Luo Ming said seriously:"There are two people there, can't you see?"


The robin opened his eyes wide and tried to look in that direction, but still saw nothing.

"Then you come closer to me, you should be able to use my power to sense their presence."

After hearing what Luo Ming said, the robin almost did not hesitate, just because of strong curiosity, and moved closer to Luo Ming with its soft and white body.

Now the two of them were almost close together, and he could clearly feel the warmth from the girl's body and the refreshing body fragrance.

"But this......Or is there nothing?"

Just as Robin asked the question, she saw Luo Ming move and hold her hand directly, and then a wave of warm energy came.

The next second, her vision changed a little, as if she could capture the slightest fluctuations in this world. Two vague outlines gradually appeared on the empty space that had nothing before.

"It turns out that Mr. Luo Ming did not lie to me."

The robin thought to himself, but did not let go of the little hand that was held.

Luo Ming held the robin's soft little hand that was like a peerless jade, and could not help but admire that she was worthy of being a world-famous female singer of the Tianhuan tribe.

His eyes could not help but fall on the robin's pair of slender and straight legs wrapped in holy white silk, and his heart gradually rose with anticipation.

At this time.

Walter in front looked at the watch boy beside Misha and asked politely:"......This person next to you is......"

The clock boy said happily:"Tick-tock! Old friends and new friends, let's high-five!"

Xing looked at Walter suspiciously:"Uncle Yang can see it? It turns out that you are still childish!"

Uncle Yang ignored her and asked after thinking for a while:"Who are you?......"The Secret Cause of the Memory Domain?"

Misha smiled and shook his head, introducing:"No, Clock Boy is my good friend, and our home is here."

"By the way, how did the guests come here? Logically speaking, this dreamland should not be open to the public.......Could it be Mian Mian?"

Walter confirmed:"You said, this is your home?"

"Yes, I will go home after finishing my work in Meimeng. The transportation was quite convenient before, but since we can no longer travel freely, it has always been Mianmian who takes people back and forth between the two dreams."

"Who is Mian Mian?......Can you describe its appearance?"

At this time, Luo Ming reluctantly let go of the robin's hand, walked over and said:"It is the 'What Towards Death' in the family, a metaphor for conspiracy and death.’"

Xing widened his eyes in surprise:"You call such a fierce monster Mian Mian?"

Misha scratched his head embarrassedly:"Mian Mian only looks fierce, but she is actually very obedient. It is Gallagher who has been taking care of Mian Mian."

"And Mian Mian does not bring death, it is just more fierce, and sometimes it will bring back innocent passengers by mistake, but it will never harm anyone."

Walter asked:"Then may I ask, has it brought back any guests in the past two days? In fact, we are investigating a missing person case in a beautiful dream."

"So that's it......Then you should talk to Gallaher, but he is receiving visitors from the Oak family and specifically asked everyone not to disturb him."

Walter nodded and continued to ask:"We are also looking for the lost companions, the red-haired woman, and there is a pink-haired girl next to her. I wonder if you remember them?"

Misha thought for a moment:"Well, that's all.......But please rest assured, Liumeng Reef is not big, nor as prosperous as Meimeng, but the security is first-class."

"How about this! Since this is your first visit to Liumeng Reef, I will be your guide and take you to find your companions first, and then go to see Gallagher."

Walter nodded and thanked him:"Well, it's better to obey than to be respectful."......

Led by Misha, the group headed towards the depths of the Dream Reef.

After arriving in this dreamland, things finally became clear. Walter breathed a sigh of relief and said,"In this way, the case of Pinoconi's disappearance and death has been solved. It's just that the intention of the mastermind behind the scenes is......It has become even more confusing."

Hearing this, Luo Ming couldn't help but look at the robin who was following him like a well-behaved girlfriend.

The robin blinked:"Mr. Luo Ming, is there anything I can help you with?"

Luo Ming smiled and said,"Nothing, you will see your brother later."


The robin nodded, but he didn't look that happy, and his emotions seemed a little complicated.

At this time.

Walter looked at Xing and said:"By the way, you mentioned before that you have seen a clock boy that only you can see, right?"

Xing looked at the clock boy next to Misha in front of him, shrugged and said:"That's it, and can't Walter see it too?"

Walter held his chin with his hand and thought deeply:"I always have a strange feeling, could it be that my childishness has also........."

At the end, he looked a little surprised and unbelievable.

He is so old, where does the childishness come from?

Luo Ming coughed lightly:"Maybe men are teenagers until they die!"

Xing looked at him suspiciously:"Aren't you a man?"

Luo Ming was choked and stared at her:"I can see the clock boy."

Xing nodded:"Yeah, I believe it."

Walter shook his head:"Forget it, it's not important, let's follow Misha first."

The three nodded.

Without saying anything more, they quickly followed Misha's footsteps.

At this time, the clock boy who was still by his side before had gone somewhere unknown.......

I don't know how long it took.

After walking through the streets, Misha stopped and said excitedly to a huge and deep"black hole" in front of him:"Everyone, please look! Here you can see the most spectacular view of Liumeng Reef.——"

"Black hole?" Walter folded his hands in front of his chest.���This thing knows the most, but soon shook his head and said,"No, this is an accretion disk formed by the condensation of memory matter. Liumeng Reef is actually built on such unstable memory matter?"

"Huh? It turns out that Mr. Walter also understands mesomadynamics. I was just worrying about how to introduce this big hole to you. In this case, you must have a lot in common with Miss Komei!"

The entire Pinocchio is built on the deep sea memory domain based on mesomadynamics.

And the one who mastered this theory was none other than the surveyor Lazarina, who represented Miss Mirror among the three passengers, and was also the founder of the entire Pinocchio.

Under the leadership of Misha, the four of them came to the fence at the edge of the city, where they could better see the entire mesomatic 'black hole' and witness its vastness, silence, and depth with their own eyes.

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