【Noelle: The guardian star god Klipper and the greedy star god Oboros are actually enemies!】

【Thomas: It's surprising. I originally thought that the Star God of Gluttony and the Star God of Fertility were mortal enemies.】

【Candice: If you think about it carefully, it's understandable! The Protective Star God protects the world, and the Greedy Star God devours the world. It's normal for the two to clash.

However, I didn't expect that these two were already enemies before they became gods, and it's very likely that they became gods in the struggle between them.】

【Ningguang: In this case, if the Order Star God invites the Protection Star God to deal with the Breeding Star God on the condition that they jointly destroy the Greedy Star God, the Protection Star God will naturally choose to agree.】

【Sino: Not to mention, the act of breeding Star Gods is itself a challenge to the concept of [preservation]】

【Tinari: Perhaps it is precisely because the concept of [breeding] challenges the concept of [preservation] that even if the Order Star God disappeared for unknown reasons, the Preservation Star God was still willing to deal with the Breeding Star God.】

【Candice: Indeed! It's just that without the Order Star God, the Protection Star God probably can't destroy the Greedy Star God for the time being.】

【Kaia: Speaking of which, since the Order Star God invited the Preservation Star God to deal with the Breeding Star God, then it is quite possible that He will invite the Exploration Star God to join Him and the Preservation Star God in dealing with the Breeding Star God.

Earlier, when Lord Luo Feng exuded the light of pioneering, the eyes of the Preservation Star God and the Order Star God were all attracted to Lord Luo Feng.】

【Diluk: It is possible. The God of Fertility created too many offspring.

He destroyed the"order" of the universe. He affected the"preservation" of all things. Similarly, he also blocked the path of"development".

In this case, since the God of Order invited the God of Preservation, Klipper, he would also invite the God of Development, Akivali.】

【Paimon: Could it be that later we will see the God of Order appear again to invite the God of Pioneer Akivali... No, it should be the scene of inviting Luo Feng?】

【Ying: The premise is that the Order Star God will not disappear too quickly. 】

Black Tower Office.

The doctor looked at the discussions of the people in the forum, looked at the live broadcast of Master Liuyun Jiefeng, and then thought of the pictures he had seen in the simulated universe before.

For a moment, thousands of emotions surged in his heart.

Sure enough, the pictures seen through the live broadcast are far inferior to the pictures seen with the eyes.

The doctor sighed in his heart.

However, compared to this, what made the doctor even more uncomfortable was that when he watched the experience of Luo Feng, Master Liuyun Jiefeng and others through the live broadcast, he had no way to obtain more desired data through his own means. 230

Thinking of this, the doctor plucked up the courage to walk behind the busy geniuses such as Black Tower, Ruan Mei, and Screw Gumu.

"Well, Ms. Black Tower, I can……"

The doctor spoke with anticipation.

However, before he could finish his words, he was ruthlessly interrupted by the black tower.

"Do you want to continue to enter the simulated universe and simulate with Luo Feng and the others?"

Heita said without turning his head.

""Is it okay?" the doctor asked expectantly.

"Of course...no!"

"What are you thinking about? Don't you see that Ruan Mei, Screw Gumu, and I are working very hard to stabilize the simulated universe where unexpected situations keep happening?"

"If we let you intervene and trigger other variables in the middle of the process, wouldn't we have more work to do?"

"Do you think you have what it takes for me to do more for you?"

Heita said as he quickly operated the panel in front of him.


Black Tower:"Unless you let Luo Feng speak, you should just stay aside."


Let Luo Feng give him a backdoor? The doctor doesn't think Luo Feng is willing to do so.

"You can't do it, if you can't do it, don't disturb our work"

"If you want to blame someone, just blame yourself for being killed by the breeding star god halfway."

"If you think of this as a game, even if you have already died in the game, you have to wait until other players finish this round before considering entering the game."

Heita said.

Hearing this, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief and quietly stepped aside.

He watched Heita, Ruan Mei, and Luosuo Gumu stabilize the data of the simulated universe.

As Heita restarted the simulated universe,

Luo Feng, Lisa, Ji Zi and others instantly left the data transfer space and came to a space with mysterious starlight.

"Is this the universe again?"

"Will we see another Star God later?"

Sanyueqi looked at the surrounding scenery and instantly thought of the scene when the Star God of Order and the Star God of Protection appeared.

"Could it be that the Order Star God will really show up to invite the Pioneer Star God?"

Nashida muttered to herself, looking up at Luo Feng.

"If such a scene really happens, I won't be surprised."

Lisa chuckled.

"Really? Then I think you will be surprised by what happens next, Lisa."

Luo Feng said with a smile


Lisa was wondering when suddenly a strange, crazy laugh came from the starry sky.

