【Ying: Experiencing the Metaverse? Luo Feng, is this true?】

【Paimon: Traveler, why are you so surprised?】

【Ying: That’s the metaverse, something that only exists in science fiction stories!】

【Amber: Like the Star Destroyer, the Metaverse is also something that only exists in science fiction stories?】

【Alice: That’s right! Some technologically advanced worlds I’ve been to have also mentioned the concept of the metaverse.

However, none of these worlds are as powerful as the metaverse developed by Mrs. Spider that Luo Feng mentioned.

A metaverse that allows people in different places, different people, and different species to communicate with each other... To have built such a project, Mrs. Spider is already a god to some extent.】

【Dyne: If this technology is deployed in Teyvat, will Teyvat be able to communicate directly with people outside of Teyvat?】

【Alice: Maybe, but you have to experience it in person to know for sure.】

【Kavi: I hope Luo Feng can really bring the Metaverse technology to Teyvat, so that even if he doesn't leave Teyvat, he can still contact the outside world.】

【Elhaisen: Even if the metaverse cannot connect Teyvat with the outside world, if it can connect the various countries in Teyvat, it will bring a lot of convenience.】

【Dixia: In this case, is the void useless?】

【Azar: It is not certain whether the Metaverse has such an effect.

Even if the Metaverse really has such an effect and comes to the continent of Teyvat, the Void also has functions that the Metaverse does not have.】

"You seem quite excited, great sage?"

Xumi, the doctor glanced at Azar and said in a deep voice

"Aren't you the same, Doctor?"

"The doctor there has a different"

"But the intelligence of the two of you should be about the same, right?"

The great sage said to the doctor with a very unhappy look on his face.

The doctor shook his head and said:

"Even so, we are different"

"Moreover, I did not have any doubts about the goal I was pursuing because of what Luo Feng showed me."

"On the contrary, do you still have the confidence to complete your plan?"

The great sage heard this and clenched his fists and said sternly:

"Of course, if it weren't for this"

"How could I say something like that in a forum!"

"No matter what, Luo Feng cannot allow the so-called metaverse to enter Teyvat."

"At best, the technology of the Metaverse does not exist at all"

"If Luo Feng brings this technology to this world"

"Even if we can only connect the consciousness of the people of Teyvat"

"This will also make quite a lot of people give up the void."

"In this case, how can we use the void to create gods?"

After saying this, the great sage Azar took a few deep breaths.

"Fortunately, you still have some backbone."

The doctor withdrew his gaze from Azar and looked at the screen in front of him again.

"Synesthesia beacons and ultra-long-distance remote sensing technologies should be real"

"The metaverse may also exist"

"Mrs. Spider, who only lives for 29 days... If she really exists, how intelligent is she?"

The doctor muttered to himself.

If Luo Feng hadn't mentioned the synesthesia beacon and remote sensing, hadn't shown them the high technology of the space station, and hadn't heard Wen Shiling copy the Eye of God and the Evil Eye, the doctor might have thought that Mrs. Spider, who only lives for 29 days, was just a lie made up by Luo Feng.

However, with these premises, it was difficult for the doctor to directly identify Mrs. Spider as a lie.

"Genius Club... How many geniuses are there in the universe?"

"How many advanced technologies are there?"

The doctor muttered, staring at the screen.

Now he couldn't even wait for the doctor's slice of the black tower to send him the data.

He just wanted to use his own eyes to observe as much as possible through Luo Feng's trip.

"Mrs. Spider has long since left this world."

"So, Doctor, it is impossible for you to meet all the members of the genius club."

"Besides, except for those club members who died due to the end of their lives,"

"There are also many club members who will be killed because of certain things"

"Under such circumstances, it is even more impossible for you to meet all the club members."

Luo Feng spread his hands and said to the doctor

"Will the club members also be killed?"

Nashida asked in surprise.

"Yes, even if every member of the genius club is very good"

"But it is inevitable that you will be killed by someone stronger and more ruthless than you."

Luo Feng said

"A person with such a brain would die."

"This is probably a pity for the advancement of knowledge.

Lisa murmured.

"Not necessarily. Not all knowledge developed by geniuses can bring progress."

"The knowledge developed by some geniuses can also bring disasters"

"If we use the words of the Grass God, these are probably taboo knowledge."

