Walter, the old pioneer, said directly in a deep voice:"It is a common way for the nameless guest to ask for help."

Ji Zi shook her head:"It is still too early to draw a conclusion. It may also be the work of the Masked Fool. Just looking at the method, the Riddler or the Questioning Demon can also do it."

"What the hell is a strange demon?"Luo Ming muttered to himself. He would have to look through the train's think tank when he returns someday.

"When did you find it?" Walter asked again.

"When you were dealing with the Luofu core, I told Pam right away."

"The company envoy also mentioned the name of the watchmaker. I'm afraid that the invitation letter he received also contained similar ciphertext - and it was also deciphered."

The watchmaker is a historical celebrity of Pinocchio. His legendary experience has been passed down from mouth to mouth. With his own hands, he has created wealth, fame, status and other careers that everyone yearns for. He has become a symbol of dreams, and therefore inspired people to come to the star of the event to pursue their dreams. The legacy is naturally very attractive.

Walter frowned and thought:"There is another thing that I care about. When I mentioned the invitation letter, the family boss responded like this: As the actual manager of Pinocchio, the family should help you solve your problems."

"Now it seems that there is some hidden meaning in these words, and Miss Robin beside him......Although I don't know how to sing, I can hear the strangeness in her voice - how could the voice of a singer who is about to perform have a hint of strangeness?"

"Do you suspect that the family is not the sender of the invitation, and - is hiding something from us?"

Ji Zi also thought of a lot.

For example, as a train pilot, she would not add unnecessary words when introducing herself that she is the actual pilot of the train.

And the weirdness in the robin's voice.

Ji Zi and Walter, who have experienced too many things and are as meticulous as hair, could not be hidden.

Walter shook his head and nodded:"It is not impossible. It is unusual for a family to send invitations to other factions. Your discovery also proves that there may be a third party involved.......I take back what I said before. This event is not simple."

"It may not be the third party."

Luo Ming looked around at the noisy environment, and there seemed to be many dark eyes hidden in the darkness:"There may be a fourth, fifth, or even a sixth person."

"This time, the stage of Pinocchio is far more chaotic than you can imagine."

Ji Zi looked over and said with a smile:"It seems that you know a lot of things. Are you interested in sharing with me?"

Since the trip to the space station, Luo Ming seems to have become more and more mysterious, and even has a deep connection with the fairy boat, which can make the white-haired sword fairy come to him personally.

"We can just wait and see what happens, and we can talk about it in private when there is a chance. There are too many people here and it is easy to alert the enemy."

Luo Ming glanced around and suddenly saw a purple figure sitting quietly.

At this time, Xing and March 7 returned here, ordered a cup of classic Fenleda, looked at the three people and said,"What are you talking about? Why does the atmosphere seem a little off?"

"If this is just an internal matter of Pinoconi or the family, we should not interfere at will, but if this matter is related to Kaituo, we will definitely be involved."

Ji Zi shook her head:"Just do as Luo Ming said and wait and see."

Xing stood up and said:"The matter of the invitation letter, March also told me just now, don't worry, with Ben Galaxy Bat Man here, it won't be a problem!"

Everyone in the train crew had long been accustomed to Xing's speech.

They put the matter aside for the time being and planned to collect intelligence while enjoying this perfect vacation.

After all, Pinocchio is a famous resort in the universe. Many people may never come here in their lifetime. Moreover, the Harmony Festival is coming soon. If you don't enjoy it, it will definitely be a great pity.

After chatting for a while.

The VIP hall suddenly darkened, and then beams of lights flowed in the dance floor, like stars in the night sky, flashing charming light, and soft melodies filled the air, like soft feathers, gently brushing everyone's heartstrings.

The VIPs who gathered from all over the world on this grand event star stood up one after another, and danced with their respective partners on the dance floor in the center of the hall. Their figures intertwined into moving pictures under the lights.

"Wow, the dance has begun!"

March Seven's eyes sparkled, and he looked eager to try.

"You are not wearing a formal dress, how can you dance at a party?" Xing reminded

"It's okay, this is just an impromptu dance, it's not grand, you can see many people are wearing casual clothes."

After saying that, she looked behind her expectantly, but found that Luo Ming had disappeared without a trace.......

"Hey, where is the person?"

Luo Ming held the wine glass and turned around the place he saw just now, but he didn't find the familiar figure.

He was suddenly confused.

When he was about to touch his phone, he heard a gentle laugh from behind:"Sir, do you want to dance with me~"

Luo Ming turned around and looked at her, smiling:"Of course, but I don't know how to dance"

"It's okay, I can teach you."

A slender hand wrapped in black gauze was handed over.

Luo Ming took it without hesitation, and then was pulled to the dance floor, his body close to her, the warmth and softness in his arms, following her movements, he began to dance a little clumsily.

Luo Ming really can't dance. He almost stepped on her feet several times.

But his mind was not on dancing at this time. He put one hand on the slender and tight black silk waist and gently rubbed it, sending waves of warm and smooth feeling. His dance partner was not angry because of his presumptuous actions. The amber glass eyes just narrowed at him with a little dissatisfaction, and then continued to guide his bad dance steps.

""Sister, it was you I saw just now, why don't you come over and sit with us?"

Luo Ming's hand slid down the black swan's waist to her smooth and beautiful back. He looked at her elegant and delicate face and couldn't help but move closer. He touched her rosy lips like a dragonfly touching the water.

The black swan squinted her eyes and kissed him.

Then she said"Hmm?" and asked puzzledly,"I just got here. When did you see me?""

"Not you?"

Luo Ming was also stunned, thinking back to the dim light just now, he only saw a purple dress, who else could it be but the Black Swan.

Seeing him like this.

The Black Swan smiled and stopped dancing, took her hand away from his waist,"It seems that you have other dance partners, I won't disturb you, I wish you have fun."

After that, she turned her waist and looked like she was going to leave.

Of course Luo Ming couldn't let her go, he exerted force with his hands and hugged the Black Swan in his arms.

The voice whispered in her ear:"Sister, I haven't seen you for several days, don't you miss me."

The Black Swan wanted to say no, but she couldn't say it when the words came to her lips.

In the end, she half-heartedly hugged and kissed Luo Ming tenderly in the dimly lit dance floor.......

"Wow, this is so exciting!"

In a dark corner, Xing was watching the erotic scene on the dance floor, drooling with envy.

"I'm going to provoke you, you big-headed ghost!"

Sanyueqi stared at the dance floor angrily, clenched her fist and said,"Who is that purple-haired woman? Why have I never seen her before?"

Xing had seen the black swan on the train.

But they had an agreement and couldn't talk about that matter, so she had to shut her mouth and pretended not to hear Xiao Sanyue's question.

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