"How did they do that?" Xing opened her eyes wide, looking at everything around her in shock, and then looked at Silver Wolf.

This was too much. It was completely different from the employees who had been filming before. Those people were operating on the tablet, using their authority to copy scenes from other places, but Silver Wolf did not rely on authority to change the surroundings by himself, creating countless different buildings on the spot.

"Humph." Silver Wolf smiled proudly.

"Now you know how powerful I am, this is the adult world, you are still far away"

"But I just saw you lowering your head to operate something, this should not be your own power."But Xing was not pretended by Silver Wolf. Instead, she shook her head, put her knuckles on her chin and thought for a moment, then said with a look of doubt.

He also said something about switching a destiny.

Xing immediately guessed what was going on. It must be Luo Yu's power. Silver Wolf, who worked under him, had obtained the power of other destinies by some unknown method. The more she thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed. Moreover, Luo Yu had helped her obtain the power to preserve her destiny before. This made sense. Luo Yu must have the ability to give other people destiny.

Xing looked at Silver Wolf, who had just shown off to them proudly, and shook her head with an expression that was self-evident. No matter how powerful you are in the game, it is fake. Only when you are strong yourself can you be truly strong?

It sounds so good, but in the end, aren't you also relying on external forces?

"I, of course I used my own strength!"Silver Wolf was still feeling proud, but the next moment he was ruined on the spot. He immediately denied it, and his nice voice stuttered in a hurry.

Seeing that the star opposite him was no longer believing in him, his eyes gradually turned into contempt, Silver Wolf was furious.

"Hey! What's that look in your eyes?"

"That's it?"


"What did that General So-and-So do to steal the super weapon from the research institute?"After listening for a while, Xing didn't understand and asked, expressing his confusion.

"To destroy the world?"

You are a little too extreme.

Silver Wolf was speechless for a moment, looked at her with a strange look, opened his mouth and explained dryly

"Uh... the villain in this plot is a greedy warlord who is radical and dissatisfied with the status quo. His purpose of attacking the institute is to make his warlord power stronger and gain more benefits."

"That's it?"Xing's eyes were filled with disappointment and contempt.

Silver Wolf's forehead suddenly bulged with veins.

Ahhh! Who let this little gray hair in!!!

Silver Wolf, who was angry and wanted to deal with Xing first before working, suddenly got angry.

This... it seems that destroying the world is not bad.

Although both sides have relatively vulgar goals, destroying the world is more valuable than warlords, and it shows that the background is more dangerous.

"Well, since you like the ending of destroying the world so much, I will change it to this."Silver Wolf coughed dryly and pretended to be natural and changed it.

""Great!" Xing cheered, while Estelle asked cautiously with some embarrassment.

"Well, can the script be changed at will?"

Silver Wolf's face fell, but he immediately pretended to be calm and said,"Ahem, ordinary filming directors are not good people, but I am a professional with strong abilities. I can completely control the plot even after the changes."

Soon, an afternoon of filming passed. The script was revised more than a dozen times and everyone reshot more than a dozen times. As the second female lead, Ester sacrificed more than a dozen times and there was a blank look in her eyes, doubting her life.

Xing also fell silent. He looked at Silver Wolf with a look of doubt and said,"Are you... really a professional?"

"Ah! Shut up!!"Silver Wolf was furious.


Coming out of the gate of the manor, Luo Yu walked on the street. He was naturally quite free during this period, and he also had time to organize charity activities to show his selfless and kind character.

As he walked on the street, his thoughts were active in his mind.

When he was playing games and chatting with Xing before, the other party was sailing in the universe, and it seemed that he had not met Kafka yet.

But this is normal, after all, Yinlang is still working overtime 997 here.

In the plot of the fairy boat, although Yinlang did not officially appear, she hacked into the communication of the Star Dome Train, hacked into the ferry system of the fairy boat [Luofu] to open the entry star gate, and blocked Danheng's communication equipment. She appeared in secret.

Kafka's means of seeing through people's hearts are very powerful, and her strength is mysterious, but she can't do these by herself.

He didn't think that Yinlang would completely break off relations with the Star Core Hunter because he was reluctant to give up the benefits here. She hasn't moved yet, which naturally means that the time has not come.

Although this period of time is leisurely, many major events have actually happened.

If there is a company's space station near Yaliluo No. 6, they will be horrified to find that Yaliluo No. 6 has frequently experienced terrifying high-energy reactions during this period, which have affected and threatened the surrounding planets.

Of course, Luo Yu did not allow other forces to detect and monitor the nearby star fields of Yaliluo.

Moreover, the Interstellar Peace Company has not had much free time recently. They are worried about the problem of the Amber King suddenly blowing three times in a row. Does this count?

If it counts, it suddenly advances three Amber eras. Isn't it too childish? I feel that the company will become a joke after it is released.

But if it doesn't count, it is the Amber King who protects the star god. How can the company dare to say that the Amber King's behavior is problematic and therefore does not count? They have no right to do so.

The company only has the qualifications to worship, and has no qualifications to approve or disapprove of the actions of the star god.

As for the terrifying high-energy reaction, it naturally comes from the star god, and the order-level destiny energy is given to the planet Yaliluo one after another.

Cun Hu's recognition seemed to have set the stage, and other star gods also took action, and each began to pay close attention to Luo Yu's every move.

Two days later, the star god of harmony [Xi Pei] cast his eyes on Luo Yu and gave him the highest recognition. He led harmony and united as one, and he went a long way on the road of harmony and destiny.

A day later, the star god of abundance [Pharmacist] cast his eyes on Luo Yu and gave him the highest recognition. He did selfless good deeds and achieved great results, and he went a long way on the road of abundance and destiny. On the same day, the star god of hunting [Lan] cast his eyes on Luo Yu and gave him the power of the envoy. As for why? Humph, why does Emperor Bow need to explain his actions to others!

The star gods returned satisfied, but one star god was no longer happy.

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