【Great Sage Azar: Does she, does she really have the power as strong as the Rock God?】

【Morax: At least what Master Liuyunjiefeng said earlier was not wrong.

Nashida's previous attack was comparable to the rock spear I threw at Osel.】

【Eden Hazard……】

【Faluzan: As expected of the incarnation of the World Tree, she will become very strong after embarking on her destiny.】

【Elhaisen: I really want to observe more of the battle between Nashida and the Golden Gate Captain, but it's a pity that Master Liuyunjiefeng can't get too close.】

【Tinari: The trouble is not only these, another golden man is coming to Lisa and Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun.

Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun may not have time to film the battle between Nashida and the golden captain of the gatekeepers.~】

Just as Tinari said.

When more golden gatekeepers attacked them,

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun no longer had time to film Nashida's battle scene.

After all, the one who came was a demon-level golden gatekeeper. Even though she and Lisa had two golden gatekeepers left by Nashida in front of them.

She and Lisa had to deal with it carefully.

But even though Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun responded carefully and tried their best to cooperate with the two golden gatekeepers left by Nashida.

But there were more golden gatekeepers who came to trouble them.

Not long after, one of Nashida's golden gatekeepers was completely scrapped.

The other golden gatekeeper had also lost the mechanical arm equipped with weapons.

But in front of them, there was still a golden gatekeeper who was damaged but still intact.

"It's like a real war between demons."

"It's a relief that we were able to hold out for so long."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said with emotion

"Yes, when the golden gatekeepers left by Nashida can no longer even serve as our shields"

"Maybe we should withdraw and go meet Luo Feng."

Lisa sighed and said.

Although she wanted to use her intelligence, as well as her skills in potions and alchemy to fight.

But the speed of the golden gatekeeper was too fast, and it was difficult for Lisa to find the opportunity to attack.

The same was true for Master Liuyunjiefeng, even though she had taken advantage of this time to replicate the return machine in the simulated universe.

But she couldn't find a chance to win with one strike.

Seeing that the golden gatekeeper left by Nashida once again used his body to block the attack of the local golden gatekeeper,

Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng showed a bitter smile on their faces.

At this moment, a dazzling emerald green light shone on the golden gatekeeper left by Nashida.

Then, Nashida's voice rang in the ears of Master Liuyunjiefeng and Lisa.

[I left the power to create reincarnation dreams in the golden gatekeeper]

[I have no way to escape now, so I can only use this power on you.]

[Miss Lisa, Master Liuyunjiefeng, I will bring your consciousness and the consciousness of the golden gatekeeper into the dream of reincarnation.]

[Please accumulate experience through repeated battles and find the possibility of winning the battle.] As soon as the words fell, an emerald green light suddenly burst out from the golden gatekeeper.

The light quickly formed an emerald green palace, enveloping the two golden gatekeepers, Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

In an instant, everyone in the energy palace stopped in the distance as if the pause button was pressed.

The people of Teyvat who did not hear Natasha whispering in Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's ears were immediately confused when they saw this scene.

【Barbara: What happened? Why aren't they moving?】

【Rosalia: Is the power that erupted from the golden gatekeeper who was previously brainwashed and controlled by Nashida a power that can freeze everyone without distinguishing between friend and foe?】

【Azar: Is it about Nashida's power? What did she do?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It's a pity that Miss Nashida is still fighting with the captain of the Cloud Cavalry and the captain of the Golden Gatekeeper. Otherwise, maybe I could ask her.】

【Servant: Lord Luo Feng should know something, after all, she is monitoring the operation of the simulated universe.】

【Luo Feng: I do know that Nashida only used her own power to bring the consciousness of Lisa, Master Liuyunjiefeng and the two golden gatekeepers into the dream.】

【Elhaisen: Dreams? As a mechanical life form, does the Golden Gatekeeper still dream? Or is it because of Nashida's power?】

【Fu Nina: But what's the point of bringing everyone's consciousness into the dream?

