"You mean Misha?"

Luo Ming looked at the empty space not far away, where there was a 'blockage' similar to that of the Clock Boy.

Misha's state was somewhat special.

He seemed to be unaware that he did not exist in the eyes of others.

He claimed to be a hotel waiter and helped guests carry their luggage several times, but in the eyes of the guests, it was the luggage that moved by itself, which caused some minor supernatural rumors.

"Yes, it's Misha."

Although Xing was a little doubtful whether Luo Ming could really see her, she nodded.

This was the third time she saw Misha.

When she entered the Dream Hotel before, it was Misha who led her through the corridor of thoughts and came to this golden moment.

Huang Quan followed Luo Ming's gaze, with a hint of thought in her eyes.

She couldn't see any figure, but could feel that some seemingly ambiguous things were there and she couldn't communicate normally.

Luo Ming sent Xing to chat with Misha.

With a smile on his face, he said to Huang Quan:"You came to the golden moment, do you have anything to do? Do you need help?"

"No." Huang Quan shook her head and said,"I heard it's quite lively here, so I just took a look."

After saying that, she thought of something and continued,"The robin is still in the guest room........"


Luo Ming coughed violently twice, interrupting Huang Quan from continuing. He greeted him warmly:"That's great, we are also planning to visit Golden Hour again, why don't we go together, so that we can have someone to look after us if we encounter similar things again."

Huang Quan is a top-level fighter.

It would be a pity not to bring him along.

Just now, when he heard that it was a group of masked fools causing chaos, a plan to capture Hanabi emerged in his mind, and he needed Huang Quan, a good fighter.


Huang Quan nodded slightly and agreed without any hesitation.

""Brother, won't you introduce this beautiful sister to me?"

Liuying came over, took Luo Ming's arm, her voice soft and sweet, and looked at Huang Quan in front of her with a faint smile.

Luo Ming felt the soft touch of his arm.

But there was no ripple in his heart.

He smiled and introduced with an unchanged expression:"This is Huang Quan, a very powerful swordsman. We once walked together for a distance because of some fate."

Then he coughed lightly, looked at Huang Quan and said:"This is Liuying, my sister." He silently added in his heart that there is no blood relationship.

"Because of fate......Walked a distance."

Liu Ying nodded as if she understood, and the body that was holding Luo Ming's arm seemed to get closer.

There was no emotion in Huang Quan's eyes, just like a wooden man without a trace of life. Only when facing Luo Ming, or drawing a sword and shedding tears of blood, would some subtle expressions appear on his face.

At this time.

Xing walked back and said to Luo Ming as if reporting back:"Misha and the clock boy have left, where are we going to play next?"

"All you do is play all day long!"

Luo Ming pulled his arm out of Liuying's arms, slapped Xing on the forehead, and said angrily:"As a pioneer, you think about having fun all day long. The reputation of the train group is almost ruined by you!"

Xing covered his head and his eyes widened little by little.

No, buddy~!

This Galaxy Baseball Man is provoking you!

You only pick on the weak, right? If you have the guts, hit Liuying on the forehead?

But Xing, who got 100 million credit points from Luo Ming, could only puff out his lips and glare back at him viciously.

"Let's go and do business. With Huang Quan's help this time, no matter how slippery that little goldfish is, it will never escape from our grasp as long as it dares to show its head."

After saying that, Luo Ming quickly walked forward along the street.

Xing Ji was not fond of beatings, and immediately followed him quickly when he saw that something interesting seemed to be going on.

Huang Quan held his long sword tightly and followed Luo Ming silently.

Liu Ying looked at Huang Quan's back.

Then she looked at Luo Ming, who was walking very fast and seemed to be hiding from something. Her nose wrinkled, and she felt an indescribable annoyance.......

"Is this the place?"

Luo Ming stopped in front of a tavern, listening to the lively sounds inside, his expression looked a little amused.

This tavern was where the Masked Fool gathered at golden hour. What he liked to do most was to get passers-by to drink, get them drunk, and then have fun watching them behave in all kinds of ugly ways. The chaos on the street before was related to this incident.

""Rush in and start fighting!"

Xing took out a baseball bat and hid it behind her back, her face full of excitement, as if she was eager to try.

Luo Ming didn't bother to pay attention to her and strode into the tavern.

The noisy voices inside stopped instantly, and more than a dozen eyes looked over at the same time.

Seeing that someone actually took the initiative to walk in, they were all stunned for a moment.

"You are the Masked Fool?"

Luo Ming's eyes swept across and fell on a tall man with a slicked-back hair, who seemed to be the leader of this group.

"That's right." The man with the slicked-back hair came up to him with a smile,"This brother looks a little unfamiliar. Is this your first time to get drunk in our pub?"

Luo Ming smiled and shook his head.

Behind him stood Liuying, Huangquan, and Xing, who blocked the door tightly like bodyguards.

"You should know Hua Huo, please contact her, I have something to ask her."

Hearing Luo Ming's attitude, the smiles of fun on the faces of those masked fools became even thicker?

Looking for Hua Huo?

This guy is really not afraid of death. Even the people in their tavern rarely dare to deal with Hua Huo.

Seeing these masked fools showing such expressions.

Luo Ming shrugged,"I heard that you have been asking passers-by to drink for fun these days? To be honest, compared with Aha, your fun is really too low." The big back haired man asked curiously:"Then how can we not be low?"

"Simple. Luo Ming pointed his chin at the street lamps outside the door and said,"I will catch all of you and hang you on the street lamps. I will bet whether Hua Huo will save you out of consideration for our friendship. This will be a lot of fun."

As soon as he said this, the smiles of the dozen masked fools in the tavern all faded.

As they looked at each other, a dangerous light gradually flashed.

"Boy, you dare to come to the tavern to cause trouble, do you think I'm giving you face!"

A man in flowered shorts threw his wine glass and stood up, staring at Luo Ming fiercely.

The other masked fools also surrounded him with unfriendly faces.

In their opinion, Luo Ming, a little white face, and three weak women dared to come to the tavern to cause trouble, which was no different from seeking death.

Luo Ming's smile became even more intense.

Without turning his head, he said:"Xing, close the door."

Xing turned around and pulled down the big iron door without saying a word. After a while, bursts of ping-pong sounds came from the tavern, and one wailing and begging for mercy after another.

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