the voyage, Walter Yang stood in front of the carriage window and looked at the vast universe and stars outside, and Dan Heng returned to the house as usual to keep himself quiet.

However, with March Seven, a girl who is always full of energy, the atmosphere in the carriage was not dull. After chatting and playing happily with March Seven in the train until late, Xing returned to her room and first lay on the soft bed and relaxed with a long breath.

After lying for two minutes, Xing got up and took the"Metaverse" game device on the bedside table and put it on her head. She and Luo Yu had agreed to go over to play.

Metaverse! Start!


Buzz - the spacecraft's engine spewed energy downwards, making a sound like tearing the air, and slowly landed on the ground.

With a click, the hatch opened, revealing Estelle's slender, girlish figure.

"This is what Beloberg looks like."After getting off the spaceship, Esta looked around at the surrounding scenery. This is a spaceship landing pad, very wide, and you can see many spaceships docked in the distance.

Although the space station has been arranged in advance, you can imagine how many troubles will pile up when you return.

Sigh - forget it, don't think about it, just go out to play and have fun, and deal with things when the time comes.

Taking a deep breath, Esta shook off these unpleasant thoughts and smiled.

"Hello, you must be Miss Ester."

"Oh, hello."

As soon as she got off the spaceship, she saw the reception staff of Liyue Technology with an impeccable beautiful smile. On the way, Esta talked with the other party and asked some questions, while happily and curiously appreciating the surrounding scenery.

To be honest, she rarely has the opportunity to appreciate the scenery like this.

First, she followed the headquarters of Liyue Technology for a visit, then walked around, and finally arranged a place to stay.

The room is very beautiful and exquisite, but it is a pity that she did not meet Mr. Luo Yu.

Esta comforted herself in her heart. After all, today was just a welcome and a general understanding, not even familiarity, and the work schedule would officially start tomorrow.

The next day.

She did not get her wish to go to the headquarters of Liyue Technology again to officially start her work schedule. Instead, she met the lady who received her yesterday again and received the equipment sent by the other party.

And explained to her that matters such as filming will be carried out in the metaverse. After returning to the house, Esta felt a sense of novelty, fiddling with it and looking at it. Of course, she had heard of the Metaverse and wanted to try the equipment in front of her, but she had no time because of her busy schedule.

She didn't expect that the future work would be carried out in the Metaverse. I heard that the Metaverse is a world that can satisfy fantasy, so the filming at that time may be real-life shooting.

Thinking of this, Estelle became excited, but then she suddenly fell silent.

Filming in the Metaverse? This means that she can actually complete this cooperation through the"Metaverse" equipment, and there is no need to delay this long trip.

Suddenly, a feeling of being a"sucker" came to her mind.

No, no, no.

Estelle shook off these thoughts and convinced herself that after all, the identity of the other party was also very powerful, so she would be more sincere and formal.

This is like the difference between recruiting employees on the job and working from home.

Yes, that's it.

Estelle thought that this reason was very convincing, and her feeling of being a sucker quickly disappeared. She lay down on the bed and took the equipment with her.


The shooting was the same as the scene in Esta's fantasy, and it was very interesting. Miss Lord, the person in charge of the publicity, was also very nice. She also learned some of Mr. Luo Yu's temper and hobbies from her.

Miss Lord said that Mr. Luo Yu was a calm and gentle, powerful and wise, selfless and kind, caring for his subordinates, far-sighted and broad-minded person.

After all, the other party is the person who is closest to Mr. Luo Yu and spends the most time with him. These descriptions from Miss Lord should be very believable... right?

Of course, the work schedule of publicity is not just about shooting a promotional poster, it also includes posters, pictures, cg, songs, short films, etc.

It was super interesting to shoot in the metaverse, shuttling through gunfire and rain of bullets, and it was very exciting when the laser beam passed by my ear.

It's just that my legs are a little weak.

Esta also met Xing, and the other party will appear in���She was very surprised. After chatting for a while, she knew that the other party was here to participate in the promotion and endorsement like herself, although from Xing's words, she was here to play.

And Xing said that she was just playing games with Luo Yu. But thinking of what Miss Lord said to her that Mr. Luo Yu was busy and had many important things to deal with, Estelle thought about it and felt that it would be better to pretend that she didn't hear what Xing said.

But Estelle still felt very relaxed to meet an acquaintance. Although she was somewhat confident in her abilities, she was not a professional after all, so she always felt a little nervous.

But when she saw Xing, who was not embarrassed at all and spoke the lines seriously, Estelle felt much more relaxed, but she had to hold back and not burst out laughing.

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