Misha looked at the clock boy tenderly, as if he was looking at his younger self in the clock room,"Yes, I did say that......."

"So now, it's your turn to decide your next stop"

"Next stop?"The Clock Boy seemed a little confused."Where should that be? I always follow you......."

"Misha? What's wrong with you? You look so strange today! If you are unhappy, we can do the clock trick as usual."

Misha smiled and said,"No need, I am not unhappy. As for the clock trick, yes, in this dream it seems to be able to solve all problems."

"So do you know what the clock trick is?"

"What is it? I don't know." The Clock Boy shook his head.

Misha said softly,"Everyone gets lost sometimes, hesitating and not knowing which direction to go. It exists in this dream and also exists anywhere outside of the dream."

"But don’t be afraid, just as people feel confused, at some point they will make up their minds and make a bold and amazing decision."

"Whether they are calm, happy, angry, or sad, all they need is a little push, and then they can take a step forward and move forward to their own future."

Misha looked at the clock boy,"I leave this little power to you, and hope that you can bring it to more people......."

"This is the trick of the clock, called the will to explore."

The clock boy seemed to realize something, tightly tightened his mouth, and tried hard not to cry.

Misha did smile lightly, walked towards the wheelchair step by step, and then sat on it, holding the hat in his arms, and slowly closed his eyes,"The hands of the clock go round and round, just like people's confusion, troubles, and weakness.......indecisive"

"But in the end, people still have to move forward"

"Just like your pointer, it always points forward"

"My journey ends here. From now on......This is your way."

In the wheelchair, the watchmaker embraced Mengbub and slept quietly there, as if nothing had happened.

The watch boy never appeared again.

With a soft light, the consciousness of several people returned here.

Luo Ming sighed softly, looked at Xing and said,"Go, this legacy should be received by you."

Xing rubbed his eyes, squatted in front of the watchmaker, and took off the hat that inherited the pioneering will.

March 7 approached Luo Ming.

His expression looked very uncomfortable,"Watchmaker, are you really gone?"

"Yeah." Luo Ming nodded and reached out to touch her head,"It's time for him to have a good rest, isn't it?"

"Our current mission is to prevent the watchmaker's hard work from being destroyed by the family traitor."

Xing put away her hat, looked at Luo Ming and nodded heavily. She couldn't wait to blow the traitor's brains out.

"There are still about eight system hours before the opening of the Harmony Ceremony."

Ji Zi looked at Luo Ming,"You seem to have consumed a lot of energy just now, do you want to take a break before continuing?"

Hearing Ji Zi's words, Luo Ming smiled and said,"No, let's go talk to Gallaher now, he should have something to say"


Everyone said goodbye to the watchmaker without hesitation and left the quiet moonlit garden together.

On the way back,

Luo Ming and Liuying walked behind the team and told her the story of the watchmaker.

After listening, Liuying couldn't help but say,"The watchmaker is really......It's so great, the will of the nameless guest is far more romantic than I thought."

After saying that, she looked at Luo Ming with shining eyes,"Brother, can I become a pioneer?"

Hearing this question.

Luo Ming couldn't help but feel ashamed,"Pioneers can, just get on the bus, as for the pioneers who embarked on the journey of pioneering, well, actually I am not one of them now."

"Huh? Isn't my brother a pioneer?"

Liuying looked at Luo Ming with some surprise.

"No." Luo Ming was even more puzzled.

He would go to Xiao Sanyue's room someday to learn from her and ask her how she embarked on the path of pioneering, so that he could follow her path again.

"By the way, where is your body now?"

Luo Ming looked at Liuying and said,"The matter of Pinocchio is basically coming to an end. Why don't you leave the dream now, let your body rush here, and go to the train parked on the star track first?"

"When we have finished dealing with things here, we can go directly to the train and try to treat you."

Luo Ming had mentioned before that he could use the power of abundance to help Liuying relieve her entropy. Now that he knew that the watchmaker's legacy was a 'scam', this was the only way to help Liuying.

"No rush."

Liuying shook her head."Sam is my treatment cabin, and it is now in the Asdena galaxy, not far from Pinoconi. It won't be too late to rush over and join my brother after I have dealt with the things here."

"That's fine."

Luo Ming nodded, and without saying anything more, he put his arm around Liuying's slender and soft waist, and slowly followed the team.

Liuying smiled sweetly, leaned against Luo Ming, and squinted her eyes comfortably, like a beautiful crescent moon.

But soon, Liuying's face slowly turned red, and she shyly pressed down the hem of her skirt with her little hands, but she didn't do anything to stop it. She just looked at the people on the train in front of her nervously, as if she was afraid that someone would suddenly turn around.......

Back to the grave.

Gallagher turned and looked at the others,"You came back faster than I thought.......Any results?"

""Yes." Ji Zi nodded,"Now, it's our turn to open up the way forward."

Gallagher snorted,"Now that his last wish has been brought, my last mission is also completed."

"However, don't think I am being harsh. It is good to have fighting spirit, but the road Mikhail has left for you is not an easy one......."

"Otherwise, why would he fall asleep in loneliness and bet everything on you, a group of future unknown guests?"

After saying that, he smiled,"But there are more of you, so you have a chance to lose more slowly."

March Seven was speechless,"You are quite good at encouraging people."

Ji Zi pondered for a moment and said,"In my opinion, it is definitely not enough to rely on Walter's participation in the negotiations. Regardless of whether the other party will comply, the negotiation itself only creates an opportunity for us to compete with the other party and cannot bring any advantage."

"Pinoconi is the opponent's home court, and we have very few chips available. Instead of waiting for death under the family's blockade, we should choose to take the initiative to attack."

"We are familiar with the characteristics of the star core, and as the core of the stable dream, the star core is vital to the family. If we touch the core interests of the other party, they will definitely counterattack in a hurry.......And haste means a flaw."

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