
Luo Ming stood up from the sofa, walked towards the rapidly ringing phone, and said with a smile:"It's okay, I'll check the room surveillance later. If I find out who did such a cruel thing, I will definitely strip him naked and hang him up and beat him!"


Sanyueqi was so frightened that she shuddered and looked around in panic. She didn't remember that there was a surveillance camera in the room?

At this time, the Yuehua long sword flew over, making a buzzing sound, as if saying:"Yes, I am the surveillance camera!"

In front of the coffee table.

When the robin saw Luo Ming coming, he smiled lightly, stretched out his snow-white soft hand, picked up the phone and handed it over. His manners were elegant and pleasing to the eye, making people feel relaxed and comfortable inadvertently.

Luo Ming nodded at her, took the phone and put it to his ear, and suddenly, a voice with a strong western cowboy flavor came from it.

"Long time no see! Are you having fun in Pinoconi - Huang Quan!"


Although Luo Ming had never seen this Sea Patrol Ranger, he still recognized Potio's very distinctive voice.

After Huang Quan came to Pinoconi, he called himself a Sea Patrol Ranger, and seemed to have a big conflict with the real Sea Patrol Ranger - at least that's what the latter thought.

After all, Huang Quan is a top-level Void Commander. If someone really had an irreconcilable conflict with her, then the other party would probably have been annihilated into the most basic particles long ago.

"Although I don't know who you are and what you are planning, my bullet will find you soon - before that, you'd better find a coffin shop in Pinocchio and ask the boss to leave a good quality one for you, a fake one."

Luo Ming said in a calm tone:"Who are you?"

A surprised voice came from the other side:"Huh? A man? Did I call the wrong person? Holy shit, who are you?"

The last question sounded aggressive and arrogant.

Luo Ming chuckled:"The person who can blow your head off with one punch"

"Wow! Not bad, I like this kind of tough guy. Are you the bodyguard of that fake guy? Or someone else? Never mind, I will also save a bullet for you, just clean your head and wait."

"Quite arrogant, but, Huang Quan? Are you talking about the purple-haired woman holding a long knife? Sorry, she has been killed by me, you have no chance."

Hearing Luo Ming's words, the other party was silent instantly, as if shocked, and said in disbelief after a moment:"Fuck your legs! What kind of cosmic joke are you playing! That fake is ridiculously strong, can you kill her! ?"

"Believe it or not." Luo Ming seemed to be a little interested:"But what do you mean by a fake? Before she died, she seemed to say that she was a sea patrol ranger."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I'll be at Pinocchio soon. I'll go buy a bottle of Asdena White Oak, warm it up, toast you a glass, and answer your question in person."

"The man who can kill Huang Quan! What a treasure! I can't wait to see who you are!"

"Okay." Luo Ming raised his lips,"Leave me your contact information, I'll be waiting for you at Pinocchio.""

"no problem!"......

Seeing Luo Ming hang up the phone, San Yue Qi finally spoke:"Who was that person just now? He was actually chasing Huang Quan?"

Although she had never seen Huang Quan take action, she could tell from the aura that he accidentally emitted that Huang Quan was definitely an extraordinary strong man. Since the foul-mouthed person on the phone was able to chase Huang Quan, didn't that mean he was at least a strong man of this level?

"His name is Potio, a sea patrol knight."

Luo Ming explained simply,"Huang Quan borrowed the identity of a sea patrol knight, and probably had a conflict with Potio because of this, so this guy came all the way to Pinoconi, wanting to seek 'revenge' from Huang Quan."

The sea patrol knights belong to the hunting camp, and one of the terms for hunting is 'revenge'.

This group of people are destiny travelers who embarked on the hunting journey on their own. Compared with the Xianzhou Alliance, it is probably the relationship between biological and wild.

The Xianzhou Alliance has been blessed by hunting, and there will always be seven quotas for orders, and they can be passed down and replaced. For example, Jing Yuan inherited the 'God Lord' from the previous general Teng Xiao, thus possessing the combat power of the order level and becoming the new Luofu general.

As for the sea patrol knights, there is currently no information about the existence of the order.

But their achievements can be said to be resounding throughout the world. First, with the help of the chaos created by the remaining insect swarms, they assassinated the destruction order envoy, the extinction lord Zhu Luo , the current Xing Xiao is the Destruction Envoy who became after Zhu Luo's death.

Second, the Thirteenth Legion of Gaius, the 'Tyrant', the successor who thwarted the will of Emperor Rupert.

Third, when the Genius Club #64 Dr. Original tried to implement the Atavism Plan on Wengwak, it was the Patrol Ranger who stopped the plan and protected the Forest of Ten Thousand Trees.

Thinking of this, Luo Ming suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Among all the known star gods, the Patrol is the most generous. It will open up the power of destiny without reservation and create seven powerful Envoys. At the same time, it is also the most biased. Except for the Immortal Boat Alliance, there is not even a single Envoy in other places. As for how Potio called here, it was the work of Constance, who pretended to be the heir of the Grand Duke of Hellfire.

She is very likely to be a strong person who remembers destiny, and is another more extreme faction in the memory camp-the Incinerator

"I see......"

March Seven nodded. The sea patrol knights had a good reputation in the universe. They admired Lan's fighting violence with violence, praised Lan's decisiveness in killing, and believed that the kindness and justice of the universe must be upheld through personal behavior.

Therefore, they formed a group of chivalrous knights, walking on the hunting path, going to one planet after another, upholding justice for the local people, hunting down evil, and embarking on a new journey.

Later, because they thwarted Dr. Original's atavism experiment, they developed a deep hatred and gradually faded out of the galactic horizon.

Suddenly, March Seven thought of something and said hesitantly:"Just now, why did you say to kill Huang Quan? Wasn't she in the dream world with you?"

"What do you think?"

Luo Ming smiled, showing his white teeth.

Although Sanyueqi's brain was not very bright, he had been reminded to this extent and quickly understood Luo Ming's intention.

He couldn't help but feel pity for Potio.

He didn't know how wonderful his surprised expression would be when he was excitedly drinking with Luo Ming, the guy who helped him"solve" his enemy, and was blocked by Huang Quan who suddenly appeared.


Sanyueqi found that Luo Ming's eyes looking at her became wrong.

He became inexplicably nervous and stuttered:"You, why are you staring at me like this?"

Luo Ming looked at her with a smile:"Yuehua, who hit me just now?"

Yuehua flew over with a whoosh, and the scabbard pointed at Sanyueqi like a finger.

Sanyueqi opened his mouth and argued:"This girl wanted to wake you up. Who made you sleep like a pig and didn't wake up? You said it, Miss Robin." The last sentence tried to remind Luo Ming that there were outsiders here, so don't mess around!

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