"Are you going to be busy? Then go ahead, don't worry about me." Luo Yu, who was standing next to him, heard Xier's words and saw that she was going to go on a mission, so he spoke up and looked at Natasha at the same time:"It just so happens that Natasha and I haven't seen each other for a while, so I'll stay in the clinic first, catch up, and help Natasha with some small things within my ability."

"Hmm?" Natasha was very welcoming when she heard Luo Yu say that, and smiled happily:"Of course, I welcome Luo Yu to come and help you"

"???"Xi'er was stunned.

Why did you take the initiative to ask to stay? Why weren't you so proactive when you were with me?!

"no————!"Xier reacted and grabbed Luo Yu's arm and pulled him out without saying anything:"Come with me!"

"Can you treat illnesses? Why are you staying here? Don't cause trouble for Dr. Natasha."

Natasha stood at the door of the clinic and watched Xier dragging Luo Yu away. She could also hear Xier's voice refuting Luo Yu's words.

Natasha waved goodbye to the two of them, looking a little helpless.

This little guy, why didn't I notice that he was so protective of his food before.

She is more than ten years older than Luo Yu, and they are not of the same generation, so what can she do?

Of course, she knew about Xier's contact with Luo Yu, and it was even she who led the two to contact.

Xier is the young man she thinks most of in the Earth Fire. He is excellent in all aspects. The only shortcoming is that he has a bad temper and can't keep calm.

After getting in touch with Luo Yu, who is also an extremely outstanding peer, Natasha feels that for Xier It's a good thing, and the other party's gentle way of dealing with things should be able to improve Xier's impetuous temper.

But in the end, her idea succeeded and failed.

After Xier got familiar with Luo Yu, her temper did become much better.

However, this was only limited to when she was in contact with Luo Yu. Her temper would be much better when Luo Yu was around.

When Luo Yu was not around, Xier's temper became even more irritable and angry than before, and her whole person exuded an aura of"I'm in a bad mood, don't mess with me."

Originally, Xier was usually irritable and angry, and she was particularly irritable for two days.

Now she has two happy days, but she is usually particularly irritable and angry.

It's not as good as before.

This made Natasha very helpless.


Luo Yu was brought by Xi'er to the location in the southern part of the mining area that Natasha mentioned. Looking at the tent settlements in front, it should be the place where the vagrants who made trouble gathered.

However, before he approached and saw the vagrants, Luo Yu's Xi'er saw three small figures.

A little blonde girl wearing a tall cotton hat, and two children of similar age, a boy and a girl, following behind her.

""Hook, why are you here?" Xier immediately recognized the three children and asked with a frown.

The mining area is not like Panyan Town. It is much more chaotic than the town. No parents are willing to bring their children to such a place.

"Ah! It's Xier, a member of the Earth Fire, and... the great man!"Hook also found Xier, and when her eyes caught Luo Yu, her eyes widened.

Ah! What should I do...

She was a little panicked, but she quickly suppressed the panic.

"Hmm, cough!" Hook coughed heavily to cover up his previous gaffe, then racked his brains to think of the words, trying to think of the scenes of meeting between big figures in some stories and novels he had read.

"The leader of the Good People Association, we finally meet, earlier than I expected. Let me introduce myself, I am the current leader of the famous Mole Party in Panyan Town, the dark Lord Hook, and I am very happy to meet you formally."

Good People Association?"

Luo Yu looked strange.

Hook looked like two big organizations were meeting. After speaking, he glanced at the two members around him.

With his eyes, these two people were looking at Luo Yu like a little fan girl, and the other one had a confused look on his face.

This is to let the two of them support the Mole Party. Three people always look more impressive and have more background than one person.

After receiving Hook's eye signal, Alina was the first to understand the meaning, and immediately looked at Luo Yu with admiration.

"Hello, Lord Luo Yu, I am Alina, a member of the Mole Party. It is an honor to meet you. You are so handsome~"

Hook: ???

Although it was her who signaled, she was too eager. It is hard to tell who is her leader.

"This... me too!" Julian was confused at first, but when he saw Alina talking, he knew what Boss Hook was hinting at, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only agree.

"Hello, thank you for the compliment, you are very cute too. Although it was strange, Luo Yu still greeted her and responded to Alina's admiration. The other party was immediately excited when she received the compliment, just like a little girl who saw her idol.

Then Luo Yu looked at Hook opposite and said with a smile

"Hook, didn't we know each other before?"

"That... that's different!" Hook immediately denied it, his childish voice eager to clarify.

"We were just casual acquaintances before, but now it is a formal meeting between the leader of the Good People Association and the leader of the Mole Party."

Her tone was a little weak, but her face was trying to be calm.

"So... your previous impression of me is not valid. That... that was a disguise, yes, that was just a disguise that Lord Hook made to hide from ordinary people."

Apparently she was still upset because she had lost the dignity of the leader of the Mole Party when she acted like a little girl in front of Luo Yu.

So what exactly is the Good People Association?

"Huh? What a mess?"Xi'er was amused by this and said inexplicably:"Hook, go back to Panyan Town if you have nothing to do. It's very dangerous here."

"Humph!"Hook heard what Xier said, and immediately looked over with dissatisfaction and emphasized

"It's not a mess. Xi'er, a member of the Earth Fire, and the Mole Party are teaching the troublemakers a lesson and protecting the safety of Panyan Town."

I don't know what kind of channels they have, but they know the news earlier than Xi'er.

Just now, they were secretly observing the wanderer camp over there, looking for opportunities.

Although there is that innocence in it, it's not that children are making trouble.

The three giants of the Mole Party are not ordinary children.

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