
A deafening roar, an immeasurable weight brought a terrifying force, smoke and snow flew up, and the air wave spread over a hundred meters. Everyone scattered to avoid the attack.

""Be careful!"

But the giant hand did not stop. After landing on the ground, it swept horizontally again, like a wall pressing down. The mud and snow that blocked the way were splashed, and the entire battlefield was covered with smoke and dust.

Cocolia was surrounded by a blizzard. The biting cold was visible to the naked eye. She stood in the air. Behind her was a huge machine like a mountain. The huge body was full of oppression.

"cough cough……"The smoke cleared, and everyone looked a little embarrassed by the sudden attack.

"Are you okay, Luo Yu?"

"Fortunately, don't worry about me."Luo Yu waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. It was impossible to always take care of others in a battle. He just dodged by himself. This protagonist group can't do that either. If he is really just making up the numbers, he might really be finished.

Xing: You talk about how reliable you are. Didn't you also not add buffs? You have been paddling since the beginning.

Bronya looked up with wide eyes, her tone a little unbelievable:"Is that... the creation engine? Beloberg still has the creation engine left?"

She had only seen the existence of the creation engine in Beloberg's books about the pre-civilization. In the pre-cold wave civilization, Beloberg's technological level was far more advanced than it is now, and it was very prosperous. And those huge construction heavy machinery creation engines were like the symbol of city builders.

"Is this really a construction tool instead of a war machine?"After listening to Bronya's description, Xing felt that he didn't know where to start complaining.

"Creation Engine, clear the obstacles for me!" At this time, Cocolia looked down and gave the order. At the same time, she raised the ice spear in her hand. The ice edges on the edge of the ice spear made it look like a scepter, emitting this terrifying blue light. A blizzard was brewing.


After receiving the order, six energy traces lit up on the chest of the Creation Engine, and a low, tiny engine power sound was emitted. The huge arm pressed the air and smashed down, and the clenched fist was as big as a house. The deafening roar shook the earth.

With such an extreme size difference, the group was unable to cope with it at all, and could only dodge in a panic, and the situation was getting worse.

"Be careful! There are world-ripping monsters rushing here." Dan Heng issued a warning while observing the surroundings.

Numerous world-ripping monsters were rushing here frantically.

In this critical moment, Bronya didn't care about sadness and hesitation, picked up the gun and started fighting.

But the monsters around seemed endless, and they had to withstand the continuous attacks of the Creation Engine.

This won't work! We must defeat Cocolia first!

Looking at the situation around her anxiously, Xing turned her head to look at Cocolia who was standing on the shoulder of the Creation Engine in the void, gritted her teeth and rushed up. With the best cover of her companions, she finally rushed up to the mountain-like body of the Creation Engine and stood on the flat land of the Creation Engine. 's shoulder. Cocolia on the opposite side also noticed her arrival and put down the scepter that was brewing a blizzard.

Xing stood in front of Cocolia one-on-one.

However, she soon began to regret it... because Xing found that she could not beat the opponent alone. Cocolia was different from the monsters she had dealt with before. The opponent's movements were agile and difficult to attack, and the moves were swift and varied. Xing's open and direct fighting style could only be beaten in front of the opponent.

Xing, who was dodging and parrying in a panic, took the time to look at Luo Yu who was fighting below.

Save him, Luo Yu!

Hurry up and add a buff to me!

Stop paddling!

"Struggling in vain!"And Cocolia looked at Xing who was struggling and dodging in front of her, and gradually lost her patience. Her body was gradually covered by frost, and the cold power swept around, and Cocolia's figure had changed dramatically.

She had no face, and her whole body was like the vast universe of stars. The ice crystals on her head formed a crown, and six ice spears floated behind her to form wings. The curves of her exquisite figure were blocked by the ice formed by the cold. The power of the star core was no longer constrained and was completely released. The surging terrifying energy brought people the pressure of breathing difficulties.

However, Xing did not look afraid, but was delighted, and immediately looked down again.

She became a monster, and she would not be unable to do it again. Quick! Luo Yu, add buff to me!

However, she did not wait for the expected buff effect, and Luo Yu even stopped the original sword-swinging battle and looked at Cocolia, and stopped the action with a surprised look.

He seemed to be more interested.

You've had enough!!!

Xing opened her eyes wide, and she felt the malice of the world towards her.

And no one said that your XP is really not normal!!

"Heh, you who claim to be the ones who sealed the star core, you can't even handle these forces, right?" Cocolia saw the stiffness of Xing's body and the emotions she showed, and launched an attack.

After releasing the power of the star core, Cocolia's level of energy utilization has exceeded the level of humans.

Her vision seemed to cover the entire battlefield.

There was a surging blizzard in the battlefield, ice cones of various arcs in the air, and huge ice spears falling from the sky.

These attacks came at the same time, but each attack seemed to be carefully controlled, making the battle even more difficult for everyone who was originally resisting the continuous attacks of the world-breaking monsters and the creation engine.

Xing was even more miserable.

She was Facing Cocolia, the feather-like ice spear broke away, tearing through the air and attacking from all directions, with such a rapid speed that even the afterimage was difficult to capture.

Every time she faced it head-on, she heard a tooth-grinding metal friction sound from the bat, and felt the terrifying force that almost shattered the bones of her arm.

She fended off the attack awkwardly, and the edges of the ice spear passed through Xing's shoulder, bringing out a bloody flower.

Her body was covered with wounds, leaving blood staining her clothes red, and she looked a little miserable.

Another attack came from the front, and the cold light of the ice spear was instantly in front of her.


"Forehead……"Xing blocked the baseball bat in front of her, but her trembling arms were finally unable to withstand the terrifying force, and the baseball bat hit her chest. Her consciousness became scattered and she let out an unconscious groan. Xing flew backwards and fell off the shoulder platform of the Creation Engine.

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