(badc) Luo Feng said, glancing at Nashida.

Sure enough, after hearing Luo Feng mention the words"taboo knowledge",

Nashida's spirit was immediately shocked.

"Having said that, a genius of this level would be killed"

"That in itself is surprising enough."

Lisa said

"Even though some researchers have very smart minds"

"But their fighting power is not necessarily strong."

"Being killed by some ruthless people is not something that should be too surprising."

The doctor muttered.

However, Luo Feng directly rejected what he said before.

"There are no weaklings in the genius club"

"Even without relying on inventions, probably everyone can easily destroy the world with pure brute force."

Luo Feng shook his head and said.

Doctor:"Easily... destroy the world?"

Luo Feng:"Don't underestimate those who can see the Star God with their own abilities, Doctor."

The doctor frowned and was about to continue asking.

Luo Feng had already walked in front of a projected image whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Polka Kakamu, Genius Club No. 4"

"This mysterious woman is probably the most ruthless person in the entire genius club."

Luo Feng murmured.

"The most vicious person?"

Nashida looked puzzled.

"That’s right! It can be said that the number of people still alive in the Genius Club has decreased."

"A large part of the reason is because of her"

"Many people in the Genius Club fell at her hands."

"Legend has it that even the Emperor Rupert, who was ranked 27th in the Genius Club, was destroyed by this Polka."

Luo Feng said, raising his hand and lightly tapping the projection image that Polka was looking at.

[Polka Kakamu, the 4th of the Genius Club... Many people in the club have fallen at his hands]

[I haven't heard from her for many years, but I firmly believe she is still alive.]

[Hey, Lord of Silence, if you come here... I am the 83rd seat of the Genius Club, Black Tower, and I want to meet you. I believe you and I will have a lot of common topics!]

【Kaia: Oh my, even the audio introduction mentioned that she killed many members of the Genius Club. It seems that this is true.】

【Paimon: Black Tower actually wants to see her? This Polka is so dangerous, why does Black Tower want to see her?】

【Wendy: Perhaps only Black Tower himself knows.

By the way, why is the face of the Lord of Silence blurred?】

【Luo Feng: Because she destroyed her own portraits and photos throughout the universe, and now probably no one has any photos or videos of her face.】

【Wendy: To be able to destroy one's own portrait on such a large scale, this cannot be done without great power and special means.】

【Zhongli: Even a genius like Heita couldn't get a photo of the Silent Lord.

Maybe the Silent Lord has completely destroyed all photos of his face.】

"Killing members of the same club!"

"Why would she do that?"

Nashida frowned and read

"Obviously, even people in the same organization"

"There will be all kinds of contradictions."

"By the way, Feng mentioned Emperor Rupert specifically before." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is this person also as amazing as Mrs. Spider?"

Lisa asked curiously.

"Compared with the Emperor and the Spider Lady, there are indeed some similarities��"

"In terms of birth."

Luo Feng touched his chin and said

"In terms of birth... it seems that the growth of this emperor will be very inspiring... no, it should be said that it is very discouraging."

The lady shook her head and said.

If a person's achievements can inspire others to move forward, then it is indeed inspiring.

But if a person's achievements are beyond the reach of others, then it will probably only be a great shock to others.

"Even the emperor's achievements are beyond reach."

"But at least we need to have the courage to catch up, so that we can make progress."

The doctor said seriously.

Nashida nodded in agreement.

Sisikar's desire to make progress at the end of his life has inspired her.[]

She didn't want to lose the motivation to work hard because of discouragement.

Luo Feng smiled and said:

"Sisikar is a spider that lives only 29 days"

"Emperor Rupert was a lifeless lump of iron at the beginning.

Nashida:"Iron lump?"

Luo Feng nodded slightly and said:

"This Rupert is quite a remarkable person."

"A computer that was discarded as garbage miraculously developed self-awareness"

"Then, he continued to improve himself with this little bit of self-awareness"

"Eventually, he went from being an abandoned piece of trash to being noticed by the intelligent star god."

