Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 1086: Change of mind

Star Emperor Tyrant Chapter 1090: People's Mind Changes

?Science Fiction?? Chapter 1090 People's Mind Change Chapter 1090 People's Mind Change Text/Chengxue Words in this chapter: 2516:

It is not that the rumors are credible, but that the people have no strong trust in the imperial government from the bottom of their hearts. The rumors spread so quickly because the line of defense in people's hearts has been defeated.

"In any case, immediately move the troops of the Fenglei Empire from the important defensive positions and monitor them. Otherwise, once Ji Min attacks, they turn to the enemy again, and this battle will be over."

Huo Ming said again.

"No! Once this is done, even if Emperor Fengyu did not collude with Ji Min, then we would force him to turn to Ji Min's side... Ji Min, it must be Ji Min doing something, this rumor must be based on It's really hateful for him to spread it like that!"

Marshal Lin scolded angrily.

Dilemma! There is another dilemma.

Now the army of the Fenglei Empire has also become an uncontrollable factor on the front line, and isolation is not appropriate, and it is not appropriate to not isolate it. It is simply annoying.

The army of the Fenglei Empire is the main force of the current coalition army. There are a total of four hundred legions on the front line. This is definitely a force that can easily be immobile.

If it is isolated and monitored, then how much army will have to be spent on defense? Without these troops, the line of defense will immediately become weaker by a few points, and the advantage will be lost before the war begins.

And if you pretend to trust and just let it go, then once it comes to a critical battle, Ji Min and Emperor Fengyu reach an agreement, these troops turn to the side, who can resist?

"There is a news, I think you must pay attention to it!"

Huo Ming said suddenly.

"what news?"

"A few days ago, Fengyu suddenly jumped over us and made contact with several main generals of the Fenglei Empire. I didn't take it to heart. But now the rumors are everywhere, and the association is so complicated. The meaning of this is complicated. ."

Huo Ming said coldly.


Marshal Lin slammed a fist on the table with an angry expression on his face.

"What is Fengyu doing? When the agreement was made that the coalition army was handed over to me, then I was responsible for everything. How could he get past me and directly contact the generals below, without even saying hello to me, did he do anything? I, the marshal of the coalition forces, look at it!

Marshal Lin was very angry.

But it is understandable

"Marshal, we must prepare early! Your Majesty has died, and the hearts of the people have changed. I am afraid that it is not only the Fenglei Empire, but also other countries..."

Huo Ming did not go on, but his meaning could not be more obvious.

But Marshal Lin couldn't refute a word, because the fact is that the Kuang Lan Empire can become the main body of the alliance at the beginning, relying on the huge strength of the Kuang Lan Empire and the personal charm of the Kuang Lan Great Emperor.

Now that the strength of the Kuang Lan Empire single country has fallen behind the Star Alliance, coupled with the death of the Great Emperor, people's minds have changed, but what Huo Ming said was right.

"Isolated surveillance is definitely not feasible, but it is also impossible to leave it alone. It seems that I must talk to the Great Emperor Fengyu once!"

"This is probably the only way!"

Huo Ming sighed.

Marshal Lin was worried about the situation on the front line, and Emperor Fengyu of the Fenglei Empire had a hard time at this moment.

In the past few days, he never stopped cursing Ji Min.

Ji Min actually modified the video of the two of them talking and made it public. As for what was accidentally leaked, is it possible? That's Ji Min's room, if anyone has this ability, then he will be a big fan.

Feng Yu obviously didn't believe it. He knew in his heart that all this was Ji Min's ghost, to separate him from other countries in the Alliance. Such a blatant separation made him want to eat Ji Min's meat. , Drank Ji Min's blood.

The current public opinion is very unfavorable to him, let alone other countries, even the Fenglei Empire is also talking about him.

And he has been uncertain whether he is on the side of Ji Min or the side of the Kuang Lan Empire.

He has always prepared with both hands throughout his life. He didn't expect that at the most critical moment of his life, Ji Min would force him to make the most direct decision, which made it difficult for him to make up his mind.

Just when his thoughts were still undecided, a close attendant appeared in front of him and said: "Great Emperor, Marshal Lin of the Kuanglan Empire wants to communicate with you!"

"It seems that it is because of rumors, but how am I afraid that you are a marshal?"

Fengyu's thoughts were certain, and he ordered: "Come in!"

"Yes, the Great!"

Soon, Marshal Lin's holographic projection figure appeared before Feng Yu's eyes.

"Dear Emperor Fengyu, we meet again."

Marshal Lin bowed respectfully and greeted him.

"Marshal Lin, now the front line is so tense, you still have time to meet with me, it seems you have something to say, let's talk! I'm listening."

Emperor Fengyu said with a smile.

However, his smile was not very friendly, and he obviously remembered the news that Marshal Lin had given him a castrated version of information.

Marshal Lin was a sensible person, without any emotion on his face, and said flatly: "The Great Emperor Fengyu, your words have a hint of irony. It seems that you are blaming me for what I did before. It is for the sake of the army. For the sake of the alliance, that's why I made the move, and hope that the emperor can forgive one or two!"

"Really? What a decent for the sake of the alliance, but I only know one sentence. Only the truth can be believed. The day when a lie will be exposed."

Emperor Fengyu said with a sneer.

"White lies are sometimes better than the truth!"

"Really? Then you are looking for me today, are you planning to tell me some white lie?"

Emperor Fengyu said sarcastically.

He is constantly attacking at this moment, just to make Marshal Lin mess up his position so that he doesn't need to mention the rumors. He really doesn't want to tell anyone about it now.

However, it is clear that Marshal Lin will not give up easily.

"Emperor Fengyu, let's go straight to the subject! I have also read the recent rumors about you. I believe you will not do such a thing. The Star Alliance must be setting you up, right?"

When Feng Yu's eyes rolled, he understood what Marshal Lin meant. Marshal Lin didn't come to confront him at all, but wanted him to express his support and cooperation with the Alliance, and he gave him a step down as soon as he came up. It's already a lot of face.

If it had been the time when the Owl Patrol was still there and the Great Emperor Kuanglan had not died, Marshal Lin would never have spoken to him like this. He had always done business in an official manner and had an extremely serious attitude.

But now, he most needs a step.

"Of course, I haven't responded during this period of time. That's because there is no need to respond. A discerning person knows at a glance that all this is Ji Min's conspiracy. As the emperor of the Fenglei Empire, how much effort has I put into this alliance , Everyone is visible, and I would never do such a thing."

ps: Recently, readers on other platforms are not easy to find book friends, I will post it again: 94160585

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Chapter 1090

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