【Ying: My goodness, does this soldier really want to die?!】

【Dixia: I finally survived the battlefield, but now I’m trying to commit suicide by fighting with Lord Luo Feng and others. Isn’t it better to just live a good life?】

【Candice: He has fallen into despair because of his fate of nothingness.

There is probably nothing in this world that can sustain his survival.】

【Servant: He can't feel joy, and he doesn't have any purpose in life. The only way for him to live is to die.】

【Tartaglia: I can understand seeking battle, but wanting to die... I still can't understand it.

A fate of nothingness can turn a person into this state. What kind of fate and what kind of power is this?】

【Rich man: I think it’s better for us not to understand what the fate of nothingness is.

Otherwise, we will probably end up like this soldier.】

【Rooster: However, this seriously injured soldier can still perform attacks that make the lady, Lisa and others unable to react.

The fate of nothingness seems to be able to bring good power to people.】

【Prince: If you can master this power skillfully and safely……】

【Ying: No way, is there really someone interested in the power of nothingness? Are they really not afraid of death?】

【His Royal Highness Prince:……】

【Amber: In this situation, does Lord Luo Feng need to kill this soldier before we can move on to the next scene?

Speaking of which, this scene doesn't seem to have anything to do with the breeding star god Taizi Yulos, right? Why do we see this scene?】

【Qin: Ms. Heita and others have limited the scope of the simulated universe to the historical fragment of the birth of the breeding star god, and used the special Lord Luo Feng as the introduction for the simulation.

Under such circumstances, the simulated universe should not show anything unrelated to the breeding star god. What is going on now should be related to the breeding star god Taizi Yulos.】

"Mr. Luo Feng, do you want to kill this guy?"

The lady's hands were burning with blazing fire. While being alert to the enemy soldiers, she asked Luo Feng

"No, if we kill this guy"

"Maybe we have to re-simulate it."

Luo Feng shook his head and said

[Black Tower: Re-simulate? Luo Feng, why do you make such a judgment?

Luo Feng smiled and did not answer Black Tower.

He couldn't tell Black Tower that he had already cleared the universe plague in the game.

The soldier in front of him was obviously a key figure who could not die yet.

Luo Feng felt that if he guessed correctly, he would be the leader of the army that launched a war of conquest against the Worm Star in the future.

At this moment, a strange laugh came into Luo Feng's ears. He looked up at the sky and saw a strange creature.

""Here it comes."

Luo Feng murmured in a low voice

[Black Tower: What's coming? Wait, what is this huge amount of data that suddenly appeared?!]

[Ruan Mei: Such a huge amount of data must carry a powerful force.]

[Screw Gumu: Mr. Luo Feng is right, there is indeed a certain existence coming. ]

Everyone in the simulated universe heard the discussion of the geniuses such as Heita, and raised their heads to look in the direction of Luo Feng's sight.

At this moment, the strange and loud laughter also appeared in everyone's ears.

"This laughter, could it be the Joy Star God?"

When the doctor heard this familiar laughter, he immediately thought of the Joy Star God he had seen before.

"Joyful Star God? Wait, isn't that a bug?" the lady asked in surprise.

Within the sight of everyone, a huge bug was seen passing through the void, making a loud and weird laugh while passing by everyone.

In an instant, a strange emotion enveloped everyone present, making them all laugh at the same time as the bug's laughter.

Lady:"Hahaha... what's going on... haha, why... haha, you can't stop laughing!"

Doctor:"We... hehe, are we... haha affected by this bug?"

True Lord Liuyunjiefeng:"Hehe, this feeling of being unable to hold back laughter... hehe, it's so annoying!"

【Lishandieshui Zhenjun: This is the first time I see Liuyun laughing so happily!】

【Grandma Ping: Well, Liuyun looks better when she smiles】

【Shen He: Master...is this affected by that bug?】

【Tartaglia: I think so. The lady and the doctor were equally affected.

Anyway, the lady is fine, but why does the doctor's smile look more and more awkward?】

【Kaiya: Miss Lisa's smile is still as beautiful as ever, but it seems that she can't control it anymore.】

【Nello: Miss Nashida's smile is so cute】

【Dixia: Yes, the expression of wanting to hold back but not being able to is even cuter】

Wendy: This bug is really amazing, as it can influence Nashida, Lisa and others today. Could it be the messenger of joy?】

【Dixia: Since it's a bug, shouldn't it be a creature of the Breeding Star God?