[Black Tower: This data is... Joyful Star God?!]

[Black Tower: Wow, I saw the Star God just after leaving the transit space, and it was this troublesome Joyful Star God!]

[Black Tower: But that’s okay, let me see what role the Joyful Star God will play in the universe’s insect plague!]

"This... this laughter, is it from the joyful Star God?!"

Hearing this very familiar laughter and the surprised voice coming from the Black Tower, Lisa raised her head in shock.

[Correct answer, but no reward!]

Along with the strange voice, a huge storm of false data suddenly rose.

Then, in the center of the storm, a huge figure surrounded by many poker cards and masks appeared.

【Navia: Is it really the Joyful Star God?!】

【Paimon: Why did the God of Fun appear at this time? Shouldn't the God of Order appear at this time?】

【Ying: Ahaha, he appears. Could it be that he is here to have fun with [Kaipiao]?】

【Diluk: Or, is He here to invite [Exploration] to defeat the Star God of Breeding?】

【Kaeya: Interesting. I didn't expect that Grandpa Diluk also knows how to have fun. I wonder if you will embark on a happy life in the future.】

【Paimon: Hey, no matter how you think about it, the Star God of Joy would never invite the Star God of Pioneer to attack the Star God of Breeding, right?】

【Kaeya: That’s not necessarily true, right, Grandpa Diluk?】


"Joy... Joyful Star God, ahaha!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at the huge figure of Joyful Star God and tried to control himself from laughing, but it was in vain.

The magical power from Joyful Star God seemed to make everyone laugh.

In the end, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun could only smile like everyone else, but not from the heart.

"Joyful Star God, why are you here?!"

Ji Zi had an unnatural smile on her face, looking at Ah Ha with confusion.

[Ah Ha: Of course it’s for"exploration"!]

As he spoke, Ah Ha suddenly closed the distance between him and Luo Feng and passed a ball to Luo Feng.

[Aha: Wanna play dice, Kaituo?] (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing the voice of the Joyful Star God Aha, Jizi, Heita, Lisa and others' eyes suddenly burst into a light.

"Playing dice? You are clearly playing with a ball!"

Luo Feng said

[Ahaha: Correct answer! Do you know what I want to do? I want to knock Taiz Yuros unconscious with this ball, hehehe!]

[Black Tower: The Joy Star God wants to knock out the Breeding Star God? Luo Feng, come on, ask Him why He wants to do this?]

Luo Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the Joy Star God in front of him as Black Tower wished:

"So, why are you doing this?"

[Ahaha: Everything I do is naturally to help Taiyi! Ahaha is always willing to help others, and helping other gods is my pleasure!]

"I think you are just looking for fun."

Luo Feng shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Ah Ha stopped smiling temporarily and stared at Luo Feng.

[Ahaha: Won't you join in, pioneer? Won't you take my e-mail about Star Train and Taiz Yuros?]

[Ahaha: Although this is just a game made up of electronic data, you will participate, right, Kaituo?] As soon as the voice fell, a more violent data storm erupted around the Joy Star God Ahaha.

His gaze also made Lisa, Jizi, Xing and others feel trembling in their hearts.[]

[Black Tower: Stop, stop, stop. The Joyful Star God has indeed realized that everything in the simulated universe is not real. You should come back first!

Black Tower saw what was happening and quickly transferred everyone to the center.���space, fearing that if he was a little slow, the Joy Star God would cause the simulated universe to be interrupted.

Having said that, when Heita noticed the"dice" that the Joy Star God had handed to him in front of Luo Feng, he suddenly became nervous.

[Black Tower: What’s going on? Why did the ball of the God of Joy come along?]

"Maybe He gave me this"dice" before, so it came with me."

Luo Feng stretched out his hand towards the ball left by the Joyful Star God, and saw it quickly turn into the size of a football in his hand.

[Black Tower: Did He really give you this ball? Did He also give one of His own balls to Akivali in real history?]

[Black Tower: Is it possible that the relationship between the Star God of Joy and the Star God of Pioneering is very good?]

"Do you think that since the Joy Star God once blew up the Star Train, the relationship between the Pioneer Star God and Him will be good?"

Luo Feng said while playing the ball game smoothly.

[Black Tower: This……]

[ScrewGum: Let's not talk about the relationship between the Joy Star God and the Pioneer Star God, but we can draw one conclusion, that is, the Joy Star God has sent an invitation to the Pioneer Star God to deal with the Breeding Star God.]

[Ruan Mei: Indeed! After this, the pioneering star god was very likely involved in the process of dealing with the breeding star god.

As for the reason, I think it should be that the breeding destiny threatened the path of pioneering.]