Everyone is immobilized, so Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun can't attack the enemy, right?】

【Candice: Maybe it's because Nashida couldn't control the range of her ability when she was fighting the captain of the golden gatekeeper.】

【Navia: Could it be that Nashida intends to immobilize the enemies and her own people first, and then come back to deal with the situation with Lisa and the others after she has dealt with the most powerful golden gatekeeper?】

【Charlotte: It doesn’t seem impossible.】

【Kujo Sara: It seems that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Lisa are unable to defeat any of the golden gatekeepers.】

【Linny: Perhaps, it will be difficult for the two of them to embark on their destiny through this battle.】

【Lei Ze: Even if Master Lisa... didn't achieve her destiny... through fighting... this time, she will definitely be able to achieve her destiny... through research in the future.】

【Rosaria: Are we waiting for Nashida to summarize the battle? I hope Lisa and Liyue's Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun can create a miracle.】

"Perhaps, we don't have to wait until Nashida defeats the strongest golden gatekeeper captain."

"Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun can solve the enemy in front of them by themselves."

Luo Feng muttered as he watched the discussion in the forum.

They had no way of seeing the situation of Lisa and others in the dream.

But Luo Feng could see clearly what Lisa and others were going through through the terminal of the simulated universe.

Just like the scattered soldiers who became gods in the game of Genshin Impact, Nashida Ling reincarnated in the dream.

At this moment, Lisa, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and the Golden Man Sihuan were constantly reincarnating in the dream.

Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun constantly fought to understand the Golden Man Sihuan and sought the possibility of defeating the Golden Man Sihuan.

In just a short while, Luo Feng saw Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun reincarnate more than twenty times.

"However, Nashida was able to use the power of dreams to this extent."

"Even if she is not here, she can still allow others to enter the reincarnation dream."

"The effect of remembering her fate on her strength was perhaps too strong."

Luo Feng sighed, and once again focused on Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun who gradually found a way to deal with the Golden Gatekeeper in their dreams.

As the number of reincarnations continued to increase, the two not only began to summarize the battle rules of the enemy's Golden Gatekeeper.

They even integrated the mechanical techniques and magic potion techniques mastered by both sides, and repaired their own Golden Gatekeeper who was originally damaged and unable to move.

Although the repaired Golden Gatekeeper is not as powerful as the original.

But with the skills of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Lisa, plus the experience accumulated from continuous reincarnation.

It is only a matter of time before the two defeat the hostile Golden Gatekeeper.

This is indeed the case.

When Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun reincarnated 150 times, they finally succeeded.

Unlike the traveler in the original book who relied on the summary of all the Xumi people, the two relied only on their own wisdom and summary to smash the demon-level Golden Gatekeeper.

"It's really amazing, although I'm not as smart as many researchers on the space station."

"But being able to transform the remains of the Jinren Simen is already a genius enough"

"Moreover, he was able to summarize his experience and apply such tactics. His fighting talent was really amazing."

Luo Feng, who saw everything, exclaimed.

At this moment, Luo Feng suddenly felt a familiar wave coming from the surrounding space.

In just a moment, he came to a very familiar space.

On both sides of him, the doctor and Nashida stood quietly.

In addition to Luo Feng, the doctor and Nashida, the lady who had left the Black Tower office earlier also came to this mysterious space.


"Hmm?! This space is... a space where one can pay homage to the Star God?"

"I actually came here!"

"Lisa, you are here too!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said in astonishment.

"Yes, it seems we are lucky."

Lisa smiled and nodded.

She was also very surprised.

She was still in the dream of reincarnation in the last second, but she came here in the next second.

And she was with Master Liuyunjiefeng.

She took a deep breath and looked up.���Huge beam of light:

"Master Liuyunjiefeng, which star god do you think will be interested in us?"

Master Liuyunjiefeng thought for a while and replied:

"No matter which star god takes a fancy to us, it is our honor."

"After embarking on our destiny, maybe we won't need to use the remains of the golden gatekeeper as we did in our dream."

"Instead, we can directly defeat the enemy, the golden gatekeeper."

Lisa smiled and said:

"Having said that, I still want to put the results of our joint research into practice."

"If we wait until we leave the simulated universe, we probably won't have the chance to make such a golden gatekeeper."

Upon hearing this, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng nodded involuntarily:

"What you said is not without reason."

The two smiled at each other and looked at the huge beam of light in front of them, waiting quietly for the Star God to appear with anticipation.


On the other side, where Luo Feng, Ms.

"Is this... a space where I can see the Star God?"

"Is this the reward for someone triggering the journey to destiny?"

"Wait, Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun?"

"Why are they all in the light column!"[]

The lady blinked with a curious look.

"Don't you know? I thought you were paying attention to the situation at Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's place."

"After all, you left the scene at the beginning, so you had enough time to observe the battle there."

The doctor said to the lady with a strange look on his face.

