The watchmaker, Ragvok Shar Mikhail, sat quietly in a chair, his eyes closed, holding a dream bubble in his arms, and had already stepped into the endless dream. No sound could wake him up.

"really......The watchmaker is the third nameless guest."

March Seven looked at the kind old man who had fallen asleep, and a feeling of sadness rose in his heart.

Gallagher behind him said in a low voice:"The legacy he left behind is a dream bubble. I guess there is something in it that is only meaningful to the nameless guest."

"After all, when I checked the contents, I found nothing in it.......It's probably some kind of secret code, more mysterious than mine."

Ji Zi nodded,"Let's take a look."

After saying that, she nodded to Xing, ready to let this special unknown guest check what's inside.

Xing naturally took the lead, took a deep breath, calmed down, looked at the watchmaker, and then reached out to touch the dream bubble in his hand.

As her hand pressed against the dream bubble, the thick memory force gathered, and then stretched out to the surroundings with the fingertips as the center, as if weaving a fine net, gently supporting the palm of her hand.

A coolness came from the fingertips. According to the previous experience in the Dream Hotel, along with this touch, there should be all kinds of colorful and complicated memory phantoms.

But this time, Xing saw nothing.

He took a deep breath and tried again a few times, but it was still blank, nothing was seen.

In other words, this is an empty dream bubble.

After telling everyone this news, San Yueqi was stunned and asked subconsciously:"Is there really nothing in this dream bubble?"

Xing gave a positive answer.

Ji Zi was silent, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Gallagher snorted,"It is true."

Several people looked at him at the same time

"He always has an inexplicable confidence in Wumingke. In his arrangement, development always has a place. I don't know where this confidence comes from.......While he was alive, he never managed to contact the train"

"I have never understood what this old man is thinking, but this empty dream bubble is really in his style, full of nonsensical illusions.......and incredible romanticism"

"Old Naughty Boy......"Gallagher closed his eyes, feeling a little disappointed:"I didn't expect him to have any tricks up his sleeve."

"Don't worry." Luo Ming looked at Ji Zi and said,"As a pioneer, if the watchmaker has left any tricks, they must be related to the pioneering."

"Just as Mikhail believed in the unknown guest of the future, the train will also unconditionally believe in the unknown guest of the past. The three predecessors are willing to dedicate their lives to the land they love, so how can they leave in a hurry with regrets about the future."

Ji Zi nodded seriously:"Yes, this dream bubble must have content, but we haven't figured it out yet."

After speaking, he looked at Gallagher:"You are the same when it comes to believing in the watchmaker, right?"

Gallagher did not comment:"I am a guy who believes in the mysterious destiny. The philosophy of life is not to believe in anything."

"......So I also understand what faith means to Kaituo, and I also want to know what he left behind. Ha, it's up to you guys."

Ji Zi pondered for a while.

He made up his mind:"Please lend me your pet. I need to go back to the golden hour and go to the dream store to confirm some things.......For Mikhail and for the future of Pinocchio"

"Are you going to see Dr. Edward?"Luo Ming guessed Ji Zi's intention

"Yes, Dr. Edward knows the most about dream bubbles. Maybe we can get some clues about this empty dream bubble through him."

"Then there is no need to trouble Mr. Gallagher, I will take you there."

Luo Ming came to the open space, closed his eyes and sensed for a moment, then raised his hand to open a deep passage.

After seeing this, Gallagher couldn't help but said:"With your ability to travel through deep dreams at will, you will never be discovered by anyone if you pretend to be a rememberer of Liuguang Yiting outside."

Luo Ming smiled.

Then he said to Liuying:"You wait here for a while, I will be back soon"

""Okay." Liuying nodded obediently.

Xing said she wanted to go together, but Luo Ming ignored her and took Ji Zi into the transmission channel and disappeared.......

Golden moment.

The Robins and Walter came back here, and Sunday looked a little unwell.

Walter had a good grasp of the ways of the world, and said to Sunday:"Mr. Sunday has worked day and night for the Harmony Ceremony, but now he has encountered such an accident. Even if the problem of the star core is not trivial, it is still a bit embarrassing."

Sunday smiled and said:"It doesn't matter. The Harmony Ceremony was originally intended to enhance the happiness and harmony of the galaxy, but now that we know the truth, we should stop it in time."

Robins also said sincerely:"It has always been the wish of our two brothers and sisters to make everyone happy.......Therefore, we will try our best to persuade the dreamer. As long as we explain the whole story, the dreamer should be able to understand."

"Even if the negotiation results are not satisfactory, I will refuse to appear on stage. Without a tuner, the chorus will not appear, and the ceremony will be nothing more than an ordinary performance."

Walter nodded:"Seeing that the two of you are so determined, I am relieved."

"By the way, we have never had any contact with the Dream Master when we came to Pinoconi. I have heard of the heads of the five major families, but I have rarely heard of this Dream Master."

Sunday explained:"The Dream Master rarely appears in public, and it is difficult for us to see him, but this matter is of great importance, and he promised to come in person to discuss with us."

The robin also smiled and said:"Mr. Walter may be the first guest to meet with the Dream Master in recent years."

Walter nodded seriously:"I hope we can come to a conclusion.���A conclusion that satisfies everyone"

"Yeah, I hope so."Sunday put one hand behind his back, and there seemed to be some other meaning in his words.

Soon, Sunday and the robin left, and they needed to prepare for the interview first.

And Walter was waiting for news here.

On the way, the robin and Sunday met a Pipisi who sold all his property, lived a life of luxury in this dream, and drank all day long.

He gave up everything in the real world and was always immersed in dreams. He had no suffering, no need to worry about tomorrow, and could do whatever he wanted.

The robin looked at him, his will was blurred, and he was drunk and burping.

There was a hint of doubt in his tone. Is this really living?

No matter how sweet a dream is, it is an invisible and intangible illusion, but it is regarded as the only choice for survival, and even gives up the future in reality for this.

Facing his sister's doubts.

Sunday's eyes were calm,"But in my opinion, this is the way ordinary people should live."

"......Why do you say that?"The robin stared at his brother in a daze. Although he didn't believe it at all, the idea of the traitor became clearer and clearer in his mind.

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