Led by Mika, the train crew walked towards the cemetery.

At the back of the team.

Luo Ming and Robin walked side by side, smiling and saying,"After seeing this Liumeng Reef, you should have a deeper understanding of Pinocchio, right?"

Robin's pure and flawless face showed a complex expression. He bit his lower lip and nodded gently, saying,"It can be said that it has overturned my understanding of this hometown."

"Since I returned to Pinocchio, my voice has become abnormal, gradually evolving into the torture of losing my voice. I thought it was an accident, perhaps because I had been traveling abroad for too long and was not used to the high-concentration memory environment of Asdena."

"But now it seems that the source is not me. There are things around me that are not in harmony with me. Losing my voice is also one of the signs that the dream is collapsing."

The robin raised his eyes and looked at the fortress that was like the other side of Pinocchio. The exile place covered by the name of death by the family buried the dream of Pinocchio in the past.

"During the time I was away from Pinocchio, the boundaries of the Twelve Dreams continued to expand outward, but whenever I talked about the visions in my dreams, I could always feel that the family heads kept silent. Only my brother was willing to answer......."

Moreover, after arriving here, the robin found that his voice had obviously recovered, which means that the harmony here is more widely spread than in the dream.

The traitor who appeared in the family has abandoned the original belief. In the name of harmony, he took advantage of the weaknesses of human nature and turned Pinocchio into a star of the event who was immersed in an illusory dream.

This is by no means harmony helping the weak with the strong, but forcing the weak. A world that has lost equality is destined not to be favored by harmony, and the voice blessed by Him will naturally not be able to sing.

Luo Ming looked at her, not knowing what to say.

The robin and his brother Sunday have been orphans since childhood and depended on each other. The blood connection is extremely deep.

If she knew that all of this was planned by Sunday behind the scenes, I wonder if she can bear this answer.

"Don't worry, you will be able to see your brother later."

Robin nodded gently. Before the cruel truth was about to come, she found that the sense of security that Luo Ming brought her was so strong and reassuring.......

On the other side, Sunday woke up from a frightening dream, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Gallagher laughed:"Why, you can't stand steadily, do you want me to help you?"

Sunday felt the residual pain in his chest, snorted coldly and said:"I'm not dead?"

"Huh, are you happy?"

"......Tell me where the robin is, now."

Gallagher frowned slightly, and when he was about to speak, he seemed to notice something, looked into the distance, and then smiled:"She is here, don't worry, your sister is safe."

Then he spread his hands and said deliberately provocatively:"If I were you, I would care more about myself at this juncture......After all, there is a bastard standing in front of you who just stabbed you in the chest."

Sunday said coldly:"If you really want to kill me, you don't have to give me a chance to say hello.......Tell me what you mean, watchmaker's dog"

"Humph, you figured this out? No wonder you dared to go against the Dream Master and the four major families. It seems that my choice was correct."


"You know what I'm going to do, and you've seen through my fabrications. There's not much time left, so there's no need to pretend."

"I want to cooperate with you."

Sunday still had no expression on his face:"Why do you think you can cooperate with me?"

"Just based on the fact that the famous robin also chose to stand on this side, plus the clues of a traitor, and the bright future of Pinocchio, can such a special drink satisfy your appetite?"

"I find it hard to believe that a person who is full of lies can tell a few truths.

Gallagher folded his arms indifferently:"It's okay, you don't have to believe me, you should believe......It is the justice in your heart, or ambition."

Sunday closed his eyes for a moment and slowly said:"......Let me see the robin first"

"Good, as you wish, she is here." As the voice came, a young girl came from a distance. It was Liuying who had separated from Luo Ming before and was looking for the mysterious Galah.

Zhou Ri's eyebrows jumped slightly and he gritted his teeth:"What tricks are you playing!"

"Haha, just kidding, I mean, this lady will take us to see the robin, right?"

Liu Ying nodded calmly:"Of course, there is also the Starry Sky Train and me, the person who needs your explanation.......Too many."

Gallagher smiled indifferently:"That's great. Please come this way, honorable Lord Oak. Now all the actors......All are here"......

On a high-rise platform,

Mikael stopped and looked at the three stone cenotaphs in front of him. He said to the train crew,"This is the monument I mentioned before. The names on it are......You should be familiar with"

"Lazarina, and......Tiernan."

Micah raised his head and looked at the tall buildings in the Land of Exile, with deep sadness and memories in his eyes,"In the days when Pinoconi was not yet called the Border Prison, it was pioneering that connected it to the stars. They are all heroes who saved Asdena, and their names should be engraved on the monument of time, not on this small stone."

"But now, the star of the grand event is only a beautiful dream, and the heavy history is like that prison.......There is no trace of them any more."

The robin looked at the tombstone, and the nature of harmony allowed her to easily feel the historical tragedy and sadness contained in it:"Their names are engraved on the tombstone, which means......"

Jizi looked at the train seniors that Pam had asked her to find and whispered,"According to Mr. Mika, they died a long time ago."

Mika told everyone,"Lazarina died in the War of Independence. In order to find out the flow of memory, she drove the shuttle alone into the center of the galaxy and never came back......."

Luo Ming nodded gently. Lazarina is the true founder of Pinocchio's dream world.

"Tiernan was a cowboy who was good at using guns. He was strong and reliable. He led people through the brutal foreign war, but he could not hold on until the day when peace really came."

"Ten years after the war, Pinoconi was caught in internal and external troubles. For Asdena, Tiernan regained his pioneering spirit and led the Tiger Moth family to explore outside the galaxy, but was tragically surrounded by a swarm of insects.......The whole army was annihilated."

Pinoconi once had seven major families.

In addition to the moth, which symbolizes butterflies, the plum family, which symbolizes fruits, was cruelly eaten by the oak family and the clover family during the most difficult period.

March Seven said cautiously:"Although I had expected it in my heart, the stories of my predecessors......It’s still very regrettable."

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