Liuying heard Jizi's self-introduction so openly, and whispered with some concern:"Really don't need to hide your identity?"

Sanyueqi smiled awkwardly:"It's impossible to hide it, all Pinocchio is covered with our posters......"

Then he added:"But it is precisely because everyone knows the Starry Sky Train that the family dares not act rashly!"

Xing did not hesitate when he heard it, and said to the camera seriously:"Hello everyone, I am the Galaxy Batman, and the one next to me is the camera."

March Seven was immediately so angry that she jumped up and down:"Oh! Don't call me by my online name in public!"

Then she coughed lightly and waved to the live camera with a smile,"Hello everyone, I'm March Seven! An ordinary girl who likes adventure everywhere!"

Liuying said:"Hello everyone, I'm Liuying, um......She is also an ordinary girl who likes adventures everywhere."

Then everyone looked at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming shrugged and introduced:"Luo Ming, a non-staff member of the train, and an ordinary girl who likes adventures everywhere."

"You've had enough!" Sanyueqi glared at him unhappily.

Liuying couldn't help but smile, with curved eyes, looking very cute.

Aideen nodded,"It turned out to be the Wumingke group! The final match will be wonderful! Time is precious, four friends, come with me!"

After saying that, he turned around and led the way to the depths of the venue.

Luo Ming and Ji Zi looked at each other, one in front and one behind, and followed Aideen's footsteps in the humming of the audition host broadcast.......

Walking through the audition venue, Ji Zi commented:"This place is really lively......"

Aideen smiled and said,"That's right! This audition venue is a microcosm of that era of possibilities."

Leaving the noise of the crowd behind, the group came to an open platform. What they saw were the landscape buildings with the Suleda logo, which looked very gorgeous, and their ears were filled with cheerful and exciting music.

"Dear anonymous guests, your arrival reminds me of the grand occasion when Pinocchio was first built. At that time, I was still a young boy. I saw the advertisement of the watchmaker and left my hometown with passion to come here to dig the first pot of gold in my life."

Aideen turned and looked at everyone,"One day, I fainted due to heavy labor, and was saved by Mr. Sousa's drink. The sweet taste has been imprinted in my mind since then, driving me to create the current Fenleda"

"The dream-building era is so magical. I miss that era and watchmakers. This hot sand venue was built by me to commemorate that era full of possibilities."

"I sincerely wish you success in the end and become the Pinocchio superstar of the new era! So before the official start of the competition, is there anything else you want to say?"

Luo Ming was thinking, it was the first time he knew that the Hot Sand Hour, one of the twelve moments, was actually created by Aideen.

This also explains why the train group was tolerated to enter the theater on Sunday, because he couldn't interfere with this audition at all.

Just like the metaphorical Clock Boy animation, which can be played on the most prosperous big screen, Clark Films is not something that the Oak family can interfere with and control.

The star of this twelve-hour event is not the one-man show of anyone, even the five major families, but a situation of checks and balances among many capital forces.

Hearing Aideen's question.

Xing took the lead and said solemnly:"Our army will definitely lose!"

"Hahahaha it really is......A pioneer who is always prepared for danger!"

Aideen is indeed an entrepreneur who has built a business empire, and his emotional intelligence is almost maxed out.

March Seven was no longer able to complain about Xing, and quietly walked away from her to avoid being infected.

""Miss Sanyueqi, what about you?" Aideen asked.

Sanyueqi seemed to have rehearsed it countless times, and said enthusiastically to the live camera:"Hello, audience! Next, please enjoy the super Sanyueqi adventure that will refresh the clearance record!"

"Explore the unknown, challenge the limit! You are worthy of being Miss March Seven! What about Miss Liuying?"

Liuying looked at Luo Ming,"I hope to walk to the end of the journey with my brother and reach the ending we long for."

"What a wonderful blessing!"

Aideen looked at Luo Ming and said with a smile:"Where is Mr. Luo Ming?"

Luo Ming instantly felt several eyes on him, his expression unchanged, and said seriously:"We will definitely win the championship!"

"Yes, you are very confident. So, Miss Jizi, what are your expectations for your team?"

The leader Jizi said,"Everyone's safety first."

"Hahaha, what simple and warm words!"

Aideen didn't waste any more time, pointing to the front and said:"There are three levels waiting for you, each of which is related to that era. The first two levels each have two paths for you to choose from, and each path has unique challenges!"

"And in the last level, you will challenge a champion who has been defending the title till now, a popular contestant with noble character!"

"The rules are so simple, do you understand, warriors? Then I declare that the 20th and 23rd Hot Sand Festival sponsored by Suleda Co., Ltd. has officially begun!"

The atmosphere reached its peak as the cannons rang out.

Aideen left here and gave the stage to the challengers.

Jizi gathered everyone and discussed:"The Harmony Festival is getting closer and closer, and we must reach the finish line as soon as possible.......Considering efficiency and safety, it is best to split into two teams."

After saying that, he looked at Liuying and said,"Sanyue and I have only known Miss Liuying for a short time, and we are not familiar with each other yet.......It might be safer for Luo Ming to partner with her, as for Xing, she can choose who to team up with."Liu Ying nodded without any objection, as she was going to team up with Luo Ming in the first place.

Xing looked at Luo Ming and said expectantly,"If I choose to team up with you, will there be any favorability rewards?"

"No, I can go with Liuying, I don't need you as a light bulb."

Luo Ming rejected her coldly, then took Liuying's soft hand and strode forward to challenge the ring.

Xing's rebelliousness was aroused, and after saying hello to Ji Zi, he ran after her.

"Let's go too, little Sanyue."

Jizi took Sanyueqi with her and embarked on another audition.......

Arriving at the platform, the guide who had been waiting here for a long time said respectfully,"Welcome to the first level of the 20th and 33rd Hot Sand Festival sponsored by Su Le Da: Dream Battle! In this level, you can choose between the acting style or the action style."

"In the acting challenge, you need to perform according to three scripts and impress the judges on the spot. In the action challenge, you need to defeat three groups of enemies cleanly and neatly and reach the finish line."

"Now, start your selection!"

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