【Zhongli: Just by splitting off a part of the immortal destiny, a new star god can be created.

From a universal point of view, an immortal dragon will never be a weakling!】

【Navelette: Indeed, an incomplete destiny can be born [bred].

Perhaps the immortal dragon will be a very powerful star god.】

【Tevarin: The star god representing reproduction, I wonder how much power he has】

【Albert: Can reproduction also represent a destiny? Could it be that this star god of reproduction is getting married, having children, and creating offspring all the time?】

【Elhaisen: The reproduction of the Star Gods should be different from what we understand as reproduction.】

【Shadow: The immortal dragon is not weak at all, so why did he fall?】

【Wendy: Something must have happened that we can't even guess, and it must be a major event that can shake the entire universe.】

【Luo Feng: Let’s not talk about whether there was any major event when the immortal dragon fell, but the appearance of the breeding star god Taizi Yulos triggered two major events.】

【Alice: Even Lord Luo Feng would describe this as a huge event!!!】

【Ying: I always think this will be quite surprising.】

"Mr. Luo Feng, what do you mean by"big deal"?"

The doctor looked at Luo Feng expectantly, just like a sincere and studious student.

"Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you"

"The birth of the breeding star god caused two major events"

"The first is the insect plague, one of the three disasters in the universe."

Luo Feng said

"Three disasters of the universe?"

"I remember Luo Feng, you mentioned before that the three major disasters in the universe are the Antimatter Army and the Abundant Evil."

"So the last of the three disasters in the universe is the universe insect disaster."

The lady said.

Perhaps because she had embarked on a hunting journey, the lady was particularly concerned about disasters such as the rich evil creatures.

She was also very concerned about the antimatter army and the universe insect disaster that Luo Feng had just mentioned.

"Could the Breeding Star God be similar to the Fertility Star God?"

"Or is it just a being like the Star God of Destruction who simply wants to destroy the world?"

Lisa muttered, holding her chin with one hand.

"If we compare the three major disasters,"

"The disasters brought by the breeding star god are more similar to those brought by the abundance star god."

"After all, the antimatter army that destroyed Star God was simply destroying"

"The abundance of evil creatures and the universe's insect plague are a form of plundering other creatures."

Luo Feng said, touching his chin.


"Does the Universal Insect Plague need to plunder anything?"

"Wait, could it be……"

A flash of inspiration came to Lisa's mind, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"That's right, the insects created by the breeding star god want to plunder the petri dishes used to breed other insects."

"As for the petri dish, as long as it is a living thing, it can become a petri dish for insects."

"The reason why the fate of reproduction is called reproduction is because the breeding star god can reproduce endlessly."

"And the breeding method is unreasonable. As long as the insects are given certain conditions, they will reproduce."

"The breeding star god itself turned into a self-replicating terror, an endlessly multiplying tide of wasteland. Slowly, when people noticed"

"Endless bugs have spread across countless galaxies.

Luo Feng shrugged and said

【Paimon: So...disgusting!】

【Alice: It's just like the alien in a science fiction movie.】

【Ying: Since they can be called the three disasters of the universe, the disaster brought by the insect plague is more terrible than the aliens in science fiction movies.】

【North Wind Wolf King: It reminds me of some disgusting parasitic creatures.】

【Zhongli: Can any creature become a petri dish for insects? Does that mean the same can be said for demons?】

【Wendy: Although I think bugs must be weak, but they are life forms created by the Star God, even bugs must be strong.】

【Dixia: It's a bug again, and it's very strong! How could such a star god be born in this world? It's so disgusting!】

【Rosaria: Indeed, such Star Gods should be killed.

It is a pity that the fate of the immortal Star Gods would be torn apart by the existence of the breeding Star God.】

【Elhaisen: To some extent, the fact that the immortal destiny can tear apart a reproductive destiny with such a strong reproductive ability can be regarded as indirect proof of the powerful vitality of the immortal destiny.】

【Falushan: I am a little curious. After a part of the immortal destiny is torn away, can the new person who embarks on the immortal destiny still have the power to reproduce as quickly as insects?】

【Alice: It should be impossible, after all, part of the destiny has been torn away.

Moreover, judging from the previous conversation between Dan Heng and Luo Feng, ordinary people simply cannot embark on the immortal destiny.

Unless they are Dragonborn, or a special existence like Lord Luo Feng.】

【Bai Shu: Is this why the immortal dragonborn need to reincarnate to maintain immortality?

