Then, Huang Quan came from the rest car, expressionless and oppressive.

Botio's face changed drastically.

He quickly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Dan Heng, who was closest to him:"Damn it, you dared to betray me!"

Dan Heng frowned slightly. This was the second time he was pointed at by this broken gun.

Pam looked at Dan Heng, then looked at Black Swan and Huang Quan, who seemed to be on the same side of the train, and closed the door without saying a word.

Huang Quan said,"I'm sorry. For some reasons, I was exiled by Pinoconi. Then, with the help of Black Swan, I came to the train out of the family's sight."

Potio raised his eyebrows and said,"What does this have to do with me? I just want to make a few holes in you. Also, why can this broken knife speak, and the voice is so similar to the one who called me before?"

Black Swan stroked the long knife with her soft hair wrapped in black silk and smiled,"This gentleman doesn't seem to have the intention to cooperate. Do you want to help him calm down his irritable mood first?"

Luo Ming, who used the Void Long Knife as a medium and used the power of the Rememberer to let his consciousness descend from Liumeng Reef to here, smiled after hearing this:

"Forget it. He still has a great role to play. According to the temperament of the Sea Ranger, if you attack him, he will definitely become a hedgehog that stabs everywhere."

"Damn it, who are you calling a hedgehog?"

Portio frowned and almost pulled out his pistol.

At this time, Huang Quan took out something and said to Portio,"I pretended to be a sea patrol ranger to enter Pinoconi, just to get in touch with you in this way. After all, the sea patrol rangers' whereabouts are uncertain and they rarely interact with each other."

"Only in this way can I find the real Sea Ranger, and only in this way can I fulfill a long-standing promise and return his relics to their original owner."

Potiou stared at the object with his eyes,"The Bullet Medal, this is a burial item that only heroes who have made great contributions to the Sea Ranger deserve to have, and it is also a symbol of merit and glory. Where did you get it?"

"A bloody sin spirit watching at the edge of nothingness."

Memories emerged in Huang Quan's mind, and he slowly told the few people the deeds of the sea patrol hero.......

Liumengjiao Luxury Hotel.

Luo Ming opened his eyes, but did not rush to get up from the sofa.

Instead, he sorted out the gains from this attempt. The most effective and quickest way to break the Taiyi Dream that enveloped the entire Pinoconi was to rely on the help of the firm will of the Sea Patrol Ranger.

Potio, who shot the Bullet Medal, can be regarded as a relatively important link.

And the bloody sin spirit who watched the void and handed the relics to Huangquan was actually Tie Ernan, who led the"Butterfly" family to leave Pinoconi to seek a breakthrough, but was destroyed by the Zerg, was fortunately rescued by the Sea Patrol Ranger, and finally participated in the assassination of the Extinction Lord Zhu Luo.

He could not embark on the journey again, nor could he return to Pinoconi, his second hometown, and eventually disappeared from the world under the erosion of the void.

Shaking his head.

Luo Ming stood up from the sofa, and then felt that something seemed to be wrong with him.

Looking at Sanyueqi who was pretending to hum a song and constantly peeking at me from the corner of his eyes not far away, he asked suspiciously:"Did you do anything to me while I was sleeping?" Sanyueqi turned his head and said with clear eyes:"No, don't slander me."

"You better be serious."

Luo Ming touched his stomach which still had some temperature left, then walked to the table, looked in the mirror, and almost laughed out of anger.

Nine words were written on his forehead and face: I am a super invincible asshole

"Sanyue, are you childish? You are already an adult, but you still use such childish methods."

Luo Ming didn't know what to say. He raised his hand and wiped it, and the traces on his face disappeared instantly.

Sanyueqi was a little unconvinced:"I think this sentence suits you very well, and it's not me who did it, what are you saying to me!"

"It really wasn't you who did it?"

Luo Ming took a step closer to San Yue Qi.

San Yue Qi was so scared that she took two steps back and said calmly:"Of course not, do you think I have so much free time?"

"Except for you, no one else is so idle."

Luo Ming stepped forward and pushed Sanyueqi, who had no time to escape, against the wall, and said with a smile:"If you act naughty without permission, you will be punished. Spanking or spanking, you can choose one."

Sanyueqi's big blue eyes suddenly widened, and he stuttered:"You......Don't do anything rash, Sister Ji Zi is in the next room. If she finds out, you won't be able to stay on the train!"

"Got it, I'll keep my voice down so Ji Zi can't hear."

Luo Ming didn't give San Yue Qi a chance to speak, he pushed her against the wall, lowered his head, and kissed her rosy lips directly, while his other big hand naturally slid into her pleated short skirt.

""Woo woo~"

Sanyueqi was suddenly attacked, her delicate body tensed up, and she struggled with her two small hands on his chest, but soon she ran out of strength, her face flushed, and she was limply held against the wall by Luo Ming.

After a long time, two reminder sounds rang at the same time.

Luo Ming reluctantly let go of Sanyueqi, then took out his phone and saw the message of Ji Zi's gathering.

Unconsciously, half of the system time had passed, and he had to set off again.

"Let me go......"

In his arms, San Yue Qi panted and protested, her red face looked very cute.

Luo Ming obediently let go and helped her tidy up her messy white shirt and skirt. Finally, he couldn't help it and touched her red lips again, smiling and said,"Don't be so naughty next time, unless......Do you want to try this feeling again?"

Sanyueqi stretched out her hand and pushed him away, spitting and said unhappily:"I am kind-hearted, so I will forgive you this time. If you touch me again next time, I will complain to Sister Jizi and ask her to kick you, a hooligan, off the train."

After that, she turned and went into the bathroom, and soon the sound of running water was heard from inside.

After waiting for a while and making sure that she was okay,

Luo Ming left the room and went to the front desk to meet up with Jizi and the others.

At this time, the Robins brothers and sisters, the train members, Liuying and others had all gathered.

After Luo Ming nodded, he came to sit next to Liuying, took her smooth little hand and said:"I'm sorry, I was delayed because of something."

It is currently known that the so-called watchmaker's legacy is just a false target to attract many factions to Pinoconi. There is no real legacy.

Then Liuying's entropy loss can only rely on the pure vitality contained in the Moon of Plenty.

After the Pinoconi incident is resolved and Liuying's real body arrives, he will take her to the train room and stay there for ten days or half a month without going out, so there is no need to rush.

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