Topas on the side pondered and said:"Can we mobilize the company's fleet to surround Pinocchio?"

"Don't be in a hurry."

Emerald chuckled,"Let's wait and see the family's attitude. If they still refuse to let us enter Pinocchio, we will have to use strong ships and powerful guns to seek justice for the dead gold."

After saying that, she said with a little curiosity:"This gambler is betting his own life again. Isn't he afraid of losing everything this time?"

"Maybe I have complete confidence, who knows."

Topa played with the topaz in his hand, feeling the power of the Protector in it, and his expression gradually became serious:"We will need to enter the scene soon. I hope that the mission to recapture Pinoconi can go smoothly this time."

Emerald hummed without comment, and then her mature eyes fell on the young figure standing at the key position of the Starry Sky Train in the picture.

Her eyes gradually showed an inexplicable heat.......

"Please welcome Miss Xinghe!"

On the huge and empty stage of the park.

With the sound of gold dust, almost all attention was focused on Xing.

Xing blinked.

Then she showed an innocent smile:"Mom, I'm on TV!"

March 7:"......"

Suddenly, I felt very embarrassed. Whose child is so good at socializing? He is almost a fool!

Walter crossed his arms and his steady voice seemed to be threatening:"Let me remind you that this stage and Xing's identity should have nothing to do with the arrest of the real murderer."

"No, it is related, of course it is related."

Shajin's smiling voice spread throughout Pinocchio;"Otherwise, why would I work hard to gain your trust and invite you all here?"

"Because she is......"

Luo Ming listened to Sha Jin's seemingly reasonable words, but he was thinking in his heart, if it was him who made that blow, would it have a big impact on the follow-up.

At this time, Huang Quan came closer and said in a calm tone:"I found his location, should we take action to get rid of him?"

"Wait and see." Luo Ming smiled and glanced at her,"Shajin needs to die to get the Interstellar Peace Company into the game. We also need to watch the various factions and turn Pinocchio upside down. Only in this way can we see through the fog and witness the only truth."

At this time.

Shajin's voice became grand and ethereal,"Yes, ma'am, the third murder is about to happen, right here, Clark Film and Television Park!"

"A truly spectacular death"

"You, you, you, and you......Everyone is going to die - and it's all because of you, Miss Starcore!"

"You will be here, personally incarnating death."

Xing shook his head:"My energy is not that great."

"Hahaha, don't underestimate yourself. I told you that you have the power to overturn the entire poker table......."

"Let me put it more clearly: I will detonate the star core in you and create a small accident in Pinocchio.’......"

"Bang! The whole paradise will turn into a shattered dream, and then, I will become the navigator of the company's fleet before the family reacts."

Xing was startled suddenly, and subconsciously looked at Luo Ming beside her.

After seeing Luo Ming smiling and shaking his head at her, she was completely relieved.

The power of the star core is indeed very great. When it was in Yalilo, the power leaked alone could freeze the entire planet, including the invading antimatter army.

If the star core in the star really exploded here, it would definitely bring about a big disaster.

But Shajin was obviously bluffing. The cornerstone in his hand could only borrow about one-tenth of the power of the preservation order. After being shattered, the power in it would only be weaker, and it was not enough to detonate the star core in the star.

"Bluffing won't work for us. If you can really do it, you'll have plenty of opportunities."

"Are you betting with me?"

Shajin's tone suddenly became excited,"Okay, then I'll bet with you too. I bet that I can win a great victory and use an unprecedented explosion to prove that the oath of harmony is a complete joke."

Ji Zi shook her head:"You can't do it"

"Of course I can do it, but it's just another gamble"

"I came from the desert of Tsygania. For sixty copper coins, people branded me, put shackles on me, sent me to the rack, and buried me in the sand......."

"But the sun can't kill me, the quicksand sends me to the embrace of the society and the company. Remember, I didn't win once by chance, I never lost."

"Let me share with you a proverb: Sleep is a rehearsal for death. Why does life sleep? Because we are not ready to face death."

"Every night's dream is like going to death, just like you and me at this moment, with the will to die in our hearts, hiding in the dreamland, and death......Will also come in response to our dreams"

"Friends, the game has begun, you can't refuse——"

"——There is no reason and no room"

"The dice has been thrown - are you ready to open your cards?"

The sky darkened in an instant, as if a storm was about to come.

Xing instantly took out the flaming gun burning with the will to protect, and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sky.

Walter had a cane in his hand, blocking the front of everyone.

Even March Seven, whose expression was suddenly frightened, condensed an ice longbow, with a bone-chilling long arrow on the bowstring, ready to attack the enemy that appeared at any time.

The figure of Shajin suddenly appeared on the huge screen, with a strange smile on his face.

"Builder's Bad Stone......Hahahaha!"

Shajin laughed sarcastically and threw a few dice:"Worthless."

Luo Ming looked up at the sky.

Seeing his indifferent look, Sanyueqi beside him said anxiously:"It's already this time, why are you still pretending to be deep? Everyone is in danger!"

"No, I'm just thinking, if a huge amber stone appears in the sky now, will Shajin go crazy?"It

's also the inferior stone of the city builder.

This thing is the protective fire gun that Kliper cast his eyes on Xing and turned to Xing.

Shajin is a gambler who can use part of the protective order to use the power by borrowing the cornerstone. In fact, in Kliper's eyes, he is not in the same league as Xing.

But Luo Ming also knew that this was just to irritate Xing.

He obviously made a wrong calculation. Foolish Xing would not be angry about this at all....Unless you stop her from looking through the trash cans

"I'll bet......"

"I'll gamble......"

"I'll win......"

"I let fate play with the wheel, risking everything, and finally surviving after a life-or-death struggle."

In the thick golden light that represents preservation, a huge figure slowly descended from the sky, and the sound coming out of his mouth was exactly the sound of gold dust.

As the huge figure grasped the broken gold dust in his palm, a powerful force instantly swept out, spreading wildly like a wave.

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