With one strike, he destroyed the temporary dream created by Hua Huo.

Luo Ming returned to the border of dream building.

He saw that Liu Ying had already activated the battle armor, with flames burning, and was facing Hua Huo from a distance.

"You came out so soon?"

Hua Huo smiled and looked at the black long sword in Luo Ming's hand:"What is your relationship with the woman who claims to be a patrol ranger? The methods you use seem to be the same."

Luo Ming came to Hua Huo without any defense.

Under Liu Ying's nervous and concerned eyes, he stretched out his finger and poked Hua Huo's face. With a sound of" poof", Hua Huo's face was poked with a big hole.

"Ah this......"

Xing, who was not far away, saw this scene and his eyes widened slightly. He didn't understand how a healthy person could have his finger pierced?


Liu Ying was obviously stunned, and her originally alert posture showed a trace of trance.

"She knew she was no match for us, so she pulled me into a temporary dream with all her strength, then used magic to escape with her real body."After hearing Luo Ming's explanation, Liuying removed her armor and lowered her head in shame:"I'm sorry, brother, it's Liuying's fault for not being able to do it."

"No, she is too cunning.

Luo Ming smiled and comforted.

Liuying is a combat-happy type, and doesn't know those fancy things.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be pushed into that dangerous childish dream by Hua Huo after just one encounter.

"Hey, I'm still here, aren't you two being too polite?"

Hua Huo raised her hand and the hole on her face that Luo Ming had poked was repaired.

Then she stared at Luo Ming with interest:"Who are you? Why do you have the abilities of a self-destructor and a rememberer at the same time?"

"Oh, yes, there is also the silver sword from before, which seems to have some traces of Xianzhou swordsmanship."

Hua Huo became more and more interested as he spoke, and leaned forward, looking at Luo Ming carefully with curiosity:"If I hadn't fought with you today, I wouldn't have known that besides that Star Core Kid, there was such an interesting person on the train!"

The Star Core Kid touched the baseball bat, wondering whether he should hit Hua Huo with a club.

""Are you done?"

Luo Ming said calmly.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and with a stroke, Hua Huo's body quickly disappeared as if the writing on the blackboard was wiped out by a blackboard eraser.

Before disappearing completely, Hua Huo giggled, and stared at him with bright eyes as if she had found an interesting prey:"Luo Ming, I will remember you, and I will come to play with you again in the future~"

"Next time, I will hang you up and beat you up next time."

Luo Ming put away his long sword and complained in his heart.

As a Joy Order, Fireworks may not be the strongest in combat, but she knows a lot of fancy tricks, like a slippery goldfish, it is difficult to catch her.

This time the arrangement is a bit crude, next time there is a chance, I must bring Black Swan and Huang Quan to design a trap for her

"Let's go back first."

Luo Ming waved at Liuying and Xing,"It seems to be getting late, let's go taste the dream meal first, and then go back to the real hotel."

Liuying nodded and paced beside Luo Ming.

Xing put away the baseball bat, looked at the well-behaved and beautiful Liuying, and asked curiously:"I don't think I have seen you before, are you a local of Pinoconi?"

Liuying turned around and looked at Xing, smiled kindly:"No, I am here to play too."

She knew Xing. She used to be a non-staff member of the Star Core Hunter and followed Kafka to carry out missions again and again. The two had met more than once.

But Xing's memory is now sealed by the Word Spirit Technique, so naturally she doesn't recognize her.


Xing nodded and glanced at Luo Ming knowingly.

She was not blind, of course she could see that Liuying was very close to Luo Ming, probably because she was his girlfriend.

However, last time at the Black Tower Space Station, the white-haired female sword fairy from Luofu Fairy Boat who kidnapped Luo Ming obviously had an unusual relationship with him.

So Luo Ming was a two-timing scumbag?

Xing straightened her chest instantly, her sense of justice overflowing, and she said to Liuying in a deep voice,"Miss Liuying, don't be fooled by this guy......."


A dream-building brick fell from the top of the wall and hit Xing squarely on the forehead.

Xing rolled his eyes and fell straight backwards.

Luo Ming heard the noise, turned around and saw Xing who had fainted on the ground, and exclaimed:"Isn't it too bad luck to be hit by bricks while walking?"

Liuying held the suppressor and glanced around warily:"Xingshi was ambushed. I just felt a special power fluctuation. I suspect that the Joy Order Envoy hasn't left yet!"

Luo Ming glanced around in a pretentious manner, and said seriously:"Sure enough, Yingbao is still vigilant. Don't say anything, let's leave here together. There will be family patrols on the main road at golden time, and Huohua will definitely not dare to act blatantly!"

After that, he bent down to pick up Xing on the ground, carried it on his shoulders, and rushed to the border exit of Dream Building.

Liuying followed closely behind.

Then he came to his senses, his face a little hot:"What Yingbao?......That sounds so awkward."

Luo Ming smiled and didn't explain. He carried the unconscious Xing and strode towards the exit.......

"Where is this?......What happened to me just now?"

On the broad and prosperous Golden Avenue,

Xing touched the back of his head which was a little painful. He saw double vision when he looked at people, and asked in a daze

"You were accidentally hit by a brick just now."

Liuying rubbed Xing's little head with concern, as if she was treating a junior.


Xing shook his head and pointed to an empty space in front of him and said,"No wonder I saw a cartoon boy jumping around there. It turned out that his head was hit and he was hallucinating."

"Cartoon boy?" Luo Ming looked in the direction where Xing's finger pointed:"Is it the watch boy?"

"Eh? It doesn't seem to be an illusion!"

Xing rubbed his eyes, came to the open space, and asked curiously to the air:"What are you?......thing?"

"What happened to her?"

Liuying looked at Xing with some concern.

Did she get hurt by the blow on her head?

"Can't you see it?"

Luo Ming rubbed his chin, pointed to the empty space in front of Xing and said,"There is a clock with hands and feet, asking Xing for help."

"......A clock with a foot on its right hand?"

Liu Ying's face was full of confusion. No matter how she looked, there was only an empty space in front of Xing.

"It can even talk!"

Xing turned and looked at Luo Ming and Liu Ying, puffing out his chest proudly,"It said that only straightforward, innocent, and childlike children can see it, like me!"

"I saw it too!"

Luo Ming said seriously:"It was asking Xing for help, saying that its friend named Misha was in danger!"

Then they both looked at Liuying.

Liuying opened her eyes wide, trying to see the non-existent clock man.

But she gave up quickly.

Because she really couldn't see, she said weakly with an aggrieved tone:"How am I not straightforward, innocent, and childlike enough?......!"

Luo Ming pressed his lips hard.

In fact, he couldn't see the Clock Boy completely. At most, he could vaguely sense that there was a very slight"blockage" in the open space in front of him with the ability of the Rememberer.

As for why only Xing could really see the Clock Boy.

In addition to the fact that she was really innocent and childlike, more reasons should be due to the star core in her body.

After all, when in Beloberg, Xing was the only one in the train group who could hear the sound of the ice-attributed star core.

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