[Black Tower: Awesome! In addition to the Order Star God and the Protection Star God, the Joy Star God and the Development Star God are also likely to participate in the crusade against the Breeding Star God. This is truly surprising and exciting.]

"This is indeed a surprising thing."

Ji Zi looked at Luo Feng's back and took a long breath.

Even so, she couldn't calm down her excitement at the moment.

【Jean: Even though I had guessed that the God of Development had fought with the God of Breeding, it was still surprising to see this scene with my own eyes.】

【Rosalia: It is indeed surprising. What is even more surprising is that the one who invited Akivali, who was recognized as the pioneer star god, was not the star god of order, but the star god of joy!】

【Ying: Grandpa Diluk was right! And the Joy Star God is also planning to deal with the Breeding Star God!】

【Paimon: But why? There is no reason for the God of Joy to attack the God of Breeding, right?】

【Diluk: Breeding Star Gods will disrupt the"order" of the universe, affect the"preservation" of the world, hinder the"development" of roads, and also destroy the"joy" of the world. I think that's why the Joy Star God wants to deal with the Breeding Star God.】

【Kaeya: Indeed! In addition, don't you think that it is a pleasure for multiple Star Gods to fight against the Breeding Star God?

If the Joyful Star God knew about this, he would definitely want to participate.】

【Paimon: So...is that how it is?】

【Dixia: It does seem to make sense, although I am still quite surprised that the Joyful Star God invited the Pioneer Star God.】

【Candice: Speaking of which, the army leader's whispers about conquering the dwarf planet seemed to come from the one who was welcomed.���It must be a bug blessed by the Star God.

Could it be that the Joyful Star God himself knew about the mumbling from the beginning?】

【Wendy: If He really knew, perhaps He would have been prepared to participate in this war of gods from the very beginning.】

【Kaeya: Or, in order to truly enjoy the war of the gods, He will even promote the birth of the Star Gods?】

【Paimon: No...No way!】

【Kaia: It's just a guess. Who can tell for sure what's going on between the Star Gods?】

【Kaia: Compared to this, I am more curious about, if the Joy Star God really participated in the fight against the Breeding Star God like the Pioneer Star God and the Protector Star God, then who would be the remaining two of the five Star Gods mentioned by Mr. Luo Feng? Among them, is there a Star God who swallowed up the Order Star God?】

Suddenly, just as the Teyvatians were discussing in the forum, while Heita, Ruan Mei, and Screw Gumm were quickly calibrating the simulated universe, a familiar data storm suddenly appeared in the transfer space of the simulated universe.

Before Heita, Ji Zi, Lisa and others could react, the huge figure of the Joyful Star God Ah Ha appeared in front of Luo Feng who was juggling the ball.

[Black Tower: Are you kidding me? How come the Joy Star God is the same as the Greed Star God? They both found this transit space?!]

[Black Tower: Do you really want to crash this simulated universe trip?]

No wonder Black Tower is so excited. The transit space in the simulated universe is an insurance policy.

It is an emergency place when the simulated universe is in danger of downtime.

But if the Star God follows to this transit space, the emergency place will no longer be an emergency place.

[Black Tower: Please, Luo Feng, think of a way, keep it steady, don't let Him cause another data storm.]

"I'll try my best"

"Just a reminder to you, pay attention to the data of [Harmony]."

Luo Feng whispered

[Black Tower: Harmony?

Luo Feng nodded. He remembered very clearly that in the game, Ah Ha had appeared with the Harmony Star God.

Calculating the time, Luo Feng felt that the Harmony Star God should appear not far away.

After watching Luo Feng play the ball for a while, the Joy Star God Ah Ha laughed loudly.

[Ahaha: Hahaha, Kaituo, you play the ball well! It seems that you are a master at playing the ball. By the way, who made this ball of yours? Why does it look familiar to me?]

"Didn't you do it yourself?"

"Have you forgotten that you gave it to me?"

Luo Feng asked

[Aha: Yeah! How could I have forgotten about this? My brain is a little confused. Could it be that the people behind this game have tampered with my data again? Oh, aha, I am so embarrassed. But... this seems interesting?]

[Heita: This guy has noticed it again! Luo Feng, please do something!]

Hearing this, Luo Feng raised his leg and kicked the ball towards Ah Ha

"Then, ahaha!"

[Aha: Oh! Do you want to play kickball with me? I like games! Wait, He is coming, let's play for a while.���Let's play ball again. Now, let's give way to this great Him! Applause, welcome, salute! ]

Ah Ha re-enlarged the ball kicked by Luo Feng, and then retreated to a very far place.

Then, a colorful light suddenly bloomed in the void, covering everyone present.

"The harmonious star god, Xi Pei."

Luo Feng raised his head and looked at the gorgeous figure that appeared in the colorful light, and muttered to himself:

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