Gallagher took a step forward and looked directly at Sunday:"I admire you, but so what? Does this prove that I killed your sister and those innocent visitors?"

Sunday gritted his teeth and spoke word by word:"This proves that you and the memory domain meme 'death' are birds of a feather - that's enough."

He tried to calm his tone, but still couldn't suppress his anger:"Listen, I don't care how you did it.......I only care about one thing, the answer to one question——"

"——You bastard, damned stray dog, why did you kill her?!"

Gallaher looked at him and questioned angrily, his eyes became deeper, as if he wanted to see if he was pretending.

But he quickly shook his head, sneered a few times, and sighed as he passed by Sunday:"Those who are involved are the most confused - people can't see the sand in their eyes, they just know that the sand is there."

With a click.

Gallaher turned on the lighter, and his palm slowly wrapped around the weak but warm flame,"Want an answer? I can give it to you."

He aimed the flame at Sunday, as if watching him burn in the flames,"......All because of that damn destiny."


As the flames went out, a sharp blade symbolizing death pierced through Sunday's body without any hindrance.

At this moment, a terrifying black line burst out from the ground and rushed into the sky in an instant, easily swallowing up the golden light in the sky and the almost endless golden chips.

The gambler who threatened to bet everything also disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace, as if he had never appeared.......

Reality Hotel.

Topa's voice came:"The light of the aventurine disappeared, which only means one result......"

Emerald said calmly:"He fulfilled his promise......Also got what he wanted"

"According to the plan, your cornerstone has been successfully delivered to the family's territory.——"

"——Fulfill our duty and begin to 'harvest'.

Deep in the dream of the event star, another jade stone began to shine.

"I come to see you, I come to add wine, I come to take possession, I give you poisonous wine for nectar, I sow in spring and harvest in autumn, I wait for the branches to be full of fruits"

"All dedicated to......Amber King"......

Deep in the dream.

When Hua Huo saw the terrifying black knife line in the distance, a trace of deep fear flashed in her eyes.

Then, with her hands behind her back, she looked at the elegant rememberer who was chasing her not far away with a helpless and playful look.

"Hey, you are pursuing me so relentlessly, are you in love with me? But I don’t like girls very much. If that guy comes to pursue me, I might agree reluctantly~"

Black Swan elegantly twisted a card with his fingertips, smiling intellectually and maturely,"Don’t worry, he will come to see you in a while."

The smile on Hanabi’s face disappeared instantly.

He looked at Black Swan seriously for a few times, and then his body instantly disintegrated like smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Unreal voices came from all around:"It’s boring, I don’t want to play with you guys, Pinocchio will stage a great show next, I want to hide and enjoy it, and don’t bother me anymore!"

Black Swan didn’t speak, his eyes fell on the cards in his hand.

After a moment, he chuckled, and condensed a transmission channel in front of him. He stepped with his slender and graceful long legs and disappeared into the channel in one step.......

Movie Park.

After a period of absolute darkness, the world was filled with light again. San Yueqi opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. When he found that Sha Jin had disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief."It's finally over. That Sha Jin is too crazy. He actually wants to destroy the entire Pinocchio!"

"He doesn't have the ability yet."Luo Ming smiled and shook his head.

Xing's eyes were on the ordinary-looking black long sword at his waist, and she was very envious.

Seeing this, Luo Ming directly threw the long sword to her.

As a result, Xing jumped back in fright, watching the long sword fall to the ground with a clatter.

Seeing Luo Ming's puzzled look,

Xing scratched his head and said guiltily:"I'm afraid it will eat me......."

Luo Ming hadn't even taken out his scabbard before, and with a casual strike, he easily destroyed the seemingly powerful gold dust, and even left a terrifying knife mark that looked like an abyss on the sky.

Xing was envious, but she didn't dare to reach out to touch the long sword.

San Yueqi looked at her with contempt.

Then she said to Luo Ming:"According to what you said, there will be nothing for us to do next, and we just need to watch the game between the company and the family?"

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