Wait, could it be that the Joy Star God turned the bug created by the Breeding Star God into his own messenger just for fun?】

【Kurumi: Hiss... If that's true, then this God of Joy really has a bad taste.】

【Zhongli: But I can't be sure. Maybe this bug has nothing to do with the breeding star god, but simply gained the appreciation of the joy star god.】

【Tartaglia: Even so, allowing a bug to gain the power of pleasure that can affect Nashida, the Doctor and others, isn't this God of Fun too good at having fun?】

【El Haisen: I think the Fatui should not underestimate the bugs.】

【Faluzan: That's right! Compared to some bugs, we are nothing.】

【Kavi: I think of the Spider Lady from the Talent Club.】

【Tartaglia: This... Speaking of which, Master Luo Feng was not affected by the bug. As expected, Master Luo Feng is special.】

【Servant: Your way of changing the subject is really embarrassing, sir.】


Luo Feng looked at the soldiers who put down their guns and laughed because of the appearance of the laughing bugs, and then looked at the ladies and others who were also laughing.

"Isn't it nice to do this sometimes?"

"Especially you, lady, smile more, maybe you will feel happier"

"Don't always have a stern face."

Luo Feng said with a smile

"Although… although that’s the case, but… haha, I still want to rely on my own… haha… thoughts to laugh."

Lisa said while laughing uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes...hahahaha!"

Even the lady agreed with Lisa's statement this time.


Luo Feng shrugged and released a burst of energy to hit the lady, Lisa and the others.

In an instant, the uncontrollable laughter of the crowd stopped.

"Finally, I stopped laughing."

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun covered her stomach and let out a long sigh.

The previous uncontrollable laughter almost made her stomach ache.

Thinking that her laughter must have been seen by Gan Yu, Shen He and other immortals, a helpless emotion emerged on Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun's face.

"Luo Feng, is that bug from before really a being of the Joy Series?"

Lisa wiped the tears from her eyes from her unstoppable smile and asked curiously.

"Well, it has a very strong and huge power of joyful destiny."

"I think it should be more than just a Joyful Order."

Luo Feng nodded and looked at the Laughing Bug that slowly disappeared into the horizon.

From it, Luo Feng felt almost the same energy as the Joyful Star God that had appeared in the simulated universe.

Because of this heavyweight energy, Luo Feng immediately thought of the bug that had been given all its destiny by the Joyful Star God.

"Sure enough, that bug was very special."

"But why did it suddenly appear here?"

"Could it be related to him?"

Nashida looked at the laughing soldier and murmured.

"As a self-destructor, he actually laughed out loud."

"It seems that the power of the Joy Star God is also quite impressive."

The Doctor said with emotion

【Dixia: Yes, even the soldiers who were self-destructors laughed out loud.

Does this mean that self-destructors who have embarked on a fate of nothingness can be redeemed by embarking on a fate of joy again?】

【Lini: The premise is that you can really embark on two different destinies.

So far, we have never seen anyone except Mr. Luo Feng use the power of two destinies.】

【Candice: That being said, Mr. Luo Feng has never denied that we cannot embark on two different destinies.】(aiba)

【Navia: Lord Luo Feng even mentioned that with the special qualities of travelers, they might be able to embark on a different destiny.】

【Ying: Yes, it is me. I am already looking forward to traveling with Luo Feng for the second time and embarking on a new journey. Please, Luo Feng, let me hug your thighs.】

【His Royal Highness Prince:……】

【Dixia: Your method of asking for a ticket is too direct. Ahem, well, Mr. Luo, let me hug your thigh too.】

【Ying: Don’t learn from me, hey】

【Dixia: I can't help it. I really want to obtain the power of abundance. I have a friend who might need this power.】

"By the way, when you were affected by the laughing bug, did you hear any strange sounds in your mind?

Suddenly, Sanyueqi asked everyone with a curious look on his face.

"I did hear some mysterious whispers, did Sanyueqi hear them too?"

Ji Zi asked.

Sanyueqi nodded.

Xing:"I heard them too."