If the immortal destiny is not torn out, can the dragonborn truly be immortal?】

【Elhaisen: It seems that there are still many things we need to understand in the subject called [Immortality].】

【Dixia: You academic researchers are too obsessed with immortality. Shouldn't we pay more attention to the breeding of star gods mentioned now?】

【Rosaria: Indeed! Luo Feng mentioned that after the birth of the Breeding Star God, two major events occurred. One was the insect plague in the universe, and the other... I hope it was something related to his death.】

【Kaiya: It seems that Rosaria hates bugs very much. Lord Luo Feng just mentioned the breeding star god. Do you hope that He is dead?】

【Ying: I don't like bugs either. I also hope this breeding star god is dead.】

【Dixia: And they are spreading bugs all over the universe. It's better for them to die.】

【Kaia: Girls really hate bugs.】

"They actually spread bugs in the universe. Such a star god is too disgusting."

The lady frowned and said

"Star gods like this are the ones who should perish."

"It would be great if He could return the torn part of His destiny of reproduction to Immortality after His death.

Lisa sighed and said

"Since the fate of reproduction has been torn apart, even if the breeding star god dies, the fate of reproduction will not be returned to the immortal"

"Unless the immortal star god appears again and takes the initiative to devour the fate torn away by the breeding star god."

Luo Feng shook his head and said.

Hearing Luo Feng's words, some ladies who naturally dislike insects couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Luo Feng, you said that the appearance of the Breeding Star God triggered two major events, right?"

"The first thing is the universal insect plague, what is the second thing?"

Nashida asked curiously.

"This second one is much more explosive than the first one."

"Everyone, have you ever heard of the war between the Star Gods?"

Luo Feng raised his lips and said with a chuckle

"The war of the Star Gods?"

The lady opened her eyes wide and looked at Luo Feng in disbelief.

"Mr. Luo Feng, did I hear you right?"

"You mean, the emergence of the breeding star god led to the war between the star gods?" asked the doctor.

"That's right, and this time it's a real war between gods"

"But it's not just a small fight between the Joy Star God and the Destruction Star God."

Luo Feng said

"The real war of gods!"

"Have you ever fought a breeding star god with a star god with the goal of killing each other?"

The doctor muttered to himself.

【Barbatos: The fight between the Star Gods, it reminds me of a long-ago battle.】

【Morax: It's not just a comparison of force, but a real war to kill each other!】

【Navilette: If there really was a star god who died in the god war mentioned by Luo Feng, who would it be?】

【Yae God: The only Star God we know of that has lost its trace so far seems to be the Immortal.

However, the Breeding Star God appeared after the Immortal, so it is impossible for the Immortal Star God to die in the war with the Breeding Star God.】

【El Haisen: Other star gods...are they pioneering?】

【Kavi: Isn't Lord Luo Feng a suspected pioneer?

Wait, I see. You mean to say that Lord Luo Feng, the pioneer star god, was once killed by the breeding star god, and he is now gradually recovering? 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Then Villette: Resurrection, does that mean Luo Feng is the second generation of pioneering star god?

Or is he the first generation pioneering star god who is gradually recovering his power?】

【Kaia: It's just a bold guess, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to be true.】

【Diluk: It's a pity that regarding the development, Lord Luo Feng has never admitted that he is the Star God of Development.】

【Zhongli: Could it be that Lord Luo Feng feels that he is not qualified enough to be called a pioneering star god, so he only regards himself as a pioneering envoy?】

【Wendy: If things continue to develop in this way, once Lord Luo Feng has gained enough power, will he be able to call himself the Star God of Pioneering?】

【Dixia: I understand. No matter whether Mr. Luo Feng is a pioneering star god now or not, it is correct to treat Mr. Luo Feng as a pioneering star god.】

【Candice: It does make sense. After all, judging from the attitudes of Ji Zi and other unknown guests, they do not simply regard Mr. Luo Feng as an ordinary person with pioneering power.】

【Ningguang: Ji Zi and others' views on Lord Luo Feng may be the most correct views.

I believe that Ji Zi and others' views on Luo Feng may be what we should do.】


"Luo Feng, according to what you said, the Breeding Star God fought with a certain Star God, right?"

"Which star god did He fight with?"

Lisa asked curiously.

Luo Feng:"Lisa, I think you can ask your question in a different way."