Hearing this, the lady was furious on the spot

"Doctor, you still want to tell me this?"

"Do you know what you did before?"

"If it weren't for you, how could I have been targeted by two golden gatekeepers from the very beginning?"

"If those two"demon gods" hadn't attacked me at the same time, how could I have retreated so quickly?"

The lady shouted at the doctor in a cold voice. If Luo Feng wasn't still here, and this was still a mysterious space where the Star God could be seen, the lady might have even burned the doctor with fire if she was worried that attacking the doctor would cause dissatisfaction from Luo Feng and the Star God.

"I was just dodging normally."

"I thought you would be able to react now that you have embarked on your fate."

"Or do you need my protection?"

The doctor said with a smile


The lady looked at the doctor with gritted teeth.

If looks could kill, the doctor would have died countless times by now.

"Okay, don't be angry."

"Save your energy for the next battle."

Luo Feng patted the lady's fair shoulders and said.

Hearing this, the lady snorted at the doctor and said no more.

"Mr. Luo Feng, what exactly did Lisa and Master Liuyun Jiefeng do?"

""Why were they able to worship the Star God at the same time?"

The doctor asked Luo Feng curiously.

The lady also looked over curiously.

After all, before this, no one from Teyvat had ever been able to worship the Star God at the same time and embark on a journey of destiny.

As for the reincarnation of Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng in the dream, neither the doctor nor the lady knew.

The only people who knew the truth were Luo Feng and Nashida, who unfolded the dream and roughly guessed what Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng had experienced.

"It was nothing, but the two of them successfully transformed and activated the defeated Jin people's gatekeeper"

"Moreover, he has summarized an excellent fighting method through his own intelligence."

Luo Feng shrugged and said.

Although the Star God has not yet appeared, Luo Feng can probably guess the Star God who may appear next.

The only one who would be moved by the wisdom of Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun is probably the intellectual Star God Boshizun.

"The two of them activated the defeated Jin people's gatekeepers?!"

"How is this possible?"

The doctor's eyes widened, looking at the backs of Lisa and Master Liuyunjiefeng in disbelief.

"Because they have done what you haven't done yet, so do you think it's impossible, Doctor?"

Luo Feng said to the Doctor meaningfully.


Luo Feng smiled and looked at Nashida:

"The two of them were able to come here thanks to Nashida"

"If it weren't for her, the two of them wouldn't have been able to embark on their destiny."

"By the way, if you hadn't taken a golden gatekeeper with you to a distant place at the beginning,"

"Maybe the people standing in front are not just Lisa and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, but maybe you, Doctor, as well."

Luo Feng had to admit that although the doctor was arrogant, he was still quite capable.

After such a long time, he had already studied some things from the golden gatekeeper he had led away.

If the doctor, Lisa and Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun could work together to transform the remains of the golden gatekeeper in the reincarnation dream, and summarize the tactics to deal with the enemy's golden gatekeeper, maybe the number of reincarnations of the three in the dream could be reduced many times.

Of course, if the doctor was willing to use all his strength from the beginning, just one golden gatekeeper would not be his opponent.

Hearing this, the doctor frowned and looked at Nashida.

Little Grass God, what did she do?

The doctor thought.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, he now regretted not acting with Nashida, Lisa and Liuyunjiefeng Zhenjun.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the light column in front.

The doctor turned his head and saw a huge celestial machinery.

Doctor:"I have never seen a star god before, and this appearance, could it be……"

Luo Feng :"That's right, this one is the Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun, who symbolizes the existence of wisdom."

Lady:"Boshizun? Sure enough, Star Gods are extremely shocking no matter how many times you see them."

Nashida:"Is it Him who is calculating everything in the universe?"

Doctor:"Sure enough, Doctor Zun is an existence that has been upgraded from a celestial computer to a Star God."

The doctor looked at the mechanical body of Boshizun and clenched his fists involuntarily.

Just like the great sage Azar wanted to create a powerful enough god.

Why doesn't he want to create a powerful god? Why doesn't he want to imitate Zandar, who created Boshizun, and create a god who is enough to become a Star God.

In any case, I also need to see Him.

As long as I see Him, I can be blessed.

The doctor clenched his fists and thought in his heart.

He remembered clearly that Luo Feng had mentioned that if he embarked on the path of wisdom, perhaps his intelligence would also be improved.

For Him as a researcher, the improvement of intelligence is quite attractive.

What's more, he also wants to use his mind to create another Boshizun.

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