Dan Heng:"I heard the"Woodworm Star"""

Walter Yang:"This whisper seems to be urging us to go to the Worm Star, and then……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the side, Nashida frowned and muttered:

"Then launch conquests and build civilizations……"

Hearing this, the lady, Lisa, the doctor and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun covered their foreheads and thought for a while, then everyone opened their eyes in disbelief.

They suddenly realized that they had heard the same mumbling as Nashida, Walter Yang and others.

At this moment, the laughing insect finally disappeared, and the soldier stopped laughing.

However, he still had a smile on his face.

"The worm star... launched a conquest, established a civilization, and finally found the lost self……"

"I get it. I get it."

"I want to build an army, to conquer, to build a civilization"

"In this way, I can find my lost self."

The soldier raised his hands and cheered, then he came to Luo Feng and others with enthusiasm.

"You heard the whispers, right?"

"In that case, join me"

"Let's form an army together, and then conquer the world and build civilization."

After saying that, the soldier smiled enthusiastically at the lady standing at the front, blocking Luo Feng.[]

The lady saw the smile of the self-destructor soldier, which was completely different from his previous depressed look, and looked at Luo Feng in confusion.

"Accept it for now, this may be the key to our next stage."

Luo Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, the lady finally nodded to the soldier.

"Very good, from now on, you are my teammates."

"The army needs a name."

"Let me think about it... Got it, from now on we are the"Elaidishina Army", and you can call me leader from now on!"

The soldier said happily.

The lady frowned and said unhappily:

��Hey, why are you the leader? If we talk about leadership, Mr. Luo Feng is more suitable for... what?"

Before the lady finished her words, the soldiers in front of her had disappeared instantly.

In just a moment, everyone came to the data space where data flow was constantly flowing.

"How is this going?"

"Where is the man who claims to be the leader?" the lady asked with a frown.

[Ruan Mei: The previous scene has ended, and the simulated universe is reading the next scene]

[ScrewGum: This may take some time, please be patient.]

[Black Tower: I saw something interesting again. It was so clear that the simulated universe could show the past. It turned out that it was right to let Luo Feng do the test.]

"In that case, why don't you consider giving me a little more benefit?"

Luo Feng looked up into the air and said with a smile.

[Black Tower: How about I give you the Black Tower Space Station?]

Luo Feng:"It’s not impossible."

[Black Tower:……]

[Black Tower: Come to think of it, isn’t the Worm Star the legendary birthplace of the Star God? The whispers you heard actually led you to the Worm Star!]

[Black Tower: Sure enough, what happened here is also related to the birth of the Star God. I have a hunch that what happened in this scene may have a significant connection with the birth of the Star God.]

Luo Feng:"Your way of changing the subject is a little awkward, Black Tower"

[Black Tower: Ahem, well… aren’t you curious, Luo Feng?]

[Black Tower: The soldier was so happy that he heard the mumbling words"Go to the Worm Star and conquer the Worm Star"]

[Black Tower: Don’t you think this is related to the manuscript about the Final Star God that you saw earlier?

Luo Feng:"Compared to that, I am more interested in your Black Tower Space Station."

[Black Tower:……]

""Haha, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Seeing that it was almost over, Luo Feng stopped teasing Heita.

However, when Heita heard what Luo Feng said, he couldn't help but pout.

This amused Ruan Mei and Luosi Gumu beside him.

"The manuscript about the Final Star God mentioned that Taizyuros, the breeding star god, ascended to become a god in hatred and loneliness."

"Could it be that the self-destructor before would lead to the birth of the breeding star god?"

The lady held her chin with one hand and muttered:

"Now it seems that this possibility is not impossible"

"But I am more curious about what the mumbling we heard was about?"

"Could it be that this is also the mumbling from the Final Star God?" said the Doctor

"If this is really the whisper from the Final Star God"

"And that self-destructor did give birth to the breeding star god"

"Doesn't it mean that the whispers of the Star God of the End gave birth to the Star God of Breeding?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun frowned and said.

Thinking of this, everyone present was shocked.

At this moment, the speed of the data flow around them suddenly accelerated.

In just a moment, everyone came to a glittering and extremely luxurious room.

Everyone saw the self-destructor soldier who had disappeared before.

However, compared with before, the soldier at this moment has put on a sufficiently luxurious leader's uniform, and his temperament has obviously become in line with the temperament of a leader.

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