Lisa:"A different way?"

Luo Feng:"That's right! For example, you can ask me which star gods have not intervened in the war caused by the breeding star god."

Lisa widened her eyes and said in disbelief:

"In other words, the Star God of Breeding did not fight with one Star God, but with multiple Star Gods?"

Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

Nashida took a deep breath and murmured:

"What on earth did the Breeding Star God do to cause such a big incident?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun pushed his glasses with trembling hands:

"I now understand why Mr. Luo Feng used the term"huge event" to describe the events caused by breeding star gods.

Luo Feng looked at the surprised expressions of the crowd and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to talk more about things related to breeding star gods, the voice of the black tower came over.

"Are you talking about the breeding star gods Taiz and Ross?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

A petite figure in a disguise walked in from the train door.

"It's you, Black Tower, are you finally willing to go online?"

Luo Feng said with a smile

""Black Tower!"

Lisa, the lady, Nashida, the doctor and Master Liuyunjiefeng all looked carefully at the figure in front of them.

After all, this person was a genius of the universe level recognized by Luo Feng himself.

Although everyone had seen the Black Tower before, the Black Tower was not online at that time, so they naturally had no chance to communicate with the Black Tower.

"You have done so many things in the space station"

"Of course I have to come here."

Heita walked up to Luo Feng, put his hands on his waist and looked him up and down.

Then he took the initiative to reach out and grab Luo Feng's right hand.

"What do you do?"

Luo Feng asked

"I heard from Esta that she held your hand and saw the star god of destruction."

"So I also want to try to see if I can see the Star God by holding your hand."

Heita said

"So, have you seen the Star God?"

Luo Feng said with a smile

"You are asking even though you know the answer."Heita shook off Luo Feng's hand and said helplessly:

"I know that if I want to see the Star God, I can't just hold your hand and see him."

"Sure enough, some specific conditions are needed."

"By the way, why did you talk about breeding Star Gods before?"

Luo Feng shrugged and said:

"Because my passengers were curious about breeding star gods, I mentioned the matter of breeding star gods to them."

Heita nodded and said:

"It just so happens that I am also very interested in the history of breeding star gods."

"Luo Feng, come and help me test the simulated universe. I have already built the module of the universe insect plague."

"I can use you to study the history of the time when the insect plague spread all over the galaxy."

【Elhaisen: Is it such a coincidence that the genius Black Tower is actually planning to study the history of breeding star gods!】

【Falushan: Given Mr. Luo Feng's special characteristics, if he were to enter the simulated universe under specified conditions, it would probably trigger many interesting reactions.】

【Wendy: Maybe at least we can see what it looks like to breed Star Gods】

【Rosalia: It would be best if I could see His death.】

【Kaiya: I am a little worried that if someone in the future embarks on the path of breeding (Wang Li Zhao), Rosaria, you will hunt down those who embark on the path of breeding.】

【Rosaria: If the person who embarks on this fate does not regret turning into a disgusting insect, I will not hunt him down.

Kaia, do you want to embark on the fate of reproduction?】

【Kaia: How could that be? Haha】

【Then Villette: Through the simulation of the universe, can we witness the war between the Star Gods caused by the breeding of Star Gods?】

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the black tower in front of him with surprise.

"You have actually built a brand new module."

Luo Feng said.

According to his idea, the module for simulating the insect plague in the universe should have appeared in the later plot.

"Well, because you are special, you can help us understand a lot about Star God."

"So I and ScrewGum worked overtime."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Come with me and take a test now."

Heita said, and was about to take Luo Feng's hand and leave.

At this moment, Ji Zi's voice came over.

"Black Tower, have you arrived yet?"

Everyone turned around and saw Ji Zi, Xing, San Yue Qi and others were just coming from another carriage.

"Just arrived." Heita looked at Ji Zi, then his eyes fell on Xing.

"Is this the person who carried the star core and is still intact?"

"Hey, are you interested in letting me study your body later?"

Heita asked

"Study... my body?"

Xing pointed at herself, looking a little silly.���

"Well, after I take Luo Feng to test the simulated universe, I will come to study you."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the reward."

Heita said.

Xing looked at Heita, then at Luo Feng, and seemed a little hesitant.

"Just make your own decision, Star."

"If you don't want the Black Tower to study you,"

"She won't force you to study."

"At most, I'll let you test the simulated universe or something."

Luo Feng said with a smile

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