Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 221: Father-son relationship

"I don't know what President Chen thinks of me now," Ji Min asked.

"I'm a soldier, so I don't know the situation of President Chen, but I will report the situation that your Majesty gives me feedback. And I also believe that your Majesty will not harm the Lingshen Squadron, because it will not benefit you at all, so I believe your Majesty's words, this must be a good thing the Shi Family has done." The Eighth Merry said calmly.

He knew in his heart that it would not benefit Ji Min from harming the Lingshen Squadron, and it made him a star thief. According to the investigation, all the wanted star thief were in the Second Heaven Empire. , Now that everyone is in an important position, how can such an achievement be achieved by a group of despicable people.

Moreover, it was only one side of the Shi family to say that Ji Min and others killed Chen Lin. Time has proved that Shi family is also a rebellious insurgent, and it is not a fuel-efficient lamp at all.

"Brother Fengliu explained that it is naturally the best thing. I say this today because I will take action against the Shi family. I hope the Federation will not interfere with me. I will thoroughly announce the planting of the Shi family back then." Ji Min Said cruelly.

He has made all the preparations. There are too many things to do when he comes to Earth. He doesn't want to keep his name on the top of the Federal Wanted List. Although this thing has little effect on him today, it can be attacked. The Shijia’s prestige matters, but he never refuses anyone.

"Please don't ask your Majesty to think twice"

Hearing what Ji Min said, the eighth romantic face changed. Now this is a critical time when so many forces have come to the earth. If Ji Min moves at this time, he will start a bad head. If there is revenge, there is Injustice, and if this goes on, this Human Alliance Assembly will not be able to open again.

"Your Majesty, please give the Federation a face. At this time, forbearance. After the Alliance Assembly is over, you can do whatever your Majesty does, but you can't do it before the meeting. This will make the meeting impossible." Eighth Merry persuaded.

Ji Min thought about it. Although Shi Jia's teeth were itchy in his heart, he also understood the importance of the matter. At present, the first priority is to destroy the robot.

"Very well, I will give you the face of Brother Merry, I won't do it before the meeting," Ji Min promised.

"Okay, since your Majesty has agreed, then I am going to leave. I have other things to deal with."

The eighth romantic sigh of relief began to say goodbye. Today, he did not intend to have a deep conversation with Ji Min. It was enough. He already had a general impression of Ji Min, and the purpose of this trip had been achieved.

Seeing that the Eighth Merry has the intention of leaving, Ji Min no longer forced to stay, got up to send him away, when he left, Ji Min sent a word from the Eighth Merry, "Beware of iron madness."

The Eighth Merry didn’t know why Ji Min said so, but he still remembered it. He didn’t know, he was already very convinced of Ji Min before he knew it. He subconsciously believed that what Ji Min said was inevitable. There is a reason.

After sending away the Eighth Merry, Ji Min began to invite Ran Qin to discuss the experiment.

However, at this moment, on the other side of the villa, Ji Ying was completely nervous. The problem she worries the most has appeared. The Emperor Bu of the Qingyang Empire is about to come to the earth in person.

Let’s not talk about the ten thousand years of their hearts, they are their looks. If they are placed in the two star regions of the Federation, naturally no one has any ideas, but when they sit at the same table when they are in a meeting, then everyone will want to bend. , They are so alike, this seven-point similar face will definitely arouse the association of all participants in the first time.

As for what would happen to them personally, Ji Ying didn't dare to think anymore.

But Ji Ying couldn't find a way to avoid the scene before him. First of all, she couldn't interfere with Uncle Bu's departure, and Ji Min was also here to participate in the Human Alliance Conference, and they would definitely meet.

And once they met, what kind of chain reaction would happen, Ji Ying felt terrified just thinking about it.

This news was passed back to the Rainbow Star Territory, how the Lane family would be silent, and Ji Min’s reaction, Ji Ying is even more unimaginable. She knows that Ji Min hates her parents faintly. If their relationship is clear at this moment, Even if Ji Min made a big fuss in the meeting place, Ji Ying would not be surprised if he didn't attend the meeting.

