Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 435: Are you willing to sacrifice your lives?

Miss Lan's movements were very fast, but there were also a lot of blue granulation. It seemed that Ji Min's heart was full of such granulation, scattered all over the ground, but there was still no sign of ending.

Soon the time for a cup of tea passed, Miss Lan still kept moving, but the high-intensity movements were already exhausting and sweating profusely.

"Miss Lan, are you okay? I can't hold on anymore. This healing liquid is a product of my natal flower and consumes a lot of money." Soon, Dong Luo suddenly cried out.

At this moment, Touro was also sweating profusely, and it was obvious that the liquid that had been continuously produced was a bit overdrawn.

"What's your name? You can't take medicine."

The answer to him was a cold drink

As soon as Dongluo heard this, he suddenly recovered, and quickly took out a pill from his arms and ate it, and suddenly his breath began to show signs of recovery.

"Who's surnamed Lan, I will find you after the money for the pill. Your young master is really troublesome. If Lan Mei was not there, I don't know how he died.

It was obvious that Dongluo had recovered a part of his spirit, and immediately looked for the blue and green clothes to confirm the money. This was the money that was spent for Ji Min.

"No problem, as long as it is for the treatment of the young master, Lan Mou is willing to pay for all the expenses." The blue and green clothes naturally took all of them. Now that Ji Min is in such a crisis, he is naturally willing to spend more money.

"Lan, I like your boldness. After this treatment is over, the city lord will take you to the Wan Linghui to see that you are also quite rich. This time it just happens that you don't have to come here to blame the monster star." Luo smiled.

"Thank you, the lord of the city, Lan will definitely attend when you arrive," the blue and green clothes replied cheerfully.

He doesn't care about what Qian understands or Wan understands now. He just wants to cure Ji Min as soon as possible. As for the others, he will hold Dong Luo first.

At this moment, Xiaolu suddenly said, "The curator, there is no blood."

"There is no blood, isn't there so many people donating," Lan Mei asked strangely.

"The danger line has already been drawn, and it is dangerous to draw again. The remaining blood can only support five minutes at most," Xiaolv replied helplessly.

At this time, Lan Mei, Blue Green Clothes, and Dong Luo realized that before they knew it, Ji Min’s body had already shed blood. There was already a thick layer of blood on the ground, and a lot of blood was fresh. Injected into Ji Min's body, the heart revolves first, and it has flowed out of the wound before it stays in the body for a long time, or the heart keeps rushing out with Lan Mei's movements.

Because Dongluo's non-stop work pushes the blood, the wound on his back will not coagulate at all, the blood has been flowing, and it has never stopped. Ji Min's pants have long been stained with blood and changed color.

Lan Mei kept moving her hands, but she glanced at the blue and green clothes. She didn't need to speak, but the meaning was already very clear. If the blood is not enough, then the operation can only be suspended, and the consequences are beyond her responsibility.

The blue and green clothes were bitter in their heart, but they were extremely firm and said: "Please also Miss Lan and the city lord not to give up, I will deal with the blood."

After that, the blue and green clothes did not delay any longer, and came to the outside hall. There were sixty soldiers sitting awkwardly here. They were all Ji Min’s personal guards, and they had the same blood type as Ji Min. They came to donate blood. Obviously at this moment. They all drew a little too much blood, and each of them paled, leaning on their chairs to rest.

"Mr. Lan, what is going on now, Master?" A guard saw the blue and green clothes coming out and hurriedly stood up and asked.

Blue and Green shook his head.

He looked at these loyal and young beings in front of him, and he couldn't bear it. Every guard here was the most elite member of the entire Double Heaven Empire. Both loyalty and ability were equal, but he couldn't. Did not say.

"The young master's life is at stake, and there is not enough blood. I don't even know how much blood he needs, so I want you to give your life to the young master, are you willing?"

Blue and Green didn’t know how he said this sentence, but he said it just like that, because he knew that Ji Min’s life was more important than all of them. Even if everyone died, they had to let them die. Ji Min survived.

The words of the blue and green clothes shocked all the guards, but no one flinched

I saw the guard who spoke and stopped immediately, "Mr. Lan, let me learn it all. If my blood can be exchanged for a little bit of life for the young master, I am willing."

"Mr. Lan, smoke mine"

"Pick me, I have no complaints or regrets"

"It is my honour to offer the last glimmer of strength to the young master, Mr. Lan, smoke me"

All the guards stood up and rushed forward. There was no timidity in their eyes, only fearlessness and determination. Although they knew that after the last trace of blood was drawn from their bodies, it was their death date, but none of them Retreat. From the time they were selected as Ji Min's guards, they were ready, ready to give everything to Ji Min.

"Good good good"

The blue and green clothes had three good faces. His voice began to become a little sobbing, and his eyes gradually became a little fuzzy. He thought of when he was young, his father concentrated all the strongest people in the country to break through the void and send him out. And face the scene of the Royal God Race army alone.

People are different, but the spirit is the same. His people sacrificed their lives for him, and these guards are about to sacrifice their lives for Ji Min. They are all their own relatives.

At this moment, the blue and green clothes can no longer be as calm as in the past, and his eyes full of wisdom are also eroded by tears. He knows that from this moment, he is a human being, and the second heaven empire is his home, because the people here and his abundance The people of the Blue tribe are just as lovely and awe-inspiring.

The hot eyes of the guards, the blue and green clothes, could no longer look at each other, and turned around and said, "Little Green, trouble."

After speaking, the blue and green clothes returned to the operating room. He knew that if he stayed any longer, he would collapse. He didn't dare to see any of these guards die.

Soon, an endless stream of blood was sent in Each big bag of plasma represents a living life, and the blue and green clothes are staring at Ji Min, and I just hope he can wake up sooner. Come, even if you wake up one minute early, you can save a lovely life.

But God was like deliberately trying to confront the blue and green clothes, Ji Min kept his eyes closed and comatose, but when Lan Mei pierced his heart, he would tremble unconsciously.

At this moment, suddenly there was a noise outside, which even mixed with anger.

Soon, Xiaolu ran in and saw her anxious face, "The master, someone is making trouble and he wants to surrender this young man Ji out, otherwise he will smash our hospital and say that the young man owes him. They haven't paid back the money"

After Lan Mei listened to Xiaolu's words, she didn't express anything extra, but frowned. Obviously, she was very upset.

"Little green girl, I'll go out with you"

At this moment, the blue and green clothes, who were in the dark and there was nowhere to vent, took a step directly and walked out. At this moment, no matter who is making the trouble, he will make the other party pay a painful price.


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