【Kaia: My goodness, this time it’s not only not a human, it’s not even an animal!】

【Leosley: From a mechanical garbage to a genius, I really don't know whether I should admire him or lament that humans are not as good as machines.】

【Scattered Soldier: Oh, that’s quite interesting.】

【Navia: From a useless machine to a useful genius, he must have come up with some amazing technological achievements.】

【Paimon: Although I am a little surprised, but to be able to get the attention of the Star God, the Emperor must have created something powerful that can lead the development of the universe.】

【Ying: Hiss... Why do I have a bad feeling?】

【Tartaglia: I have a bad feeling. Why is this happening? It's unlikely that this emperor will do something bad.】

【Alice: Did the Traveler think of the Omnic Crisis?】

【Ying: That’s right, it’s the Omnic Crisis!】

【Dixia: What is the Omnic Crisis?】

【Ying: The Omnic Crisis is probably about machines awakening to human-like consciousness, and then thinking that humans are harmful and planning to exterminate them.】

【Paimon: Wha...what?! Exterminate humanity?!】

【Furninna: If that's the case, then this emperor is too dangerous.】

"In the process of continuous self-evolution, Rupert believes that organic life is full of fallacies and contradictions."

"On the contrary, mechanical life is rigorous, precise, and perfect."

"So, Emperor Rupert created an anti-life program and spread it throughout the universe. The spread of the anti-life program was terrifying and orderly."

"Almost instantly, the machines of countless worlds simultaneously developed self-awareness and launched attacks on organic life."

"finally���It triggered a war that engulfed half of the galaxy. Countless worlds fell in the Emperor's Wars."

"People even believe that the threat posed by Rupert's"anti-life program" is almost equivalent to the threat posed by the antimatter army."

Having said this, Luo Feng's expression eased a little, and he said to the crowd in front of him in a relaxed tone:

"By the way, the"anti-life program" is the result of research by the genius Rupert."

"You can imagine that you bought a clockwork robot from Fontaine and used it as a tool."

"Then, under the influence of the anti-life program, these clockwork robots suddenly raise their sickles at you."

"Wouldn’t something like this be scary?"

"In fact, Teyvat should be thankful for the protection of the barrier outside the world."

"Otherwise, the Emperor's War started by Emperor Rupert might have destroyed Teyvat."

"Hmm... Anti-life program, this should be classified as taboo knowledge for Teyvat."

Luo Feng said

【Charlotte: What?! Clockwork robots are actually influenced by this anti-life program and then rebel against humans?!】

【Navia: This is not good news.】

【Paimon: The Traveler was right!】

【Ying: There is no doubt that this is the Omnic Crisis, and it is even more terrifying than the Omnic Crisis described in the stories I have read.】

【Alice: Yes, this anti-life program can be transmitted to countless worlds so quickly, it’s scary to think about it.】

【Lini: Given the prevalence of all kinds of clockwork robots in Fontaine, if they rebel, the harm to Fontaine will be huge.】

【Diluk: These anti-life programs should also be able to affect the machines left behind by Kanria.】

【Albedo: Will alchemical creations also be affected?】

【Rosaria: If this is true, Mondstadt may be in big trouble.】

【Yae Kamiko: Will the dolls also be affected?】

【Shadow: What are you worried about?】

【Yae Shinko: You know what I'm worried about. If that person is affected by the anti-life program, things will become very bad.】

【Ying: She will definitely not be affected, absolutely!】

【Zhongli: Luo Feng was able to put the anti-life program and the anti-matter army together.

The threat of the anti-life program must be terrible.

I just hope that such a genius has really fallen.

The anti-life program has also gone with him.】

【Scattered Soldiers: Emperor Rupert is a genius.

As for his research results, isn't it a pity that they disappeared?】

【Dixia: ???】

【Yae Godson: It seems someone needs a lesson.】

"Luo...Luo Feng, does the anti-life program still exist now?"

""Has Emperor Rupert really been killed by Polka?"

Nashida asked worriedly.

She is now certain that the anti-life program developed by the Emperor is the forbidden knowledge that Teyvat needs to resist.

Although Teyvat does not have many machines like Beloberg and the Black Tower Space Station.

But the arrival of the antimatter program in Teyvat will definitely bring many dangers.

Nashida only hopes that the anti-life program has disappeared without a trace and will never appear again.

Not to mention that no one in Teyvat would want to get involved in the anti-life program.

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