Because she knows Ji Min, many times Ji Min looks very big-picture, vigorous and vigorous, but that refers to the situation where he is an outsider. Once he is in the middle of the game, he will behave very well. It is fragile and irritable. Once this time comes, he will not care about the occasion and cause trouble. After all, he is only 19 years old. He is not one of those old men who have been in politics for decades, or is to kill his father and enemies. In front of them, they will also consider whether revenge is worthwhile and whether there is a better way to deal with it.

After thinking about it, Ji Yingsi decided to meet the emperor of the Qingyang Empire, because she knew that compared to Ji Min, Uncle Bu had to be able to better control her emotions. At least, even if this happened, she had to control it. Within a certain range, must not let more people know, otherwise it will definitely cause the Qingyang Empire to be unstable.

Ji Ying ordered several subordinates to take good care of Xiao Lin, and then left the villa alone and walked out.

Halfway through, a police car with the Federal Police on standby came to the villa of the lower tower of the Qingyang Empire. This area was the area where various forces were stationed, and the distance was not too far.

Through the announcement, Ji Ying soon saw Uncle Bu leaving in a study room.

When she saw Uncle Bu was leaving, Ji Ying felt a pain in her heart. The king who had lost her only flesh and blood was much older than when we met last time, but he was only half a hundred years old, but he was already whitening his temples, even if he was eating. The delicacies of the mountains and seas can't make up for the inner damage, and people are becoming increasingly emaciated.

"Xiaoying, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. I’ve wronged you. I’ve been lurking in the Second Heaven for so long. Last time you contacted them, the emperor promised to form an offensive and defensive alliance with us. It did a great job. If you want, I will let you come back. In the past few years, Ah Zhu has lost you, and she is not used to it."

Uncle Bu said with concern.

Ji Ying was very moved. This is the charm of Uncle Bu's departure. If it is another emperor, he may not remember a servant, but he not only remembered Ji Ying, the maid next to the queen, but also her. Share what you have done, and praise it without hesitation.

For the subordinates, a simple care from the superiors can buy people's hearts more than anything else.

Ji Ying knew that she shouldn't stay long, and said directly: "Your Majesty, the courtiers have important information to report here, please leave without anyone else."

Ji Ying said so clearly, the people serving in the study suddenly looked towards Uncle Bu to leave.

Uncle Bu Yili nodded, and soon there were only three people left in the study. In addition to Uncle Bu Yili and Ji Ying, there was also a handsome young man. This man was expressionless, with a dull face, and seemed right. I didn't care about anything, watched my nose, lowered my head, and didn't know what I was thinking.

Ji Ying stared at the man in a daze. Why didn't he go out secretly, but he saw the emperor explain: "If you have anything to say, this is Uncle Bu Chengxue. My family is a cousin of my collateral family. Now I am following my experience. , Absolutely one's own person."

I heard that Uncle Bu was about to say this, but Ji Ying still didn't say anything. It was not that she was stubborn, but the news was related to the safety of the entire empire. No matter how loyal people were, they should not share this information.

Seeing Ji Ying's stubborn face, but he didn't speak, Uncle Bu asked to leave coldly and said: "Chengxue, you go out"

Although he was ordering to ride the snow, the impatience in his tone pointed to Ji Ying. From the perspective of Uncle Bu Yaoli, what information Ji Ying can give is nothing but some things about the Second Heaven Empire Ji Min, although it is very important, But Ji Ying's affiliation at this time is a bit overdone, and it is a bit of a merit to invite awards.

The order of the name and the number of steps to be separated, the number of steps Chengxue finally raised his head, the extremely handsome face actually made Ji Ying involuntarily stunned, such a handsome man is rare, and Ji Ying couldn't help it. Looked a few more times.

"Ji Ying, left the queen three years ago and went to Erzhongtian as a special envoy to help Wang San expand his power. If possible, he would become the star thief king in the Venus Region region, unify the power of the star thief, and act as a foreign aid to the Qingyang Empire. Within a year, the Magic Merchant Star Pirates Group developed well, but they met Ji Min, the Tsing Yi Star Pirate Group. For some unknown reason, Ji Ying and Wang San decided to give Ji Min a lot of help, and then Ji Min rose strongly. After the rise, Ji Min Yi To display his amazing potential, first he took advantage of the chaos to sit on the throne of one of the six star thief clusters during the chaos of the second heaven. Then, during the expedition to the Mo Tie star, he designed all the star thief clusters with a clever trick, and To lay down the Altai Star, take advantage of this to dominate the two heavens, and rely on the resources of the looted Altai Star to develop to the current power, and become one of the top giants of mankind."

