Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 553: Please enter the urn

Ji Min rushed forward as if he was mad. Whether it was a battleship or a mecha, he was violently blown up in front of him, mercilessly.

Behind him are four figures similar to him. They are the four guards of Lengfeng, Lengyu, Lengshuang, and Lengxue. After that, there are countless army of mechas. They follow in the footsteps of Ji Min and kill Ji Min. They will kill wherever they go, fearless and never retreat.

When the battle was not long, Hua Qianyu felt tremendous pressure. The attack power of human mecha was too strong, and the robot mecha couldn't resist it at all. As soon as the mecha couldn't resist it, the warship would suffer.

Seeing messages for help everywhere, Hua Qianyu had cold eyes, staring at the screen, an enemy force was rushing towards the location of his flagship, and all the warships and mechas on the way could not resist. live.

He knew that this was the leader of the human mech forces.

Before he got the news from his subordinates, this person could not resist at all. Other human mechas can still be suppressed by quantity, but this golden mecha cannot be suppressed. No matter how many mechas go up, they will send food. He is not that much. I believe that by looking at the speed of its advancement at this time, I know the leader of the mecha unit is powerful.

And this is naturally his strategy. He deliberately leaked his information in this battleship before, in order to attract the leader of the human mecha force to come over, and then find a chance to destroy him.

"Come on, how is the reserve team preparing?"

"Report to the general. It is ready. Forty super warships, two hundred large warships, and five thousand mechas have been transferred, just to wait for this moment. As long as their leader enters the ambush, he will definitely die."

A smart robot on the side replied.

"Very well, as long as you can kill this invincible leader, the opponent's momentum will inevitably be a devastating blow. As long as we persevere, the human fleet will never persevere. Let the ambushing fleet be prepared and just do it. Yes, I will order Erzhongtian to take a day off and take a day off."

Hua Qianyu understands how difficult it is to extract such a force on the current battlefield. This is almost an act of breaking the boat, so he must summon the fighting spirit of his men, seek victory in defeat, and come to a Jedi counterattack.

"General Mighty"

All the intelligent robots in the command room screamed with excitement, because the second heaven is not an ordinary place. It is the capital of the largest empire of mankind. It takes a day off for a day off. Not to mention the rich and noble people who rob humans, even if they are in person. Going out hunting, the benefits of the evolution stone are also amazing.

With the evolution stone, it means that they have the opportunity to go further. This temptation almost instantly conquered the hearts of all intelligent robots.

Ji Min rushed all the way. As soon as he got the enemy's commander in front of him, he almost rushed to the front left without stopping. If he wanted to defeat the robot army, beheading was the best way.

Humans have sacrificed enough. Although the current situation is slowly leaning towards the Central Army, if it continues like this, even if it is a victory, it will be a tragic victory. The Central Army is also abolished. This is why he insists on going to the front line himself. the reason.

Here only he has the ability to kill the intelligent robot on the spot.

Ji Min rushed faster and faster, he began to abandon some enemies that were blocking the road, went straight to the destination, and gradually started to throw away the mecha led by Chen Hua behind him. Only the four of Lengfeng could keep up. His footsteps.

Soon, a small fleet appeared in Ji Min's eyes.

The battlefield has been completely chaotic. Everywhere there are warships from both sides fighting against each other, mechas are slashing, and stray bullets are flying horizontally. Even the two squeezed together are rare. At this moment, I saw a small fleet gathered together. Ji Min's eyes lit up and he knew that the commander-in-chief of the robot fleet was probably in front of him.

Looking at the other party, there were clearly more than a dozen warships gathered together, and all of them were super warships, but Ji Min's speed did not decrease but increased instead, and he rushed away. No matter what the result was, he had to make a decision and not allow him to consider it.

In the same way, Hua Qianyu also saw Ji Min, looking at the golden armor and the amazingly long sword, Hua Qianyu was excited with a trace of fear, he had never seen such a mecha, but He was so excited when he thought that he would be wiped out soon.

"Wait for him to get closer, get closer, let the ambush fleet hide, don't scare away our prey"

Hua Qianmei stared at the five mechas on the screen fast approaching, and kept conveying orders, for fear that the other party would discover that this was an ambush and withdraw early.

But the ending came to his satisfaction. The other party did not hesitate at all, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and he soon entered the ambush circle.

"The prey enters the ambush, all come out"

With Hua Qianye’s command, in space, after a few large pieces of warship wreckage, two fleets suddenly appeared. The soldiers were divided into two groups and Hua Qianye’s current fleet formed a diagonal force, encircling the three sides. , Ji Min was surrounded in the middle at once.

"Hahaha there are courageous and inexperienced men, now they are in my hands, and they will definitely die"

Hua Qianyu is very excited. As long as the opponent enters the ambush, he is sure to kill the enemy, no matter how powerful the enemy’s mecha or whether it is a new weapon, because no weapon can withstand dozens of ships. A volley of super battleships and hundreds of large battleships.

Such an attack will be detonated even if it is a planet

However, although Ji Min found the enemy's ambush, he was not panicked. He continued to speed up and approach the enemy in silence, faster and faster.

When Hua Qianyu saw that the other party didn't care about the scene of being in, she wanted to get close to herself. For safety's sake, she ordered: "The whole army will aim at the golden mecha and kill him."

Hua Qianyu’s tone contained a trace of regret. He originally thought that the other party would stop when he found out that he was in an ambush, so that he could communicate with the other party, and then humiliate him severely, but since the other party did not cooperate , Then he can only kill.

Following his order, all the battleship’s main guns began to gather energy and aimed at Ji Min. Not long after, hundreds of energy pillars pierced the starry sky and suddenly bombarded Ji Min’s location. There wasn't even a slight explosion, the other party seemed to have been evaporated, and when the aftermath of energy dissipated, nothing was left.

"Hahaha what is invincible, this is not dead, humans think that they have developed a new set of powerful mechas and want to turn the tide of the battle. What a pity, no matter how good a weapon is worn on a brainless person, it is also a waste."

Hua Qianyu laughed completely at this moment. He was not an arrogant person, but at this moment, seeing the leader of the opposing mecha unit has been wiped out, the overall situation of the battle has been set, and the long-term repression has completely erupted at this moment, and he is a little overwhelmed. stand up.


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