Having said that, Uncle Bu stopped in the snow, and then said: "I can go out, but Ms. Ji Ying, shouldn't you explain to your Majesty why you selflessly assisted Ji Min in the first place instead of seizing the opportunity to rise by yourself. To unify the two heavens, if possible, maybe, the current Gange Venus Region is already another territory of the Qingyang Empire."

Steps Chengxue actually said everything about Erzhongtian as well as Jiazhen's, even the uncle Bu Qili on the side changed his face and looked at Ji Ying stunnedly.

Ji Ying knew that if she didn't explain at this moment, she would no longer believe in herself even if Uncle Bu had to leave.

Hearing the step-by-step analysis of Uncle Bu Chengxue, Ji Ying herself was almost taken in, but soon she knew that this step Shi Chengxue was deliberately mocking her, because she knew that without Ji Min’s ability, even the magic quotient The Star Pirates Group does not support Ji Min, and the Magic Merchant Star Pirates Group cannot dominate the Duotian.

Because the potential shown by Ji Min after his rise is eye-catching, and the series of events that followed were planned by Ji Min. Without Ji Min, even if Ji Ying was given more power, she would not be able to dominate the two heavens so quickly.

But she knew that it didn't mean that Uncle Bu wanted to leave. She also understood the intention of Uncle Bu Chengxue. This was counterattack that she wanted to drive him out.

But Ji Ying couldn't explain this question. In fact, this explanation was what she wanted to say today.

"Your Majesty, the information that the courtier said today is absolutely related to the future of the empire." Ji Ying didn't finish her words, but she knew that Uncle Bu had to be able to understand what she meant.

This news is related to the future of the empire. If Uncle Bu wants to believe that he is trustworthy, then there is nothing left to say, but once the news is leaked, she will not be responsible for the consequences.

Uncle Bu was about to leave his face sinking, he also saw that the news that Ji Ying brought today was not simple, the little maid never dared to talk to himself like this in the past.

"Don't worry, you don't actually know that this step number Chengxue is my adopted son. The future patriarch of the Bu family has anything to say but it doesn't matter." Uncle Bu is about to leave this as a confession.

When Ji Ying heard this, she stopped insisting. If she didn’t even believe the heir, what else could she do?

"Your Majesty, the courtier has found the prince" Ji Ying said slowly.

"Prince, what prince?" Uncle Bu asked in doubt.

After being confused for too long, he didn't even think that he had lost his nineteen-year child.

"Your Majesty, I have found your missing child, Uncle Bu Ji Min." Ji Ying repeated again.

"What do you say again?"

This time, Uncle Bu was about to fully understand. It was because he understood that he could no longer sit firmly on the seat. He stood up, his face flushed, and his face was shocked.

Uncle Bu Chengxue on the side also changed his face for the first time. Seeing his adoptive father’s expression of surprise and joy, he understood a lot. It turns out that his adoptive father actually has his own son who is living outside. As it appears, there is only one princess.

But then he understood Ji Ying's prudent reason at the beginning, this news must not be spread, otherwise the news that Uncle Bu was leaving to have his own son spread, and the entire Qingyang Empire would definitely fall into an unimaginable crisis.

The Lane family and almost half of the families that follow them will immediately have a naked-eye gap with the forces on the side of Uncle Bu's family, and it will be difficult for the two sides to cooperate seamlessly.

"Wait for foster father"

Uncle Bu Chengxue interrupted suddenly.

I saw him come to the entrance of the study, opened the door and looked around. There was no one around. Then he opened the door like this, stood at the door and guarded the door. Obviously the news gave Uncle Chengxue a sense of caution. 100% guaranteed safety.

"Hurry up, tell me where is my child, Qiyuxing? Tell me, I will send someone to pick it up immediately, or I will pick it up personally, I won't participate in this meeting."

At this moment, Uncle Bu was about to leave his crazy face, and he was already speaking incoherently.

Over the past decade or so, he has been thinking about his children almost crazy, no father does not like his children, this is a kind of constant blood and blood.

"Your Majesty, calm down." Ji Ying quickly helped Uncle Bu to leave and said: "Your Majesty, your child is on the earth, but you can't recognize it now. If you do, think about the fate of Qingyang Empire. , How many people are caught in the flames of war, how many families will be destroyed, I believe your children do not want you to do this."

Uncle Bu wants to leave Ji Ying's hand and said with a grim expression: "Isn't it the Lane family? My Uncle Bu wants to leave. I have never been afraid of others. If I split, I will split. If the family is broken, the family will be broken. Then how can my uncle want to leave? Since I came into this world, I have never been afraid of anyone. Even my father can't change my decision. What's more, the Lane family, from now on, they don't want to inherit my throne."

Uncle Bu Yili has always been a strong person. From his insistence on marrying Zhu Ling, it can be seen that even if there is no son and the family line is broken, he has never bowed to anyone, even his father can't change him. Thoughts.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Ying has never dared to tell Uncle Bu to leave the news, because she knew that Uncle Bu was about to react as soon as she heard the news.

Now that's the case, Uncle Bu is about to leave the idea of ​​giving up the throne to the Lane family as soon as he heard that his son is still alive. The best things can only be left to his son. This is Uncle Bu's idea to leave.

"Your Majesty, think about it now that you recognize each other now, your child will be in danger" Ji Ying had to say again, at least she had to give her uncle to calm down.

"They dare to where my emperor is, I will pick him up now, and bring him by my side from now on, no one will want to hurt him." Who knows that Ji Ying doesn't say it is okay, so that said, Uncle Bu has to leave. Is nervous.

Seeing that Uncle Bu was about to leave the angry face, Ji Ying had to sacrifice his assassin.

"Your Majesty, he hates you in his heart"

Sure enough, as soon as Ji Ying said this, Uncle Bu calmed down as soon as he left, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to increase.

Uncle Bu was about to sway away from his majestic body, and once again sat on the chair beside him, with a look of self-blame, "Yes, I deserve it. Everything is my fault. I didn't protect him back then. He left it on the street. He has had a hard time all these years, Xiaoying, can you tell me his story."

Seeing that Uncle Bu Yili had calmed down, Ji Ying hurriedly said: "His Majesty dropped the prince in Qiyuxing. He was picked up by the dean of an orphanage, and then he grew up in the orphanage. Later, the dean. The prince was killed by a bad guy and the prince once again lived on the streets. I don’t know what happened afterwards. I only know that after that, the 17-year-old prince joined the army."

"Pity my son, right? What do you mean when he joined the army? Which unit is he in the federal army" Uncle Bu Yaoli asked in surprise.

"In fact, your Majesty also knows this person, I have already said his name just now." Ji Ying said after selling it.

Chengxue, who was sitting at the door, his eyes lit up at the It was clear that he had an idea, but Uncle Bu was about to leave but kept thinking about it. Suddenly he remembered what Ji Ying had just said. Uncle Bu Ji Min"

"Uncle Bu Ji Min, Uncle Bu Ji Min, Uncle Bu, Ji Min Ji Min, Xiaoying, you said it was Ji Min, Emperor Ji Min of the Second Heaven Empire, he is my son.” Steps Chengxue was shocked. Asked incredulously.

"That's right, he has a ten thousand year heart on his body with the word Ji Min engraved on it. He said that this was the one that the dean found when he picked him up and found it on his neck." Ji Ying said excitedly.

Every time Ji Ying said a word, Uncle Bu got excited when she wanted to leave her face, "That's right, it was him, I remembered, Ji Min, it's Ji Min"

Uncle Bu Yaoli quickly picked up the Wannianxin in his clothes and took it out to see that the same Ji Min was engraved on it.

"Okay, okay, it's the son of my Uncle Bu, who is now the overlord by himself, and my father is really happy and proud of you." Uncle Bu Yaoli gently touched Wannian's heart, showing a touching affection. , Tears of joy flowed down in the eyes.


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